Hello Everyone! Cave shumps have always had complex scoring systems which have been daunting for new players of the Danmaku genre. Most beginners are turned off by CAVE games because they can't grasp the scoring system. Without trying to score in CAVE games your simply finishing a Visual-fest of a game. This guide is dedicated to CAVE and I hope it interests more people into their games. This guide is not original, rather its a compilation of information from various sources. My contribution here is an easier explanation of the workings. Credit goes to http://www.cave-stg.com and http://shmups.system11.org The information here is applicable to both iPhone mode and Arcade mode. Warning: The guide MIGHT confuse you more because of the sheer amount of information and this is my first attempt at a guide. Also English is not my native language, please do correct where i might be wrong. Basics Buttons: (Assuming you have Auto-shot turned off in the options.) Left shot: Tap to fire Shots to the left. Hold to fire Laser. Right shot: Tap to fire Shots to the right. Hold to fire Laser. Lock Shot: Hold to use Lock-Shot *Notes: Lock-Shot is displayed as Power-Up When your Item Counter reaches 1000. After that, you cannot use Lock-Shot without entering Power-up Mode. Bomb: Tap to use Bomb. Shots: Normal Shot: Laser Shot: Characters: Iphone Mode Tiara Arcade Mode Casper Windia Follet Rosa Stages: There are a total of 8 stages. Extra Gorge is an optional stage. The stages are distributed on the stage map as follows: Map Top : EX (Gorge) Hades Castle(Final) Map Middle: A-2 (Graveyard) B-2 (Swamp) C-2 (Volcano) Map Bottom: A-1 (Harbor Town) B-1 (Forest) C-1 (Lakeside) Initially You can select anyone of the stages from the Bottom Section. After that you go to the Middle section. Then you go back to the Bottom section and continue this until all the six stages are completed. then you have the option to go to the Extra Gorge stage or continue to the Final Stage. Stage Rank: (Only in Arcade mode) In Arcade mode, You can choose Rank 1, 2 or 3 at the start of each Middle and Bottom stages. Rank 1 is the easiest and Rank 3 is the hardest. Deathmode: When you choose rank 3 five times, you enter “Death Mode”. In Death Mode suicide bullets are fired back at you from each enemy you destroy. These bullets are small, star-shaped, and are absorbable by your Familiar . Once you enter Death Mode, you cannot go back, even if you select Rank 1 or Rank 2 for the sixth stage. Every bullet absorbed in Death mode is worth 100 points. The +Value is also added to each bullet.(More on that later.) If you choose every stage in rank 3 and go to the EX stage before the Castle stage, then the Castle stage will be at the highest possible rank in the game, called “Death Mode Level 2. Gameplay screen and scoring: Point Items: Small (Skeleton Ring) : 100pts(Point Item Value) Medium (Crown Tiara): 800pts, breaks into 2 Skeleton Rings when it hits the ground Large (High Crown): 2,000pts, breaks into 2 Crown Tiaras on the first bounce on the ground, then on the second bounce these 2 Crown Tiaras will break into 4 Skeleton Rings. Item Counter: When you absorb any of the point items during the normal mode, they add to your item counter in the following way: Large (High Crown): +10 Medium (Crown Tiara): +5 Small (Skeleton Ring) : +1 Additionally, every suicide bullet absorbed during Death Mode adds +1 to your item counter. +Value: When you reach 1000 on the item counter in normal mode, or when you enter Power-up mode, every item absorbed adds to your +Value, which acts as a point bonus added to every item you absorb. It is displayed next to your character as it increases. The maximum +Value is +10,000, which is colored a bright orange. What is Normal Mode, Power-up Mode And Fever-Mode?? Normal Mode: When are you in Normal mode? 1.Initially at the start of the game, you begin in normal mode. 2.When Your item counter reaches 0 in Power-Up Mode. How is the score calculated? 1.Points for killing the monsters.(Varies according to the Monster.) 2.Points for collecting Point Items.(Adds Point Item Value to your score as mentioned in the Point-Items Section above.) So, for example, You kill a monster which is worth 1000 points and releases 2 Tiaras, You score: 1000(Monster's worth) + 2x800(Point Item Value for Skull Rings) = 2600 Should you let the Tiara break into two skull rings? No. Because in Normal mode, a Skull ring will add 100 points and a Tiara will add 800. So If you let the Tiara in the above scenario break You get: 1000 + 4x100(Since 1 Tiara breaks up into 2 Skull rings) = 1400 What About the Item Counter? The value of the item counter Increases in Normal Mode when you collect Point Items. It Increases as per the values mentioned in the Item Counter Section. Example: 1 Skull collected will add +1 to your Item Counter But 1 Tiara will add +5 to your Item Counter. So don't let Point Items break in Normal Mode What happens when your Item Counter reaches 1000 and you don't enter Power-up Mode? The collected Point Items add to the +Value instead of the Item Counter and all monsters produce High crowns Instead of Skull rings and Tiaras. So now: 1 Skull collected will add +1 to your +Value But 1 Tiara will add +5 to your +Value. Now the score is calculated as follows: (Monster's worth) + (Number of Point Items x (Point Item Value + +Value)) = Total Conclusion: Don't Let items break in Normal Mode. Use the right type of attack to maximize the Point Items Dropped(More on that Later.) Power-Up Mode: When are you in Power-Up Mode? 1.When you press "Power-Up" button After your Item counter reaches 1000. Player exits this mode automatically when the Item-Counter reaches 0 and Enters Normal Mode. How is it different from Normal mode? In this mode, Your attack power increases. Also more importantly, the amount of Point items produced increases greatly. How is the score calculated? 1.Points for killing the monsters.(Varies according to the Monster.) 2.Points for collecting Point Items.(Adds Point Item Value to your score as mentioned in the Point-Items Section above.) 3.+Value added to every Point item collected. So basically its the same as scoring while in Normal Mode with an item Counter Over 1000, that is: (Monster's worth) + (Number of Point Items x (Point Item Value + +Value)) = Total So why enter Power-up Mode? For 2 reasons: 1.The amount of Point Items increases greatly. 2.It is faster to increase the +Value in this mode. What about the Item Counter And +Value? The Item Counter decreases steadily. The rate of decrease depends on the following chart: The conditions can overlap. So if you wish to extend the amount of time the Power-up mode lasts, STOP SHOOTING WHEN NOT NECESSARY. Thus for high scores it is recommended that you use Manual-Shot instead of Auto-Shot. Also use Lock-shot sparingly in Power-Up Mode because it drains the counter quite fast. The +Value Counter: In Power-Up mode, all Point Items Add EQUALLY to your +Value. Hence a Tiara and a skull will add the same amount to your +Value(In Normal mode, Point Items add to the +Value according to the Item Counter Values mentioned above.) The value added depends on the current +Value as follows: When +Value is 0~ +1 +100~ +2 +200~ +4 +500~ +8 +1000~ +12 +2000~ +16 +5000~ +20 Example: One skull and 1 tiara will both add +1 BUT If you let the Tiara Break into 2 skulls, You get +2. Hence it is more favourable to Let Point Items Break In Power-Up Mode. Conclusion:Kill monsters with the right Attack type and let the tiaras and crowns break into skulls before collecting them. Once the +Value reaches 10000(The +Value will be shown in Bright Orange), don't let the Point Items break.
Fever-Mode: When are you in Fever Mode? 1. When your +Value reaches 10000 in either Normal-mode or Power-Up Mode. How is it different from Normal Mode and Power-Up Mode? In this mode all monsters will drop High Crowns. Conclusion:Get into Power-up mode and quickly raise your +Value and then Enter Fever-Mode and ride the rest of the Power-Up mode for some huge scores! IMPORTANT NOTES ABOUT +Value As +Value is the most important aspect of scoring in Deathsmiles, it would be helpful to note the following few things: 1.The +Value resets Each time you exit Power-Up Mode. 2.When you raise your +Value in Normal Mode, its Value is carried into the Power-Up Mode. 3.When you raise your +Value counter in Normal mode and reach Fever-Mode, the Fever-Mode is carried on upon Stage Change. Scoring in a Nutshell: 1. Raise your Item Counter in Normal Mode to 1000. Don't let the Point Items Break. Use the correct Attack, depending on the monster. 2.Enter Power-Up mode at appropriate parts of the stage. Initially let all the Point Items break down to skull rings. Raise your +Value to 10000. Enter Fever-mode(Don't let the Point Items break in this mode. Although I need to verify this still.). Score 3. Repeat. Miscellaneous What attack to use on what monster? The other important aspect of scoring in Deathsmiles is using the right attack on different monsters to maximize the score! Some monsters don't produce any Point Items in Normal mode but produce High Crowns in Fever mode and Skull rings in Power-Up mode. Use any attack on these Monsters: Use Shot on these monsters: Use Laser on these monsters: Use Lock Shot on these monsters: Some monsters need a different attack on different modes as mentioned in the above chart. Items Life replenishment items Small (Prine a la mode) : fills up .5 of one life block. Gives a bonus of 100,000 pts. Medium (Strawberry Parfeit): fills up 1 full life block. Gives a bonus of 200,000pts. Large (Decoration Cake): Fills up 2 full life blocks. Gives a bonus of 500,000pts. The Decoration Cake is only available during the Chapter 4 final boss fight. Bomb (Magic) item The Magic item adds one bomb to your stock. You can hold a maximum of 6 bombs. The bombs give no point bonus unless your bomb stock is maxed out at 6, whereupon each successive bomb is worth 300,000 pts. Item appearance chart *=only during Death Mode Thank You For Reading.
Reserved for Information on Sakura's Shop and Additional Scoring tips for the iphone mode as and when they are discovered. Feedback would be highly appreciated!
Great stuff Coldcoffee! Thank you! Item counter depletion slowing when you stop firing is pretty big.
Very very nice! Entirely epic thread for a entirely epic game...very very nice man THANKZ COLDCOFFEE!
This is the best "first attempt at a guide" I've seen. Great job! Now get to work on your second and third attempts; DoDonPachi and Espgaluda II.
This is really quite amazing! You have made a lot more sense out of this game for me. I had no clue what the rank system was about in the game or that some attacks work better on specific monsters. Also, the point system was baffling me One question, you talk about letting the point items break. How do they break? Shooting them? Letting them fall to the ground? Leaving them too long? Thank you And thanks again for the great guide! I would love to see one on the other games to - it would probably move me to buy one.
Ahh I forgot to mention that! Letting them break means letting them fall on solid ground. Although be warned, the flooring in the foreground will only allow items to fall and break! And there's Guides for the other two games already! Dodonpachi: http://forums.toucharcade.com/showthread.php?threadid=65302 Espgaluda: http://forums.toucharcade.com/showthread.php?t=51748
Score! Awesome job, Coldcoffee! Thanks for answering the call and producing such a great guide. I really appreciate it and know others do as well. Rock on.
Even though I haven't tried the game yet, this guide already gives me a good idea of how to play! Excellent job coldcoffee, and I'm really loving the pictures. Maybe you should add the reset "power up mode" glitch to miscellaneous though.
Hm... you could release an 'unofficial' guide app on the app store for this... and make profit out of it Very high quality guide, especially the neat tables and pictures. I would gladly pay for this Bad thing though, I arrange my posts from newest on top so... the guide is at the bottom...
Thanks Everyone for reading the guide! What is this glitch you are talking about? I'll surely add it in the guide!
Nice guide ! Btw, how about if we make a guide about all the items in iPhone mode ? So we will have a list on all the items and their stats/info, perhaps including which monster drop which item. Just my 2 cents.
with this guide i can get much better scores, but still dont understand how people get hundreds of millions on easy, there are just not enough enemies.