Universal Deathsmiles (by Cave)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by ImNoSuperMan, Jul 6, 2011.

  1. arta

    arta Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2009
    I agree, though I'm just a little less harsh.

    Absolute Instant is a better shumup recommendation.
  2. bluermlou

    bluermlou Active Member

    Jan 12, 2011
    :( = sad

  3. Coldcoffee

    Coldcoffee Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2010
    Monkey Island
    I got an item from a treasure which gives 2x gold. When i was randomly clicking the items which said "getting information" or something, one of them had the same description as the 2x gold item. I suspect that IAP might be unnecessary and you'll be able to obtain all items eventually. There's also an achievement for obtaining all items, and i don't think they would have an achievement which couldn't be completed without IAPs.
  4. whatevax

    whatevax Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2011
    Anyone know what is the purpose of "Preview" button under the Item Information box ? I can't click it either.
  5. KingAlbestar

    KingAlbestar Member

    Jan 6, 2011
    well as a dev myself the iOS 5 crash is unexcusable since Dsmiles is coming roughly a month after the beta preview. Enjoying the game on my main phone though, awesome as on 360 and maybe more as it fits my pocket :cool:
  6. Vovin

    Vovin 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Nov 28, 2009

    Clothes. Preview of wearing other clothes.
  7. medianotzu

    medianotzu Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2009
    Is it my imagination or does Rosa want to get it on with Sakura? "I wouldn't mind attacking you," she said. :eek::eek:

    And why does her fairy friend wear no pants?
  8. whatevax

    whatevax Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2011
    But it seems unclickable. Am I missing something here ?
  9. FPE

    FPE Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2010
    World, now Belgium
    Tried the lite and I am not convinced. Stage one was cleared in 3 minutes and very easy at every levels. Music and concept is great, but the graphic is less impressive than previous titles.

    All in all this game feels lighter (maybe hence the lower price) than the previous ones.
  10. Spamcan

    Spamcan Well-Known Member

    Espgaluda and DDPR launched at the same $5 price point, they always raise them after a week or so then rarely put them on sale.

    Jul 7, 2011
    Hey guys, I've been lurking this forum for a few months short of a year now, and am finding myself in disagreement with lot of you with respect to a Cave game for the first time. Seems really a case of love it or hate it, but I'm somewhere more in the middle here.

    In many ways I think you're right -- this game was a poor choice to port to iOS (one I think that went as it did only because it came on top in a poll earlier this year), because whereas with DDPR the only part of the screen your fingers will be covering is the bottom, where nothing happens, here your fingers cover the left side of the screen, and enemies spawn on either side of the screen in this game.

    But on the other hand, you're simultaneously admitting the execution is about as good as it ever could have been (re: great -- not fantastic, but definitely great) but part of your post suggests the game is incredibly poor, sloppy, etc. That's not true. Just because it's not Cave's best iOS release doesn't mean I can't play through it and enjoy myself. As it stands for myself, DDPR is still my favorite Cave iOS game because the execution is great and it does work fantastically with the platform. Deathsmiles is right behind as I think it outdoes DDPR in execution, but it just isn't complemented by the small screen.

    This sounds zany. iOS 5 is in beta, you install that presumably knowing that there will be issues with glitches and support. It's in Cave's best interest to fix the bug as I'm sure many people installed it and now have a crashing game, but expecting support right out of the box sounds entitled. If anything, I wish Cave wasn't so quick on supporting the latest iOS -- Bug Panic was 4.2-exclusive pretty soon after that iOS released, so I had to find a way to update my jailbroken iPhone to an iOS I hadn't upgraded to yet, and as anyone with a jailbroken iPhone knows, that's a huge pain.
  12. FPE

    FPE Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2010
    World, now Belgium
    Then I need to make up my mind fast
  13. Benegesserit

    Benegesserit Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2009
    I have to say that banishing mini-game is really dumb
  14. Shankopotamus

    Shankopotamus Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2011
    How long is this game? I think I read that some people have gone through two playthroughs already, and that seems odd. Also, is the iPhone Mode and Arcade Mode two different story modes, or is one of them like a minigame or something like that?
  15. syntheticvoid

    syntheticvoid Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2010
    Musician & factory worker.
    game takes me about 45 minutes to an hour (maybe it just feels that long... the levels do seem really short, but there's 8 of them if you decide to go into the extra level, 7 if you skip it...) - and yeah, in Arcade mode, you get to pick one of 4 'Angels' to play through with, and in iPhone mode, you get to play as the Princess, and it has RPG elements, where-as you get to find and buy treasures, and equip them, making you stronger...

    The 'mini-game' people are talking about is in iPhone mode when you beat a boss, you are taken to this little 'banishing' thing where, depending on difficulty, a certain number of pentagrams light up, and you need to touch them again in the same order to get the treasure from the boss, which is usually just extra gold, but sometimes is an item that you can equip. =o)

    Jul 7, 2011
    You can clear a playthrough pretty quickly. I didn't time myself but it feels like 20 or 30 minutes, DDPR (no second loop) feels maybe 30 or 40 in comparison?

    iPhone has a new story mode with a few tweaks (different soundtrack, only one selectable character who powers up through items and gold collected through the game, a 'minigame' when you beat a boss) and a different final boss, although it's not as radically different as you might be thinking. However, it is certainly not just a minigame.
  17. sizzlakalonji

    sizzlakalonji Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Apr 16, 2009
    Indiana, USA
    While I disagree with many of the negatives being presented, I respect the difference of opinion. One thing that I feel is important to say though, is that while some feel that this was a poor choice to bring to iOS, I HIGHLY disagree. I'm thrilled to be able to play this on the go. I'm thrilled that Cave thinks so highly of this platform that they are bringing their catalog to it. These games are highly respected and desired by the "hardcore" demographic who still doubt that this platform can be a legitimate gaming platform. Whenever iDevice versions of Cave games are discussed on sites like Kotaku you inevitably see people posting things like, "Usually I think iPhone games are a joke, but I've got to admit, I'd love to have these Cave games on the go." The fact that they are choosing this platform (and designing modes specifically tailored to it, as well as original arcade modes) is a huge positive. As far as I'm concerned, they can bring over their whole catalog, and continue bringing exclusives like Bug Panic (which is actually my favorite).
  18. CyberData4

    CyberData4 Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2009
    I was always under the impression w/ Cave's shooters that while they aren't particularly long the objective is to complete multiple play-through's in order to obtain the best high score possible.
  19. syntheticvoid

    syntheticvoid Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2010
    Musician & factory worker.

    Totally agree... Bug Panic is my FAVORITE IOS GAME EVER!! I know a lot of people don't really like it, but I got Bug Panic, DDPR, and ESPGaluda II all on the same day, and Bug Panic has gotten WAY more play-time outta me... ESPGaluda II is by far my favorite Bullet Hell game... on the iOS... I'd just die if Eden's Aegis ended up on the iDevice... but Bug Panic had that something special, and took me FOREVER to play-though...

    I'm totally LOVING Deathsmiles... and I also hope that they port their entire catalogue over to the iOS. It's amazing that they're bringing us these games on this platform. Cave games have made my iPod my MAIN gaming device. It's crazy how much time and effort goes into these games, and how little they're charging for them... I mean... c'mon... $5 for DEATHSMILES!!! Where else but the AppStore could you get a game like Deathsmiles for $5?!?!

    Oh well... just my opinion... I do understand why people aren't liking it much... the controls/buttons do take a little getting use to, and some might never get use to them... just like in ESPGaluda, there is a LOT of button pushing to be done... but after you get use to it, it does come like second nature, and you don't even need to look at the buttons before you press them.

    LOVING IT!!! Still think Deathsmiles is GOTY...

    Jul 7, 2011
    At least on my part, you might be misunderstanding what I mean when I say this is a poor choice for iOS. I've had many arguments with friends that play video games about whether the iPhone should be taken seriously as a game platform/console (I think it should and is, they think it shouldn't be and isn't) and I am so fervently supportive of Cave's iOS releases because it's great to see a serious developer take it seriously. At least what I mean when I say Deathsmiles is a poor choice for iOS isn't that releasing games for iOS is a dumb idea, just that the game feels a bit inhibited at times because of the small screen, the screen orientation of the gameplay, and my finger hiding the left side of screen means enemies spawning to the left are occasionally hidden from me. A 'better' choice might have been another DDP/ESPgaluda-style game, not a different console. But, again, the problems here don't inhibit my overall enjoyment of the game, it's still worth the $4.99 (or $8.99, in fact), but I'm playing it with a bit more reckless abandon than I might DDPR.

    EDIT: I'm going to go actually play it some more, but so people get a better idea of where I'm coming from: this is still iOS GOTY (so far), but it's not quite the best Cave iOS release.

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