Yup... It's not endless though, but you can set the duration to "long." Basically, you need to survive X minutes.
Woohoo! Im almost Lv11, and i appreciate increasing the progress rate (im assuming either higher XP gain, or lower XP requirements to next level). It does get grindy when you want to get to the next story mission already.
Ah, thanks man. And you are right for the collection, and it would be awesome if the weapons were account wide and you can share them to all characters - or it would take the fun out of the game? hmm...
Hmm... It seems the game crashes when internet becomes slow. When i opened a youtube video on my son's tablet while my wife also started a video stream, my game just crashed. Never heard of a crash caused by latency, but is it possible?
What have you guys spent money on so far exactly, and how far into the game were you? I have only played the first couple missions so far.
Ive just reached Lv12, and playing the modes in between story stages feel a bit grindy. I still enjoy it, but im sure not everyone feels the same way and may not like this much grind on an FPS. Im glad Badfly posted a few back that they are improving the rate of progression.
these assets look like the ones in Dead Effect 2 https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/7088
From what i see it's not about making use of those assets. It's all about how good these assets were used. These are indie devs, and i dont expect 100% assets-from-scratch, and the execution here in DE2 is easily worthy of my 5-stars despite a few stabilization flaws (could be fixed on the upcoming update in review).
BadFly! Just some quick, and hopefully easy , small updates... *Double-tap to turn around *Skip storyline cutscenes with re-playthroughs and with secondary save files; ex. I've been skipping other storyline elements with the other two characters, but would like to get past cutscenes.. Going to be dropping some moola in this after I get some birthday cash and as long as my wife lets me spend it on myself I'm good HA!
Hey there, great ideas! I'll forward this to our devs, let's see what they can do about it. Hopefully your wife will recognize your need for some cool gear Thanks!