Hello everyone, here is how to find your invite code: From the main city screen-> gifts -> info -> other-> invite rewards Please use mine and keep this party rolling: D1T1FZQ Thanks, and if you need a friend look up Mistborn in game.
Looking forward to playing with you, here's my code : MJLT7S9 Please use the code and help each other out.
Any help would be much appreciated my invite code 9DRNH8M I don't really know what did i get from entering others, but if you enter my code at the character creation window, it will really help me a lot Add me too... In-Game-Name: PersonaVess
Please use my code I9NLRD1 If you add me in game my name is Hikari and I will send you a lot of cool stuff when you hit level 10 and unlock trading
Ok I am way lost How do I use the invite code to add all of you all that are requesting like I am. Please don't tell me via Twitter or Facebook because I have neither. I want that dang Cleopatra! I have a thing about Egyptian stuff...
Please help me ! Hey guys I'm banging my head against a wall trying to get people to use my code hope you guys can help ! Invite code : WS9EN3J Name : SilentZer0 (last number is a zero not an O) Add me I'm always gifting my friends on there daily.... Thanks
my invitation code is 935ITLH Please use my invitation code I will also give you rare cards if you used my invitation code. Name is : Amania
friend code VYZR7LQ VYZR7LQ VYZR7LQ VYZR7LQ VYZR7LQ Name: Tank179 For any one who adds me I cycle through my friends list for when I get rare chicks. Also, I have 2 extra copies of 4 star deadmans and ill give 1 to anyone who uses my code (if I run out of copies I will get you a 4 star when I can)
#g9ew5yv #please use my invite code so we can get benefits in the game. I trade 4⭐️ and 5⭐️ cards. G9EW5YV