Few bugs: 1. Eternity (Katana) - On the upgrade screen (Minikin), you can only upgrade to open 2 Codex slots. But when you go to the attach codex screen, it has 3 slots, with no way to unlock the third. 2. Forgot the name of the area, but it was the "resting area with console shops" in the middle of the final area of Story Pt1. I fell off a stair bridge, and it didnt have a floor below, just falling into darkness. Had to quit the app to get out.
[thread=274255][/thread] [thread=274347][/thread] [thread=274304][/thread] [thread=274467][/thread] [thread=274328][/thread] [thread=274330][/thread] [thread=274263][/thread] [thread=274149][/thread] Dead Effect 2 is one of the nominees for Touch Arcade Forums' Game Of The Week Oct 29th, 2015 VOTE HERE ***PLEASE NOTE*** 1) Developers, publishing partners, or affiliates cannot vote for their own games. If your game is in the poll, you can't vote for it. You are free to ask TA forum posters in your game release thread to vote for your game... but please don't post multiple messages about it. 2) This voting is for TA members with some activity. If you have to ask someone to create a new account to vote, you're doing it wrong. 3) Suspect votes may be void. Credit to AndyC83 for GotW logo & post layout
Anyone knows how "leash" works?Does it just hold your enemy in the gravity field or you can throw the enemy with it somewhere?
You know I can't put my finger on it but something about this game irks me. Maybe it's just because it's zombies or something... I still think it's a fantastic game, but I'm just not getting into it as much as you guys :/
I personally loved (past tense) the zombies theme, especially back when TWD wasnt mainstream yet. This kinda brings those memories back. TWD is so mainstream now that everytime i hear it mentioned i cringe. It reminds me of that random song i loved from a random band, then they became radio friendly and all you can hear over public radio is their song every few minutes.
LOL... Didnt mean it like that, but things get overplayed and i can only have so much. Some young genius once said... It's so good it's bad.
Progress from lv 11 to 12 is pretty slow. I cant imagine how difficult it will be to get to 20. Needs a bit of rebalancing to reduce the amount of xp needed for levelling up.
why does this game need me to log in facebook every time i start it? the other games need to connect once and authorise it, and after that they load separately. DE2 wants me to open fb every time, while saying "you have already authorised Dead Effect 2"..
Less crashes. Only crashed once so far (ipad air 8.4.1, no jb), and i played for 3 hours straight. Seems Badfly was able to improve the stability significantly. Huge improvement in XP required to level up, took me about an hour and a half of "long" survival mode runs on hard to lv up from 13 to 14. Admittedly though, repeatedly doing survival mode does get tiring, but it's the best source of XP for me so far.
Yup. There are powerful early equips that can be bought with premium currency (crystals) but that can easily be attained if you pay a small amount for the IAP, but you do have the option to keep playing the other modes as enemies drop crystals at random. While playing in hard difficulty and long duration setting of survival mode i can get a crystal at random at a rate of about 1 each run, which takes 7 mins to complete. Thing is, there isnt multiplayer so getting an advantage using crystals arent as important. As for cash, you will find enough while playing, but it's a real grind to maintain multiple weapons simultaneously. I suggest focusing on 1 main weapon early on, coz by the time you'd be able to almost max that out, you should have access to better equips in which you should get and switch focus on.
Updated game is crashing heavily. Cannot complete Rescue Minkin job. Multiple points throughout the mission seem like "weak spots" where the game is always likely to crash-quit for no discernible reason or trigger. Using Gunner character on updated (1.01?) app. iPhone 6, iOS 8.4.x. Before the game was updated, I first started playing with the female shotgunner. She completed that rescue mission without a problem and is now level 4 and still playable. Hope some of this info is of use to anyone else with major crash issues.
Have you tried lowering the visual settings? Back when i was crashing a lot it was during fighting in areas with heavy lighting, or those with smoke or gas or something like that. So i figured i should lower some settings a bit and it helped.
It was originally set at Extreme. I turned a couple of settings down individually after the crashes began. Then, stepped down the entire profile to High. I'll try another step down from there. I just tried my level 4 shotgunner on a replay of the rescue Minikin mission. It crashed. These crashes always occur when there are no enemies and don't seem to coincide with any event triggers. Usually, I'm just turning around. Perhaps it's the light blooms. Just my luck that the updated app would bring the game to a halt for me. UPDATE: Visual settings at Medium did the trick. Completed run without crash. Suspect light blooms to be the culprit. Removed them from friends list. Much obliged.
It actually did it again, as I was deep into the next mission. After the shooting gallery had past, looking around for any remaining cash before boarding the tram. I swear I could hear laughter. Visual settings reduced to Low, but I'm not sanguine.
Hello there, sorry to hear about the issues! I'll forward this to the devs to have a look. Thanks for reporting it!
No worries, just sharing my info in case it helps others with similar issues. Speaking of which, final data on the crashes... Visual settings on "Low" produces no repeatable level crashes that kept me from advancing. However, there are still the occasional random crashes that can occur anytime, anywhere. Many of these seem to happen if the game thinks I'm taking too long, like completing a mission too slowly, thinking too much about buying an implant, or (the worst and easiest to reproduce) taking too long to figure out a numbers puzzle on a locker. It will even timeout crash if I go to the main menu for too long. This "idling" seems to be the only common thread in the crashes I still experience. No idea if this issue is mine alone or a bug. Regardless, I hope this information is useful somehow.