I sure hope this wasn't targetted at me... I didnt lambast anyone, I wasnt trying to make you change your opinion either. I simply expressed my own opinion in regards to yours, if I came out as rude this was not the point at all... The point of a forum is to be able to debate on certain subjects, discussing with others that might not share your point of view is the biggest discussion driver, I enjoy clashing opinions with other, as long as it is with respect of both sides of course. Anyway, when we look at this game in like 6 months or 1 year im sure its going to be 3x as amazing... We are talking about the guys who developped Wayward Souls after all #
Ive not made it through the entire thread yet, but why does the dialogue text that summarizes their experience move so quickly between acts.. there is no time to read it.. Is there a way to slow it down, pause it, or just go back and read it later in a log book?
Okay, I bought this after reading the comments here over many days, even though I hate pixel art. The humour and what seemed possibly a very well designed game made me tip into buying. I've already had a few laughs and that's rare for an ipad game. First awesome moment was when she picked up a handbag as I expected to be searching it for supplies, instead she whacked a zombie with it. Took down loads with that purple or pink handbag! Loved the music but had the sound turned off while trying to get in the car. Only got to the first locale, a police station, and found night had fallen when I got out of the station. Found the car submerged in a sea of zombies. I have not figured out how to start the car. Couldnt tell which action was changing the decision choice. I couldnt see what my guys were doing or if my left or right button mashing panic was doing anything. So basically I think they may have hopped in and out of the car until the zombies ate them both. This does look promising (despite the pixels, haha, but I knew what I was buying) and should be a lot of fun. Once I figure out how to start a car...
I suffer from sweaty hands on the screen. I would think MFi support would have come out with the first iOS release. High profile developers releasing a high profile iOS game without the most basic of features (released on pc with controller support) is a little disappointing. You can officially call me bummed that the first update didnt include this.
That is correct. I don't care that you gave a four star rating. But baiting devs with stars is lame and I stand by that. You also asked for more content and got it on, what is this, the second day? Along with promises of many more? Today's update came weeks early. U gave criticism and they took it. And now I'm giving your points criticism and u can't handle it? That's not very open minded. I'm the other half of the debate. This is me accepting your statements but not sharing them. I followed your instruction and took an advil pm to help me go to sleep. Now do as you say and take a chill pill.
We didn't cancel it, it's still planned for the first major update. We simply released the content part of it early, instead of sitting on it.
I had some issue with option selection when getting in the car too. Ok so when you get in and choices pop up, the left side of the screen still acts as the d-pad and right side as interact. Touch the left side of the screen and move your finger up or down to change selection. But since u wanna start the car just get in and touch and hold the right side of the screen until the car starts and then it's either touch or gold again to haul ass outta there. The more screwed up your car gets, the longer it takes to start, but hold your finger down kinda like when you turn a key in the ignition and you gotta hold it in place til it starts.
Thanks! I had another go and figured it out. With the sound on you get the audio clue that the engine is trying to turn over. Much easier to see what was working when my team wasnt drowning in zombies too. My one glitch was where I had that odd message "Give er" at the top, which must mean "gun the bloody engine" or floor it, in Canadian? Doesnt in Australia so it was amusing and confusing all at once. But anyway, no matter what I did the text would go from the second and third possible selections but wouldnt go up to Give 'er, until they got out of the car then back in. Medical supplies seem really scarce. When my person wields a weapon that breaks, they never seem to switch to whatever they are carrying. That includes simple weapons like golf clubs or hatchets. That seems a bit silly.
I mentioned that glitch twice but apparently no one has seemed to notice my comment. I don't bother honking anymore because that triggers that glitch.
Possible bug. My main character died and was survived by a second person. Finished the encounter, he got in the car and at the next event stole 20 food and took off, causing my game to end. So he stole the food from himself and abandoned his own car... Enjoying the game so far, looking forward to the MFi support so I can use my Nimbus. Great work!
some sobs steal your food, and others can BITE you or HORN you when you are on your last hit, kill you and leave party to game over - stay away from emperors and animals - unless you have a dog whisperer
Lol that's hilarious. Hold on, I gotta pause for laughter... I think that's a glitch that should stay
Did your surviving character have the lowest (>_<) morale, or was he a bandit? Those are normally the two reasons why a character steals food and/or leaves the crew, even when alone.
Loving the game so far. My last two runs though were ended by the same thing: some werd object that looks like a white bag or sack. It isn't a weapon but when hit by a weapon it explodes. The first time I found 3 in a room during the final siege on day 15 and hit it on accident. The second time was during another siege so I threw it to the other side of the room, but a stray bullet hit it and it still killed my whole team. Anyone more experienced with the game, what are they and what should I do about them?
They're propane tanks. They explode in a large radius, spawned in-game more as a player death trap than a useful item. I'd rather avoid it than risk losing half my team.
I'm really enjoying the game, even though I'm pretty bad at it. I think I got to the end once! Some questions... In the car view the gas and the speedo are clickable. Any idea what they do? I can't seem to work out the effect... Second one, do your custom characters keep their in "trip" level ups? Last one now, what's the one thing that's helped people the most in getting to the end of a road trip?
I don't see any car glitch stated in your comment or the other guy's. He was just saying how he couldn't figure out the controls for option selection when getting in the car. Don't know what glitch you're referring to when speaking of triggering when honking the horn