Just did a really big update for the PC versions that added a Team Orders menu and other stuff. Also yesterday, announced our plans for our first big content update. So that was keeping us busy. All this stuff will be in the iOS version. The new update from today is running on my crappy iPad 2 ***right now***. We're not sure if the game will still support these really old devices when it comes out, though. We want to add Apple Replay, and that may mess things up for old device support, not sure yet. By the time the iOS version comes out, there will be a lot of additions. We were thinking of doing some special things for the iOS version, too. Maybe a thing where you get points by making an Apple Replay video of fighting a lot of zombies, and it gives you more points based on how much carnage you cause or how horribly you die. Then you can spend the points on faster perk unlocking and other things.
I can't stop following here. Lol I am so very much looking forward to playing it on iOS. Good to hear about the teaser of next update plan and that it will already be implemented when we have the launch. Keep up the good work. You guys rock(etcat)! I need this on my pocket and my ipad yesterday. How was I able to live until now without that?
Awesome news! Can't wait for this. I think the game will blow up on the App Store and really get some much deserved recognition.
jdawg: We really should do laughing and/or honking for the clown zombies. Sent some Testflights out to mobile game sites! In a bit getting them to Kickstarter backers. Then smaller sites when we have a more polished version, then might do a call in this thread for late testing before launch. But not sure yet! Apple did make the Testflight process a lot easier, so that's good.
Please let us test this bad boy on mobile, I was the person on Twitter @dreadnokv1 that had the crazy frame rate issue with the game only showing up as squares on my second PC
Well, from what I've read, I think ReplayKit came with iOS 9. I think I have some games/apps that support iOS 7 but if you have a higher iOS, it activates ReplayKit. This way, old iOS are supported and new iOS also have these new features such as ReplayKit. Anyway, thanks a lot for the efforts made. Really appreciated.
Great, that's good to know! Good hopes for the game supporting iOS 7 then, so I can test it on my iPad 2 that's about to break.
Finally found the game: Asphalt 8. In the attached image you can see the update which made it compatible with ReplayKit, stating between parenthesis that it's for iOS9 users only. The game itself is compatible with iOS 6.1.6 and up. I hope this helps (and I've got my expectations up again regarding chances of being compatible with iOS 7 ).
I was just watching Carter play it on mobcrush. It looks great and pretty far along. Sounds like not everything is implemented just yet though.