"Don't let teammates hit things you're carrying" is on the list. Hopefully it'll make the next major update. This would also be really nice for throwing furniture around without it getting broken by allies. If you have both Ex-Wrestler and Grappler at the same time, you can pick zombies up directly. Weapons also have their own knockdown value, depending on the weapon. Something like a nightstick or golf club will knock zombies down constantly, with little stamina use. Just punching things sucks, unless you're doing Martial Artist + Grappler or something like that.
Oh wow, thanks for the update. I thought it was just something that maybe couldn't be addressed. I will also try mixing in the weapons you suggested. I think I took it a little too literally and was just solely trying to be a wrestler and just punch and grapple. Instead of mixing up my offense, being smart and picking up zombies and throwing them when it made sense I was trying to force it
is the controls update coming this month? i lost yet another game in the Crushed Hopes Siege, with a dog, after running circles around all the zombies, the siege ends, a zomb spawns in front of the exit and my dog cant run around it and dies. Obviously i wouldnt win this even if i got past the siege, but i am losing characters way too often because of the controls/collision detection on the feet etc. And from past messages, others have this problem too.
Controls update may miss this next big update, since that's our "focus on content" update. We have plans for doing more control tweaks, not sure on time estimate.
Kepa, aside from all the post launch support you guys are legendary for, i want to say a huge thank you because you are present, listening, communicating.
I was just playing the game on danger ranger event and the game crashed twice. On the 3rd time i was able to pass it, idk if it is a new after the last update but wanted to let you know. My device is ipad mini 4 btw.
After purchasing the upgrades, zombo points are pretty easy to come by. I guess the most important thing to do is to save all points, get all ZP increase unlocks and then to proceed with the rest..
Oh so you have to find him? I guess he's not in the unlock menu. I've been to many base camps and have never run into a gnome. Seems like it'll be really difficult to do in practice.
Nice new update. Completed the game for the first time (rare character mode), and got 12 zombie point. -seems decent. Also difficulty level / loot has been adjusted? -seems a tad easier, which I think is great.
He's in the unlock town. SPOILERS: Spoiler The map changes after you get a couple of things unlocked. Upgrades don't count. Difficulty level and loot wasn't changed directly. Things do accidentally get slightly easier, in general, over time just due to the addition of new things though. Another explanation is that you got better at the game.
Me getting better? You must be crazy Well seemed at leat like the looting areas 'got bigger', so more loot in each building. But maybe a coincidence (but havent played the last update either).
I'm not sure if this bug has been reported. Every time (at least since the latest update) I reach day 9...or 9 days to Canada, I forget-I get stuck in a neverending siege on a road. I do mean neverending. Last time The zombies stopped attacking, so I let my phone charge and waited about an hour. I STILL COULDN'T leave. Of course, this makes the game impossible to win, and robs me of Z points. Anyone else experience this? Will there be a fix soon Rocketcat?
Doesn't the game always tell you when the siege ends? And I did walk to at least far right hand side and the top - there is a wall at the bottom. Twice in a row it's happened. Once I just quit and lost my save-the other time...well I described it.
Can you add a donations button or something. I'd like to help the project more but have already puchased it for all of my devices #