been a while since I played a "big" game with graphics like these Looks pretty awesome though, looking forward to checking this one out! Wish it would download a bit faster though
Helloooooooo, stop developing levels like London Metro if you can't provide a smooth framerate!!! These places are overloaded with effects it went down to ~10 FPS on Mini Retina. I playing on hard difficulty and it affects everything from hit ratio to killing mobs in general. Sheeesh Yeah it looks least for a slideshow.
latest update on iPad mini retina (london mission - hard) Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel ps. @nekku i didn't notice any framerate drop as you can see on the video or am i playing the wrong mission?
Hey, redribbon! Yeah, I meant the London Underground/Metro Mission. The mission in your video plays fairly smooth and I wish this would be the case through the entire game. Go to the place like shown in the screenshot. It's so bad and becomes even more worse when there are 10+ zombies on the screen. There are a couple more places though where the game becomes nearly unplayable with many zombies on the screen. The bad thing about this is that I try to avoid these maps or going full melee to maintain my hit ratio if I can't avoid them. I guess it's because all of these smoke effects which are causing the drops in framerate.
@nekku, ok im gonna try it tonight. will post the video after. ps. i can see from your pic, the smoke effects are a bit heavy in here, but thats nothing miniR can't handle.
Can't handle, you say? Heh, I highly doubt it least not in this state. It can handle it for sure but oh well. There is a stairway in the same map and if you going downstairs there is another long floor with red'ish lightning and dozens of smoke coming out from the sidewalls. Aw god, it's the same as in the ss above. I really think it's the smoke cause it plays super smooth when there is only one or maybe two sources of smoke. But anything above is bad. Thanks for checking it out! There is also some kind of a glitch where cutted off arms and/or legs often still remaining on the body visualy. Looks a bit off.
there you go...lags horde everywhere (especially the latest mission) Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel
Ah, looks like the new update is not too far away. Cheers for the image, looks like snow is on the horizon.
Hmm I got a message last night saying there was a new update out, but I never recieved it. Did anyone else?