Universal Death Road to Canada (by Rocketcat LLC) [TouchArcade Game of the Year 2017]

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by metalcasket, Mar 22, 2017.

  1. gmattergames

    gmattergames Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2013
    Are there any traders who exchange gear for supplies? I've not encountered any, but haven't made it past day 12. Assuming there isn't ... What's the Point in "Always Be Looting" when loot can "Never Be Traded"? I'm sure the answer is to ensure game balance (aka - punishing difficulty), which is fine, the difficulty is part of the appeal, but it would be nice to at least get a little scratch for extra gear picked up along the way. Either that or a "scrap" currency that you can generate when destroying gear.
  2. KeKhan

    KeKhan Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2012
    I have enough for this game or Sunless Sea...
  3. Kepa

    Kepa Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2009
    This has been on our list forever, it keeps getting bumped back for more gameplay-related things so far. Worst case: Must have in some kind of spin-off or sequel.

    Haha wow, I'm going to have to recommend the opposite. If nothing else making your friends and family will lead to great stories like the above (and also trauma).

    Another good example

    MAYBE. We might be working on doubling the amount of songs. I don't think it'll really change the overall theme of the music though. The discordance is really amusing to me.

    Wizard is overpowered

    This has been planned since before launch. It's in the same boat as the expanded stats idea, though we'll probably get to this one for the Anniversary.

    This was cut during development because there was already too much stuff going on in the road screen. We'd have to change it in a sequel at this point. I think next time I'd really like to move most of the current road stuff to in-mission or elsewhere. So for example, how your team talks to each other would just be moved to inside the missions when they're not busy. Then the road would get replaced with more map functions, like showing where you were and what paths you could take.

    Very weird.

    Not yet but check in less than a week. We're updating the iOS version with the PC content really quick as soon as it gets approved.

    I avoided "loot selling" for a long time because it introduces a lot of tedium. No one seems to mind the tedium so it's used by everyone as a crutch for padding playtime. Fun game design activity: Get a stopwatch and figure out what % of the time you spend in inventory menus in any sort of loot-y RPG. Answer:

    To try to avoid this, the upcoming weapon buyer only wants items she considers good. So no selling her wood chunks, femurs, kitchen knives. She doesn't even buy pistols. Minimum firearms: rifle, shotgun, dolt magnum. Minimum melee weapons she buys: Nightstick, aluminum bat, sledgehammer. These are all things she pays 1 food for, off top of head. Her upper limit for really rare things (like a minigun) is 16 food or so.
  4. LousyHero

    LousyHero Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2009
    Regarding unlocks, as I kind of miss cosmetic unlocks in this one. I thinknit wouldnbe fun to have them tied to weapons and or perks/traits. Say you could kill a certain number of zombies with a battle axe for a barbarian costume, knights sword could be plate mail. Something to that effect. Might quell the desire for a need to collect hats, that has been instilled in me from other games. ;)
  5. nkx

    nkx Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2015
    Kepa I have nothing wrong with music. Maybe I guess I just want to feel the zombie horror theme more. Other than that love the game a lot of fun
  6. gmattergames

    gmattergames Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2013
    Kepa, thank you for prompt and detailed responses to everyone's questions.
  7. L.Lawliet

    L.Lawliet Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
    #407 L.Lawliet, Mar 25, 2017
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2017
    Oh so there is a stats screen! I guess I didn't see it because the info and stats page loaded so slow. Is it possible to speed those pages up (make the text appear immediately)? I know you turn on "fast text" but I don't want the entire game to be fast text, just the info screens. I think most people don't really want to wait for all the info and stats to slowly appear, they probably just want to see them right away.

    Regarding the music, I think it's perfect. The game is zombie survival with a humorous tone. The music conveys that. If the music was too dark or creepy it would clash with the funny jokes and events. The humor is the charm of this game!
  8. vonknut

    vonknut Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2013
    Figured out one of the things that makes the movement troublesome.

    You collider box goes below your feet.
    So when above eg. A doorway/wall or another character/zombie, you can get stuck and cant go left/right
  9. Notturno

    Notturno Active Member

    Mar 8, 2015
    #409 Notturno, Mar 25, 2017
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2017
    Can't get all the hype, this game is extremely overrated.. it remembers me "party hard go", you play it for a while and then it gets really boring and repetitive. The music is terrible, it doesn't fit in the game at all and after some time you get angry at it. Nice game mechanics and ok gameplay, the dialogue is way too repetitive in other runs, you get bored after you see the same things over and over.
  10. SwordBytes

    SwordBytes Active Member

    May 17, 2013
    Was going to say similar.

    Way overpriced for what it is.
  11. Doppelganger

    Doppelganger Member

    Jan 4, 2017
    I'm going to ask a tough question... is there ANY chance, most probably months of updates from now, that we can design our own faces/haircuts/clothes via an in-game editor ?
  12. Qvothe1331

    Qvothe1331 Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2017
    I found a guy blackout drunk in the pub. I decided feed him some food to even out his blood sugar.
    "Irenicus starts smooshing some food on Arlin's mouth as he sleeps"
    "OK, I'm awake!"

    I laughed so hard when I read that. I keep picturing it in my head, someone trying to smoosh a block of spam or something into an unconscious mouth, but 0% of it goes in, it just folds in half and deforms as it grinds up in his face. And then the guy wakes up a little annoyed with chunks of food on his face. It's even funnier when I think of how I had good intentions and that this wasn't a prank. I'm having a hard time writing this cause I keep giggling #
  13. Kepa

    Kepa Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2009
    Let me know if you have any ideas here RE: repetition. I don't think I'm going to completely redo how the game plays, but I'm thinking of different stuff for potential spin-offs or sequels or even updates.

    Probably not, because we just do that via image editing programs. There's actually a level editor in-game, but a pixel editor wasn't necessary for development.


    I need to add some non-food options to that, just in case a map gets generated with no food.
  14. jdjleo

    jdjleo Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2013
    Stopped reading at music is terrible.

    I think the music is AMAZING!

    When I heard that surfer jazz riff like it was from Pulp Fiction I almost died!

    That track is everything to me!

    Kepa - plz more!!!
  15. nkx

    nkx Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2015
    I think you are right the more I keep playing the music isn't so bad
  16. HEAVY

    HEAVY Member

    Aug 8, 2015
    I like the game overall. I honestly would love to see a spin off that is more of a linear story mode. I would love to be able to have more "control" of things... I wish I could use med kits on the fly while in battle. I wish I could kind of pick where I was going instead of just waiting for a screen to pop up and tell me. I also wish zombies dropped coins or something and that I could actually buy things off of traders instead of just swapping for food. I understand this style of game is kind of "do a lot of run throughs and you'll eventually get lucky" which I appreciate and is quite fun. I guess I would like to see a more "traditional" RPG / action RPG that isn't so Oregon Trail-ish. The dev did mention in a previous comment about a spin off or a sequel. Something like that would be awesome! But I do enjoy this game :)
  17. dreadnok

    dreadnok Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2011
    I came here to kick ass and chew bubble gum I'm ou
    Check your hearing the music Rocks!!!! I play with headphones And Party Hard is a classic. Funny how people find this boring yet find games like Flappy Bird exciting

    There two types of people in this world
    Canadians and those that died along the way :D mic drop
  18. jdjleo

    jdjleo Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2013
    OH SNAP!

    Kanye would be proud
  19. dreadnok

    dreadnok Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2011
    I came here to kick ass and chew bubble gum I'm ou
    I totally dig what you're saying but
    Money would be useless in an apocalypse situation see Road Warrior Walking Dead etc gas and food would be essential

    If you were overwhelmed by an enemy you could stop in the middle and bandage your injuries. You'd escape the take care of it when you got away hence the car

    Not trying to argue or anything just pointing out how what they did makes sense in those situations

    See you in Canada
  20. Notturno

    Notturno Active Member

    Mar 8, 2015
    #420 Notturno, Mar 26, 2017
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2017
    For a quick example, try to compare the randomly generated scenario of DRTC to The Binding of Isaac, as you progress you unlock new items and you don't get the same options again and again, the main problem with DRTC is that you keep playing and it's about memorising what you should avoid selecting in the dialogue thing, the same options will lead to the same problems, and the game just becomes about selecting good things to say and avoiding places if you don't have the right characters at the moment, the same repetitive thing applies when you go out of fuel, here is what you are going to get: you are going to get robbed and/or enter one of the three or four different areas to get a new car, after a while this gets REALLY boring and this is the same for a bunch of stuff within the game. Don't get me wrong, i strongly loved the idea of this game, but it needs a TON of new content in it so you don't think you are always doing the same in every run.
    Anyway, good luck with the game Kepa cheers
    Btw, the same version of the pc game is in here or this is like a "beta"?

    tl;dr the game is good, needs improvement

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