Exactly, but without the strength of the Star Wars IP or the sheer wealth of content that game has. SWGOH is about to launch ship battles, on top of the existing content. There's just no competition, unless you hate Star Wars and love DC.
It is not an exact clone of Star Wars if it was it had to be everything that Star Wars had in D.C. Legends
I've been enjoying this game. Angry Joe was right that the microtransactions are pretty brutal, but I haven't spent any money and haven't spent too much time in the game and I have Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Flash, Green Arrow, Joker, Harley Quinn and a few others. I think I get Superman when I complete all the story missions. I know there's alternate versions of many of these characters, but I was surprised that you basically get all the biggest characters from DC pretty early on. In Star Wars, you get to play characters like crimson guard or jawa.