Universal Death Point (by Andiks Ltd.)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by BigDich, Aug 25, 2017.

  1. AndiksLtd

    AndiksLtd Member

    Aug 28, 2017

    Hello everyone! We updated Death Point iOS version to 1.4 and here what’s new:
    ∙ MFi controller support.
    ∙ Now UZI automatically switches to the next weapon when out of ammo
    ∙ Additional checkpoints added on the levels
    ∙ Some improvements in the gameplay
    Try the new version and give us your feedback and your marks!
  2. squarezero

    squarezero Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver

    Dec 10, 2008
    Chief Strategy Officer
    Salem, Massachusetts, USA
    Thanks for the info. Additional checkpoints will be much appreciated :).
  3. scottsoapbox

    scottsoapbox Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Subway Help

    Still need another checkpoint in the subway level. I can NOT figure out how to enter the building after disabling the laser (past the dumpster hiding from camera). I'm getting sick of redoing the first part of this level again and again.

    Perhaps I'm missing something, but it seems like overwhelming forces in every other direction too, so... a little help anyone?
  4. chief78

    chief78 Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2012
    #84 chief78, Sep 26, 2017
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2017
    Had to snag this with the update to MFi, but am going to play thru with virtual controls first. Been wanting to get this..

    EDIT: wow this is hardcore difficult...still haven't made it out of the prison. I guess my only qualm is there seems to be a very set way to go through the levels. Something more in the veign of Hitman's approach to killing targets and progressing would be awesome...as-is, I like what's here but it is linear.
  5. AndiksLtd

    AndiksLtd Member

    Aug 28, 2017
    This is only on first 4 levels, we need doing this to teach people do not fear the guards and use their weapons ( bottle at first)
  6. AndiksLtd

    AndiksLtd Member

    Aug 28, 2017
  7. scottsoapbox

    scottsoapbox Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Many thanks! I was trying to find a way to sneak past all those guards.
  8. skoptic

    skoptic Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2015
    I’m very very good at dying in this game.......
  9. Wolf Cookie

    Wolf Cookie Active Member

    Feb 6, 2015
    #89 Wolf Cookie, Sep 27, 2017
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2017
    Was having trouble in some of the earlier levels in the game but I guess my strategy was wrong. So I changed some tactics and was able to get through them. BUT....level 5, the engineering complex is WAAAAYYYYYYYYY too hard. There seems to be too many guys and they just keep coming. It seemed like the first part of that I was able to pile up what seemed like a dozen dead bodies before I was able to get to the checkpoint. But now the 2nd part is even harder. It seems like a much smaller area and there are fewer places to hide. And the bad guys are strategically placed so it seems impossible. If I throw a bottle they all seem to come at once.

    This is a frustrating game. Maybe the checkpoints could be hard saved? To keep from having to repeat certain parts over and over. If something happens to my ipad and I lose my progress up to that point and have to start again, then I have to go through everything again.

    What about difficulty levels? Could that be programmed into the game?

    Not sure but I think this game will be too hard for most casual gamers.

    little help...?
  10. chief78

    chief78 Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2012
    I would 2nd the notion for difficulties....or at least have an option to make the guards less aggressive. They have perfect aim, and the fact you can't see them until they're shooting at you point blank makes it a frustrating challenge. I'm no newbie, and I'm not a casual gamer...and I've not had so much trouble even getting past the first stage of any game in a long long time...
  11. Boboy

    Boboy Active Member

    Apr 10, 2013
    Very Hard!

    Very very Hard!
  12. AndiksLtd

    AndiksLtd Member

    Aug 28, 2017
    Video_for_level_5_full_achievements_with_steelseries_nimbus maybe you can find some tricks for you there. Btw i can record this type of video with every level (i'm not sure about 100% achievements on every level)
  13. shfrost

    shfrost Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2010
    Wooded area
    I'm on the fence with this one. Haven't purchased yet, mainly because it looks like there's very little need for weapons, and as much as I love stealthy games, I enjoy equally popping an occasional round or two. How much, if any, gunplay is there? Any sniping? Gotta love sniping.
    The game does look very good.
  14. AndiksLtd

    AndiksLtd Member

    Aug 28, 2017
    Pistol with silencer, shotgun, UZI - shooting weapons
    Bottle,flashbang,smoke - Throwing weapons
    Land mine, that attract attention of enemies.
    Our game is closer to stealth game, than top-down shooter, like SM, but still you can complete levels with "force" method.
  15. Wolf Cookie

    Wolf Cookie Active Member

    Feb 6, 2015
    #95 Wolf Cookie, Sep 28, 2017
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2017
    Thanks for the video. I had finally reached the point where I got the shotgun and was struggling with the onslaught of enemies after that. Looks like there's quite a bit more to that level.

    I think the problem is, you know where all the bad guys are and the rest of us don't so that's why we are all dying a LOT. Every time we turn a corner expecting one or two bad guys we learn that there are 15 bad guys. And I'm like most guys in that I like to pop off a few rounds. Some degree of sneaking and stealth are good, but not too much?

    Plus the fact that I'm not using an MFI controller. I'm using touch controls which may make it a bit more challenging.

    Please consider making the checkpoints a hard save so if something happens and we have to turn our devices off for some reason we don't have to start the level over again. As much as I enjoy playing the game that does not mean I want to repeat something over and over again. It takes away from the enjoyment of the game.
  16. AndiksLtd

    AndiksLtd Member

    Aug 28, 2017
    We understand, that we have problem with closing game and start level from zero, and in the future we fix it, by adding "continue" function. But i can't name any dates, because we have alot of work with android version.
  17. chief78

    chief78 Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2012
    Honestly, having some sort of reduced difficulty would be more than welcome. Even using MFi, I haven't gotten past level 2. The biggest issue was explained in the previous post. YOU know where the enemies are, YOU know how to traverse the levels...WE are going in blind and getting our "you know what" handed to us. I had to stop playing this game. To compare it to MGS is not fair, as that game didn't have a ridiculous difficulty that punished players...in fact that's why the series made it....just my two cents, but I don't see a ton of players picking this up because the difficulty and frustration of learning a VERY linear path (like I mentioned before). If you want to draw more players in, you HAVE to drop the difficulty starting out. This game is too hardcore too early. Please listen to us....we wish this game success....hell, I don't pick at games much but this one is a hot button for me because I want to enjoy it but can't in it's current iteration. Take this as constructive criticism from ur fans #
  18. Wolf Cookie

    Wolf Cookie Active Member

    Feb 6, 2015
    Flash bangs are fun to use!
  19. skoptic

    skoptic Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2015
    Here, here
  20. AndiksLtd

    AndiksLtd Member

    Aug 28, 2017
    Well, maybe we can do something with it, but we need more information which exactly part of the game is hard, or maybe you have lack of information about enemies behavior, or something this kind?

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