Deputy Dog Games is looking for new applicants!

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by hardcoregamer, Nov 15, 2009.

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  1. Kunning

    Kunning Well-Known Member

    Aug 30, 2009
    This is still the feeling I get when reading the entire thread: *FACEPALM*
  2. cuestaluis

    cuestaluis Member

    Nov 29, 2009
    Hey man, could you please be a bit less rude? I'm a bit tired of reading flamin' comments from everyone.
  3. da shiz wiz 19

    da shiz wiz 19 Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2009
    Sorry, I'm done :)
  4. mehware

    mehware Well-Known Member

    Nov 22, 2008
    Are you guys even signed up with the iPhone developer program?
  5. hardcoregamer

    hardcoregamer Well-Known Member

    Sep 20, 2009
    Making iPhone games
    Only 16 more days baby!
  6. cuestaluis

    cuestaluis Member

    Nov 29, 2009
    Thanks man
  7. Will090

    Will090 Well-Known Member

    #427 Will090, Dec 10, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2009
  8. MidianGTX

    MidianGTX Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2009
    I assume that's a generalization 'cause my parts are great.
  9. Kunning

    Kunning Well-Known Member

    Aug 30, 2009
    Key word - entire. Some posts were really helpful and intellectual, but most of them, including most of mine and all of the OP's, were pretty damn stupid.
  10. mobile1up

    mobile1up Well-Known Member

    Nov 6, 2008
    Technical Director
    Munich, Germany
    is there an age limit for the SDK? :)
  11. mehware

    mehware Well-Known Member

    Nov 22, 2008
    Heh yeah I mentioned that earlier where I thought you had to be 18 to do the tax/banking.

    This thread is a running joke right?

    Look hardcoregamer, like the ambition, but you have no idea what it takes to make a game. You can't just slap some images together and call it a game.

    Save your 100$ (the yearly iPhone developer fee) and go buy a book on programming. I recommend this one. iPhone Application Development for Dummies

    Read, yes read.

    Do not rely on other people to do the work for you. Start small, make a "Hello World" program, graduate to OpenGL and make a "Hello Triangle" program.

    Or look at the technology you have available to use as far as graphics and game engines for the pc/mac/iPhone.

    Stick to a discipline, code or art. Find a partner to do the code if your an artist or the art if your a coder.

    When I was 14 I tried to make the most ambitious game ever. It doesn't work like that. Again start small. There is a learning curve to everything. Once your realize this you will gain some respect. (at least from me).
  12. mobile1up

    mobile1up Well-Known Member

    Nov 6, 2008
    Technical Director
    Munich, Germany
    i 100% agree here.

    in 1988; when i was 13 :) i started writing games.. but, i wrote simple text type games for MSDOS. in 1991 - i was introduced to mode-x graphics mode; and i programmed "ruby hunt" - which was a remake of a game i played many years before (hoards of the deep realm) - effectively a lode runner clone. it was so basic; horrible graphics - but, game logic was spot on. in 1999 - i ported this code and touched up the graphics and released it for the Palm OS platform (and subsequently licensed a variant of it). in 2009 (now) - i am moving the code to iPhone - taking it to the next level.

    some of the code in this game is over 20 years old - and it is coming soon to iphone / ipod touch:)

    my point is not everything happens the way you expect the first time around; it takes experience, knowledge and persistence to make it. there is nothing wrong with being ambitious; but you need to be realistic about it too.
  13. RankoSao

    RankoSao Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2009
    College Student
    State of Hysteria
    Thank you for the book recommendation...i might pick that one up myself, not to use it, but just for research. Couldn't use it even if i wanted to,i have a PC
  14. hardcoregamer

    hardcoregamer Well-Known Member

    Sep 20, 2009
    Making iPhone games
    Of course this thread is just a joke! I just hired 17 people, made a plan, made hundreds of pieces of artwork, spent 6 hours a day for months working on this, got countless pieces of music, and kept telling everybody how excited I am about this game for nothing! Good job mehware, you finally figured it out. After working for week after week, I'm not sure...... but I don't think I'm going to publish it to the App Store. I'm glad I put hundreds of hours into this project for nothing. It really makes me feel good. I was going to publish Santa's Smackdown to the App Store, but now you've convinced me not to. :rolleyes:
  15. MidianGTX

    MidianGTX Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2009
    Fair enough, but that wasn't really a key word. "...when reading the entire thread: *FACEPALM*" doesn't mean the same as "This entire thread makes me want to: *FACEPALM*" ;)
  16. New England Gamer

    New England Gamer Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Jul 30, 2009
    Since you called me the mature one, how about a mature piece of advice - stop insulting the people who are trying to help you. That was very sound advice and with your insults you are perpetuating the thought that this thread is a joke. Frankly releasing a Santa game in February is pretty much a joke. All you have to do is change the character. Don't be so stubborn in your ideas, be flexible, set a deadline, then do what you feel you must. But don't bite the hand that feeds you is a quote many use when they give you advice and then get slapped in the face. Things change and evolve all the time, as CEO you have to change and evolve. But your sarcastic humor (and I am sure that is what you will say that was) is not funny and its off putting. You already tried that before and I believed you on something. That doesn't make me want to buy anything from you since I don't know if your app description will be real or just your "wit."
  17. RankoSao

    RankoSao Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2009
    College Student
    State of Hysteria
    Hear, hear! No ones going to buy this game now, and you know why? It's all because of this thread. No. Hands down. And wipe that smile off your face. Noone.
  18. Yffum

    Yffum Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2009
    Exactly. Hardcoregamer, they have good reason to believe this app is a joke and that was just their first line. The rest was giving good advice on what you should do. Stop making fun of people who are trying to help you. If you stop acting immature (And you are acting immature, you've admitted it, you're insulting people, and making constant unnecessary jokes). Anyway, if you stop acting immature then people might take this app seriously. No excuses, just ignore the people making fun of you and thank the people who are giving you advice. Then the flaming will die down. Cuestaluis, you have to understand that you can't expect people not to make fun of him and say the game's not coming out, unless hardcore stops acting immature.
  19. mobile1up

    mobile1up Well-Known Member

    Nov 6, 2008
    Technical Director
    Munich, Germany
    some of us are trying to help - oh well :) guess some people don't want help or advice; maybe we are just too old and "out of it" to be respected or seen as guidance for those who are just starting up.
  20. RankoSao

    RankoSao Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2009
    College Student
    State of Hysteria
    Are you kidding? The older you are, the wiser you are!

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