Yeah, told you guys... There's no point in getting into it with someone like that... Unless you want to make your way towards getting put in timeout. The only reason someone would post something as ridiculous as what they posted (and have since posted) is to get a reaction, and stir up crap (troll, anyone?) - best to just laugh at, and ignore.
Plays well but it's fugly. This game is not iPhone retina so Retinapad on my iPad 2 doesn't make it look good. Already looks kinda bad on the iPhone. Great game tho.
I have a hard time playing on 2x. I only play on zoom 4x Mode on hdmi so I get almost no borders. It is Awesome on tv. On ipad? Try the lite version, not so great.
it isnt so great on the pad, but at least the game still plays flawlessly, which makes it feel like a really pixelated can of awesome. It'd be great if there was an HD release.
There is a deathsmiles 2 with high res assets, but whether they port it to ios is a good question. I hope they do, that would be one blast of an hdmi tv game.
WTF? This game doesn't have save function. Whenever I have to turn the phone off and back on and play the game, everything is reset.
What do you guys think about the update? I have opposite feelings: in one hand, I'm happy that they finally updated this so I can play it on my iPhone5, but they just added another 2 pics on both sides, so it looks pretty small...
This actually looks a lot better on my iPad Mini after the iOS7 update to address the 2X thing. As with most non universal games.
SO freak'n great being able to play this with my MOGA controller!! I had no idea it was even updated with support. I would say that I hope that more Cave games get support, but outside of Bug Panic, playing their other titles horizontal wouldn't really be ideal... but hey... I won't exactly complain if they do either. Anyway... nice getting back into this one again. =o)
Game no longer works on iOS 8.1. It crashes to the springboard immediately after tapping on the icon. Tested it on an iPhone 5s and 6 and an iPad Air all running iOS 8.1