I'm relieved that Game Center seems to be working yeah! Easy All board is the most popular and there are great scores. I'll provide a toggle button to enable to record, like this.
Yes it's works perfectly, after updating the app I launched it and immediately all my overall scores were posted. I did a couple of single stage runs on level 5 and then 4 and the individual level scores were uploaded. I then did a few end to end runs on easy from level 1 to 5, and both individual and overall scores updated where appropriate. I like the way you implemented the individual level boards, and how they are sub-boards of the overall. Now I just wish I would see more people on the leaderboards - this is such a great game I hope that many many more people discover and play it. I like the option you are intending for the video as well. Thank you again Masayuki Ito for these updates, and for making such an excellent game.
Haha. I'll be buying any future games from this Dev! I only hope he gets enough sales from this title to make it worth his while to continue coding more games for iOS.
WOW 7 Awesome!!! I hope the implemation of either or both gets you more exposure for your Artfull masterpiece. Emails have bent sent to KC 7 EP for early iDevices on the problems of slowdown. I have been asking some of my fellow Kamcorders 7 Everyplayers about Gemini Strike on which devices seems to be having slowdown 7 it does seem to be a problem like the Devs claim. Masayuki Ito if i can suggest a focus on the time limit for it to be unlimited for players it would be greatly appriciated. You can get an example from AngerForce Strikers. Thank you for gamecenter 7 the new icon iz awesome
Whoa. I just started a game at Level 4 on Easy and somehow got the Laser option. Having played this game quite a bit, it's the first time I've seen it. I'm wondering how I got it, exactly. Is it random or is there a way of getting it consistently? Thanks in advance for any info or advice. PS .Decluster rules.
When the option item appears, don't collect it immediately. It should change to laser after a short time and then you can pick it up. The graphic changes on the option item so you will see when it's laser. PS .Decluster rules
Thanks! I read the How to Play section again and realized you the shot option changes every 5 secs. Game just keeps getting better...
I have hardly used the laser option. I wonder if there is any scoring benefit to be had by changing weapons at certain times.
While I haven't gone on any scoring runs yet, I did not notice a difference in the early levels (in fact scored a little under my stage 1 avg). But I could be wrong in the later levels... You might be able to kill enemies faster (or maybe slower? No difference?) while fully powered up... I don't know how much of a difference it would even make. =o/
Interesting, yes that was what I was wondering as well - if you killed enemies faster/slower with each weapon it might affect scoring. I might try it a few times and test whether I notice a difference.
Oh yeah... THANK YOU for fixing the music issue! I definitely play this more now that I don't have to stop listening to music in order to play... =oD
Woah, thanks! I didn't know about that. I don't know about its effect on scoring, but the laser is definitely better for shooting some enemies that take along time to kill. For instance in level 2, I never could kill those slow moving ships, since even if I fired at them the whole time they were on screen they wouldn't die. With the lasers I can kill them.
Cool, if the laser can kill some enemies faster than potentially it could be used for higher scores. Without using the laser pickup item option I have been able to kill all enemies, using the homing lasers instead. Give that a try. Also I think if you are closer to an enemy while shooting you take it out faster.
My word. Just completed Level 5 on Easy. This game is ridiculously good. Phenomenal design throughout. Pretty much blown away by the fact that one person created this masterpiece. Get this game if you haven't yet. It might be the best shmup on the AppStore. Dead serious epic blaster triumph!!
Completely agree. Looking at the small numbers of users in Game Center for this game I wish more people were taking note of this one, it's definitely worth it.
I uploaded a soundtrack of the level 1 to the SoundCloud. I'll also upload other soundtracks when they are ready. https://soundcloud.com/dot_decluster The laser option has a low attack power than shot option (in case close to enemy) but it's a bit easy to fill the homing gauge.
Cool, thanks for the soundtrack and for the info about the laser option! I have been away for two weeks so haven't had any time to play .Decluster but I am looking forward to getting back to it and trying out the laser option.
There's a free version out tonight for those still on the fence: https://itunes.apple.com/nz/app/lite.decluster-into-bullet/id984759492?mt=8
It also looks like a great update hit the main app today. I hope that along with this free version encourage more people to experience this wonderful game.