Universal Dementia: Book of the Dead (by Igor Migun)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by PeteOzzy, Aug 20, 2014.

  1. Tenb

    Tenb Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2012
    #41 Tenb, Aug 23, 2014
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2014
    Rated 12+ for the following: Infrequent/Mild Profanity or Crude Humor.

    The game is set in the Middle Ages, here and chat. A general game translated into English on the order firm. Since I am not a great connoisseur of the English language.

    With regard to lighting, we are working on it.

    P/S The original Russian text "А вот эта «штучка», похлеще любой бабы, из борделя вставляет. Если не пулей угостишь , то лампой точно навернешь своего обидчика!"
  2. Fastbridge

    Fastbridge Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2009
    Service advisor for Honda
    NYC, New York. USA
    Have you played 9mm. That's got more curse words then regular words. I personally don't see anything wrong with that saying.
  3. Tenb

    Tenb Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2012
    I'm not sure that it sounds right in English, although the guys that were translated into English are professionals, but Russian - it does not sound so rough, more brutal.
  4. bigjack66

    bigjack66 Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2013
    #44 bigjack66, Aug 25, 2014
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2014
    Give the guy a break he's translating from his native Russian into his best English with help. Let's see you do as well in his language and as he said this is supposed to be an adult game. Have you played the Modern Combat games? They've got swearing in them. It's a particular form of language used by macho, hardened men. So stop whining like a bitch!
    It's not too dark I can see just fine! My brightness is about a fifth along the bar. It's supposed to be dark and claustrophobic to engender anxiety and fear in the player!
  5. Fujibayashi

    Fujibayashi Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2009
    Japanese / Korean translator.
    Mililani, O'ahu, Hawai'i
    Language issues or not, gamma issues or not, I'm just happy to see the growth of this dev from one game to the next. He's come a long way from Light, Dead Bunker I and II, Mental Hospital I and II. He's making leaps and bounds, and I for one will continue to support him. I still enjoy the two Mental Hospital games!!
  6. Tenb

    Tenb Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2012
    Thank you for your support.

    I'm glad that you like a lot of my games, I really appreciate it !!
  7. Tenb

    Tenb Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2012
    Off the discount is 60%, $2.99 - $0.99 !!! Time is limited.
  8. TicTac

    TicTac Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2011
    Price drop 4 days after release? That's how you know the game isn't worth it.
  9. Tenb

    Tenb Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2012
    #49 Tenb, Aug 26, 2014
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2014
    Discount has been made at the request of Russian news site, for two days. Then return back to 2.99. :)

    P/S I'm not a big company that can pour $ 5,000 - $ 10,000 on advertising, so it's always going to make concessions to news sites.

    P/S And it allowed me to get into the overall Top 200 Russian. On the assessment of the game 4.5 stars.


    P/S USA App Store:

    Good First Person Survival Horror Game (by Rich1611)

    Good game. Dark and creepy atmosphere. Good controls, but feels a little clunky at times. Graphics are nicely done. Sound is pretty good and sets the ambiance but it is a little choppy. Overall a good purchase.
  10. Tenb

    Tenb Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2012
    Until the end of the action 24 hours.
  11. bigjack66

    bigjack66 Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2013
    That's just wrong. You can't decide such a thing without playing the game! It's a very good game and doesn't need idiotic unhelpful comments from people who don't know what they're talking about!
  12. Tenb

    Tenb Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2012
    And many do not understand, it is easier to buy the advertised game for the money of a large company with in-game purchases. What indie game developer. :(
  13. Tenb

    Tenb Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2012
    -65% Discount valid until the end of the day!
  14. gemineye62

    gemineye62 Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2010

    You did a fantastic job on the game environment. The details and lighting
    is fantastic!

    Sadly, I will have to wait for an update to play the game. I got into the
    church and spoke with the person who told me to find the water and
    sprinkle it on a flame.

    It was at this point that the game became frustrating. You are then attacked
    by creatures that seem to spawn constantly. I ran around shooting as I went,
    found the water, and then died four or five times by the skeleton knight
    coming up the stairs. The passage way is just too dark to see where you are
    aiming at when you switch to the pistol.

    I have a few suggestions. This is a game ,so you can take liberties with the
    game play to make it fun. It's not fun dying all the time! Have the player
    fire the pistol with the other hand. That way , you can see what you are shooting at.

    I think the game would be way more fun if you killed two are three creatures,
    as you went, and then they stopped coming for a time. That way you can have
    fun exploring the great world you created.

    And since you have a lantern, why not use it for part of the game play. If the player puts the light away, the creatures cannot see you very well. That way
    you can sneak by them. When you enter rooms that are too dark to
    navigate, you can use the light, but it will draw the attention of the monsters.

    You could have fun with the light as well. Place the lantern on a table and you can see most of the room. The light will draw the attention of the monsters, once
    again. Retreat into a dark corner, and kill the monsters as they enter the room,
    drawn to the light.

    I see that you can use the fire button to raise the lantern up and down. ( not sure of it's purpose just yet) Why not use the lantern as a weapon! Hold
    the action button and the lantern is thrust up and out towards the monsters eyes. This will cause the creature to put his hands up to protect the eyes
    from the strong light. He will be blinded for a few seconds. This will not
    work on the stronger creatures , but it will give you a chance to get off a couple
    of shots before it recovers. In long corridors you could do this to cause the creature to back away from you. In some cases, it will even turn and flee.

    Anyway, just a few suggestions to keep in mind.

  15. Tenb

    Tenb Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2012
    Within an hour, will update, version 1.01, it head tserkov simplified, now the monsters do not appear so often. And slightly increased lighting.

    And thanks for your comments.
  16. mandrilo

    mandrilo Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2012
    Game Impressions

    Igor, thanks for the improvements. Congratulations for this game. Is beautiful
  17. Nekku

    Nekku Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2013
    Thank you for the update!
  18. Tenb

    Tenb Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2012
    Thank you. For review.
  19. Tenb

    Tenb Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2012
    Glad you liked the game too :)
  20. Shan82

    Shan82 Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2012
    How did I miss this? :confused: Downloading now. :D

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