OK, so I had to go with the girl, not because she's a girl, but because I just need to have a shotgun!! I pretty much lived with that weapon in Dead Effect 1 haha. It's one hella game, stunning graphics, very smooth, story seems a tad cheesy haha but I am predicting the missions are going to get rough. But really enjoying it so far. You guys have definitely moved up a big notch. Anyone else wondering if you get to drive that giant mech standing in the map room?
Installing...I'm on iPad 4,I sincerely hope that this game shall be even better than dead space mobile that is gone from the appstore...
How are you managing that? Nowadays even games that come on disc still require a Steam/Origin/Uplay account, and even worse some don't come with game files - just the installer for the appropriate client(MGSV:TPP)! I'm right there in that boat with you on games that require a constant connection even for single player, but I've grudgingly come to accept digital distribution of PC games and I suspect we're going to have to do the same with connected mobile games. That or give up on them entirely.
deleted it because it has problem connecting, i thought it was my wifi, but my clash of clans is connecting properly. I can confirm though that it really doesn't require constant internet connection, after you have log in, you can turn off your connection, you won't have icloud save though, and i don't know how will you be able to continue your progress.
MFi support is buggy. 1. Pressing the A button while inside any mini-menu/sequence (locker opening, upgrade screens, message screens, etc) exits out. 2. While in some of the menus, you can use the analog stick to have a "mouse cursor" but the click button for this mouse is oddly the Pause button. 3. Twice now my game crashed, both times while im using the controller. Havent crashed while using touch controls yet.
Hey guys, we're absolutely over the moon with all your supportive comments, thank you. So. Much!!! We've put hours and hours into this and it's been wonderful watching it go live and people play it and actually like it! Those of you who experienced crashes, freezes or other problems, could you please give the details about your device so that we can look into the issues? Thank you!
I got to admit, I was depressed with the F2P decision, but after playing a few minutes, depression is lessening. However waiting to see iap elements kick in. So far, excellent job!
Thanks to TA and all the active members. I completely passed this over all day simply because it was Free. But after watching the video I must say it looks quite impressive. A lot of love and money went into this product. So allow me to show my appreciation and further my thanks.
Mine crashed too, iPhone 5s, iOS 9.1, it first crashed when the first time I was able to access my inventory. Then got some random crashes, kind a lags too especially when going through doors. Controls are kind a unresponsive too (non auto-fire mode).
Oh thank you, really wanted to buy one, I thought there is one available locally. good to see you too.haha
mine is working fine with Mfi but the only problem is the mfi is not fully supported like in the description said. 1. you cant kick on the locker to opened in 2. you cant scan your finger to opened the door 3. the back button freeze when accessing the menu, you have to access it from the screen 4. all the menu selection are somehow buggy, especially when oepning your backpack to see your inventory 5. sensitivity slider perhaps on the next update? the game needs a specific tutorial on MFi once the game detect the mfi present. overall im quite please with the gameplay, graphics are great, story connection are simple and quite easy to enjoy and follow. device info: 6s plus 9.1 mfi: steelseries stratus XL
I think auto-fire needs to be tweaked a little bit so that I dont shoot at enemies 300 feet away wasting precious ammo. There are also some noticable slowdowns upon entering a room with many enemies and also in the base as soon as the starmap is activated. (i'm playing at extreme settings on an Air2). Aim-button doesnt work sometimes. Didnt had a crash yet.
I'm playing on an Android device running Lollipop 5.1.1 In the first mission, when you first get an item and it shows you how to open the inventory, after I double tap to use the item in the inventory, the game crashes.