Can you guys post a release date for the release date? Or a release date of the release date of the release day?
I actually agree with some guy's comment I read somewhere that we should atleast get another video on DRTC, all we have is just the trailer which is boring now. Who agrees eh?
Oh yes let's beg them to spend a few hours creating another trailer of an unfinished game, whine at the "coming soon" at the end, and, when the game comes out, complain about how it doesn't look like the trailer. No offense hehe
Think we should stop harassing them and let them do what they do best (aka make games). Don't worry, it's coming.
That's true though. Everyone does that. Except for the people who DON'T whine about how the game doesn't look like the trailer. I've to admit, I hate the "coming soon" words on any game.
I was looking through the video and realised there are blond zombies. Always good to have a variety of different species. I really love the sound when you hit a zombie with a stick and when you shoot 'em with a shottgun, it makes a really nice crisp sound when that rusty stick penetrates the dead man's rotting skull.
I was wondering, Madgarden and Rocket this is for ye, does it get boring being famous? Also is it a stressful job being an anticipated game developer? Or is it all fun and games? What I mean to say is that do you push yourselves to the limit or take your time and have fun while make your games?
What would've been a blast if they had iphone 5 wallpapers from this game. Not saying I want one, I'm just putting it out there
OMG ROCKETCAT AND MADGARDEN!!!! Thanks very much for the big news update on steam greenligh!!! It's a big relief. Thank you for for the new upcoming trailer too because that's just what I asked for!!!!!! Thank you!!!
Omg rlly let me check u better not be joking EDIT: Thank you ricketcat and mad for the update (i have been following the game in steam as well and I know that everyone was complaining). I cant wait for the new trailer! The delay was for the better, the new room generation system sounds cool. So does the bug (all rooms being bathrooms) really looking forward to find that in the game. It sounds like there are still at least a couple of months till a release?