Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel Nobody knew where they came from . nobody knew what they wanted until it was too late! Trumplings! Frothing little vessels of rage have come to town, to knock down our Big Beautiful Walls and move their master into the Whitehouse! Exercise your Second Amendment Rights to save America! Build Gun Towers stop the Trumplings before they clear a path to armageddon! Take 3rd person control and gun down Trumplings in the streets as fast as you can fire, then smite their master with the mighty Fist of Truth! Violence is not AN answer, its THE answer! Take back your country NOW!
Imagine a world where people really did shoot up people they don't agree with. Good thing this game is far from that type of idea or reality! So what maps/places are included in your "game"? Bangladesh Istanbul Orlando San Bernadino Benghazi Fort Hood? Having said all that. This is disgraceful at best. Not so amazing "Russ".
Yes I do not condone real world violence, but all is fair in games and war. This game looks absolutely amazing. Bring on the fun!