Mini maps usually show you where you have been and become more visable as you explore. Lots of games have them. Also, there are plenty of things in this game that don't make sense. Like a little girl with a magic wand or a guy wearing a horse mask.
Yes. Spoiler She has a timer that makes her literally explode from too much anime-ness. The clue was her head changing in stages from what you see in my avatar, to a bloated melty-head of a mess. Once she has reached the bloated state, she can explode ANYTIME--- in the middle of a car event screen that informs you, or like the one where you were in a looting or siege, or inside the car in a looting run.
Best idea This last part is a must! That wall of fame feeling is awesome especially when the game is hard.
You're right about the l*nk character. I filled my save spots with link teams in case he proves to be especially bad-ass.
I've seen a lot of people requesting for more customization. As some have suggested, one way to solve this would be to allow rare character clothing to be unlockable for customization. There's already a precedent for it in the game, there's one NPC trader that will swap a character's head with that of a rare character. You can actually do it pretty easy on the PC version just by editing the text save files. I'm jailbroken so I followed the save editing tutorial on the steam community guides to make this beauty: He looks amazing in-game with the tiny buff legs poking out under the giant horse head tip-toeing around. Just seems like an opportunity to make more interesting and silly characters.
Due to serious time constraint, I can only play a few minutes daily at the moment. So, in the next few months or so (maybe even more), I am going to play one game only. Can anyone guess which one? lol
It wouldn't make any sense because the challenge of the game comes mostly from survival and taking risks. A mini map would work against that imo. A girl with a magic wand has nothing to do with that particular logic. As far as the horse mask, I can put one on right now. Lol
Is that a confession that you own a horse mask? Haha. Seriously though I thought is that a map would be ok because it's more difficult (for me) to keep my bearings in video games than it is in real life. Some times I get turned around loss track of which way I came from. I don't think that would be a problem for someone walking through an unfamiliar house. Something like a hospital maybe but not a house. Either way the map isn't a necessity just something I thought about when I first played this and couldn't find the way back to the exit of a hotel. Lol.
It have a new party member named Verlin and he doesn't have a picture in the character page like the rest of the party. Is this a bug/glitch or is he special in some way?
By the way, have you noticed that there's a blinking light on doors that you haven't entered? I think it is as much as needed in the game. It's not like the scenarios are so huge that you have to have a map in order to doesn't lose yourself. The bigger maps are "escape" scenarios, like sewers and factories runs. And I also got L*nk.
This is really a unique and polished game, congrats!! Hey is there a chance to ever update the Hook series?
I got, er, Lonk today too. He kicks ass as much as the Nintendo version! Or should that be Nontendo? Anyway, every single random event on the road seems to end in my party's favour now. Who knows, I might make it beyond five days...
No luck getting to Canada yet? I am trying to beat Familiar mode. I got a feeling that this run is going to be a good one. L*nk is kicking some ass, helping my cousin and my friend. Just got an uzi and have plenty of ammo. Gonna try some crazy runs packed with zombies and see how it goes. lol
Oh, I've not even come close to Canada yet. This is only my fifth run or so, though. Just playing when I can. Started another save with Lenk, as I don't reckon he'll be back with us from tomorrow.
Beat it with Lonk (normal mode) today on my seventh try. Tried to start another...immediately get Lunk. And another...same. Switch to iPhone and both new games immediately gave me L*nk. What the hell? Made me put down the game for a while, possibly for good. Enjoyed it while it lasted, worth the price, but no Wayward Souls. Not enough random events on the road and obviously getting supplies kinda gets old fast.
ABOUT L*NK: There's some test code that I left in the game by accident. For today only, you'll be guaranteed to always get him, first thing. No, not intended. We have the little sparkly effect for doors you haven't entered but can. There's also the zombie gore sticking around, which helps as a navigational tool. Many of the "fighting it" are just a health check. Most of them also check for specific stat combos to give you extra options. Off top of head I think you can win the bear event by having a very strong, very aggressive character, or a very calm, high shooting character. However, they don't do a check for "overall fighting effectiveness", and I'm not sure if I'll change them to. I like it. We'd like to do better logging. There's very little right now, except for the Streak Count in Info and for the achievements. If not this game in updates, definitely 100% mandatory in a follow-up. WHOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Those pictures are opening up new areas of my brain I never knew existed Likely a glitch. There's some iOS specific weirdness Madgarden is tracking down right now. I'd like to, but the trick has always been finding time and trickiness with having to support a wide variety of OS's at that point. Since it'll be removed from the store pretty soon, we may have to re-release them, which solves the "support the OS it was launched for" problem.
Taking requests? I'd like to be a feral bunny with a pogo stick and a machine gun, then I can die happy. Some animal options would be great.
L*nk just joined my group, and he fought well with us during the siege. And just like that, we accidentally drove off without him when the siege was over. It kind of sucked.