Has the 50% discounted offerings in the game ever popped up for people who have had enough money to actually buy the items listed? I was wondering if it was just a ploy to get people to make iaps.
Yep, bought a vehicle and weapon when on sale. Kicked myself for not having enough for the combat shotgun though :/ But, its quite likely there to encourage people to take advantage by buying some in game cash as well. Fair play, their currency isn't overpriced like most games (you seen Tetris Blitz lol) and earning cash isn't too hard anyway. If I weren't so wired against purchasing fake money, I'd probably have dropped a few quid to support the dev anyway. Loving the game, can't wait for slums... Need more stuff
I'm on level 15... How in the world do you get the 200 double kills?!?!? I went 15,000m on my last run pumping the antique rifle with double ammo and fast reload the entire time and didn't get it! Awesome awesome game though!
Im still using the scooter and the regular 9mm gun, time to upgrade... Could someone tell me what to aim for?
Dirt bike is great and with an upgrade or two is comparable to anything in the game. You'll need the shotgun for a double kill mission. That's probably what I'd aim for as your first purchases.
Whew! Finally level 16, got the combat shotgun and did a 17,000m run to get the 200 double kills. Looking forward to slums!
I already have the double barrel shotgun (did the double kill mission with that) but I will buy the dirt bike now as its cheap and have money to upgrade and always liked them. Any other weapon I should buy? Maybe the desert eagle?
Probably my favorite 'endless runner' since punch quest and almost ridiculous that its free. I would have happily paid good money. My one very minor criticism/comment would be that I'd like to have some form of counter that told me how far through I am with each objective in-game. I didn't expect anything from this and have found myself inadvertently losing hours to it.
Frost , I like stuff with a lot of ammo , don't know what level you are, but the sub machine gun with the fast reload and ammo doubler really helps mow down lots of zombies. Which of course leads to higher combos .
For sure. I like it more than the weapon you unlock after (machine gun). Then you'll have to get the grenade launcher, again, missions you'll need it for.