There was some issues with the targetting for the Squad. However these have all been fixed. Now if its a spray and pray scenario it still works, but if it isnt, The soldiers act a lot better. They now will shoot more accurately, save their ammo and stop more bugs as a result. For those who know, I speed up each video so they can be watched. However, when I watch them, Im looking at the flow of the combat, the bugs, and the game itself. IMO its almost at the point of BUTTERY smooth. We have tackled the long halls, the tight corridors, and now the open rooms. Anyways, please check out this video on youtube! Its not on INDIEDB yet, and it may never be there. But its a good, short example of how its looking. If you havent already, follow us on INDIEDB :
Maybe I should do a little story for all the manoeuvres your team can co-ordinate. This one would be Hold till arrival and Clear area. More soon
Here are 2 situations where the minigun is escorted to a position. in the top image, 2 soldiers have taken the room. Then the Minigun get there. Next one the Shotgun Soldier is escorting the Minigun through the tight corridors. This is where the minigun doesnt do as well as the shotgun would. Im not sure where they are going. But its safer to go as a team.
would anyone want to see a REAL TIME playthrough? It would be 4x longer but may be better to show how things are playing Let me know please
Here is a new video: Here is the same Video at normal speed: I hope you like
Well, we probably wont make it in before the end of the year. With the approval process to go through and all that. But hopefully soon after, maybe late January. Its close tho
Thanks to TouchArcade for writing about our new trailer! And thanks everyone for checking it out!
New trailer looks great! And DAMN is that ship a dead ringer for the USG Ishimura! Btw, is the dogs of war subtitle a definite mainstay?
Ehh, It depends. Im gonna say that anything and everything is a process... So for now, its there. why what do you think?
So another coat of paint on the (hopefully) last soldier. I painted the female soldier last, last pass. So it was alright when I redid the other ones. But I dunno I was bored or wanted something to destress and was easier. Colouring is part of the job description, part of the resume. However its getting easier and easier and apart from shaky hands and crooked lines its all turning out ok. I havent broken out a ruler yet... Overall things are progressing well. But its another late night. Well, its actually only 9:40 but im pretty tired. Ive been working on the Power couplings all day. *see above I am going to try to write more, here. Any ideas what needs some polish art wise? Maybe some more work on textures or a redo even? I need to work harder... wish me luck
I'm not sure... maybe I'm not fully aware of the lore but I just don't get too much of a war vibe from the game