Couple of small things Noticed that the reddit address is still in tips. You may want to change that to Touch Arcade. Also (tip for others) I noticed that if you press and hold Minion, that he will automatically fetch or do things one at a time, even if he has a collection bag equipped. Very useful for boosting communication. Another strategy-like tip I would share with new players is to think ahead in crafting tasks. It’s much more efficient to have Minion collecting for the next task while you are working on your current task. Wish I had thought of this earlier. If you send Minion out, wait to get stuff, finally get stuff, craft, and then send Minion out to collect for the next task (while you wait), you will get very bored very quick.
I sent my minion to fish or hunt and he returned with almost -2000 energy. Needless to say it took a while until I had him back into the positive. No clue what caused it or how to prevent it in the future.
Im really curious to know the chance of gaining skill points after reaching 90 and above in any skill. It seems to be so steep that even the combination of +300% appron, -25 gloves & +0.3 book isnt effective enough to pass such enormous wall. I feel that approns lose their apeal with each upgrade, their price is doubled each time you buy a new one but they dont add much compared to the first few ones.The next appron for me is +400% appron, which effectively increases my chance by 33% but costs 2000 gp, so if the chance of gaining a skill point at 90 is 0.3% it would get to 0.4% which is not much to justify the huge cost. If the chance never gets below 1% then it is fine as it is, otherwise I would suggest to reconsider their effictivness, maybe by making them +100%, +300%, +500%, .. etc. I wouldnt say the same about books since their effect is so huge and every 0.1 more is really significant.
I'm guessing you're in the test version. I believe this is caused by - energy foods in his bag. I will fix it by the next update.
Notes taken, though I don't think we will change the items (which may result in some of them being lost) but maybe add extra side mechanics to support it. I got a couple ideas but not the time
Thanks, I figured it was some sort of bug. I assumed if I sent him fishing he would return once his bait ran out or once he was exhausted from working, whichever comes first.
So I finally got around to posting here (more specifically reading the backlogs so I know what's been suggested), and while I haven't checked the TestFlight version I want to suggest a sort of exchange system. It would be a smallish feature that includes the Bank, a building where a person (perhaps Sequioa, who if chosen should probably keep her investment ability since it only makes sense) would be in, and they would be a sort of "energy condenser", by having you give energy in exchange for a token (I'm thinking shiny tokens since Shiny Stones already have a value as currency but Food Token is also a good option) that has an energy value worth equal to or a little less than the energy put into it (but only at certain values, like 1k, 10k, and 100k to avoid unnecessary complications). The only problem I might see this causing is giving the ability for someone to abuse Sequioa's investments (not Kasino's though since he was already an energy sink). Also it should be stated that the tokens would be non-edible and only have their energy value when traded. TL;DR all this would be is adding a building, allowing someone to work it, and then having you submit energy in exchange for tokens you can use to either have more space or just stockpile energy easier.
Alright, so it's time for a smallish dump of some pictures of some bugs I found. These first two pics are from a bug that gave me a duplicate of Seduran's trades below the first batch (and coincidentally two opposite trades which made me chuckle). Fixed in next trades but perhaps should be looked into.
I wonder what would happen if you continuously buy and sell. I guess you are basically going to buy unlimited pots for one shiny stone. I would suggest to keep doing it until you get thousands of pots , then wait for the merchant to refresh his trades until you can resell those pots for shiny stones, that is what I would call the ultimate investment : P
Nevermind , the quantity of pots gets reduced every time you buy them so there is no potential infinite loop .