Deprofundis : a true hack'n slash with no iap wall

Discussion in 'Android Games' started by Legna, Apr 12, 2013.

  1. Legna

    Legna New Member

    Apr 12, 2013

    Awaiting for the "brand new" hack'n slash on my nexus 7, i tested it on IOS. That lead me to this board and give me the opportunity to talk about deprofundis. A game i discovered a few weeks ago.

    Its a dungeon crawler with true dungeons. The game is free but have iap to get the premium package and, honestly, it really worth a try (if you mind, just take a look at the reviews on the store).

    The dev is a solo man who did this job, and he answer the support, suggestion and help very fast.

    If like me you'r bored of pay wall and iap in hack'n slash, take a look at deprofundis :)

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