Universal Dash or Defend PvP - Tower Offense vs Defense (by Wereviz)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Etherbottle, Aug 22, 2017.

  1. Etherbottle

    Etherbottle Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2017
    Great to hear ideas and suggestions. Keep them coming!

    This is how reconnects work today: If your opponent (or you) temporarily loses connection, a timer will count down from 20 seconds. During this time the opponent may reconnect, unless he/she has killed the app. If the countdown reaches zero, the disconnected player loses. This way you can recover from losing network for a few seconds, or getting a phone call which puts the game in the background. If you kill the app completely you cannot recover, even if you restart it immediately.
    You seem to have encountered some opponents who get distracted from the game and leave it running rather than quit the app. Not very nice behaviour, but maybe we should add a Quit/Concede button to make it easier to do the right thing? Or perhaps come up with a way that the Defend side could auto-win if the Dash player hasn't made any moves in 30 seconds or so? Maybe both?
  2. Hydrawolf

    Hydrawolf Member

    Dec 28, 2017
    Blog writer and ad evaluator
    Ah, didn't know there was a reconnect timer or anything. Haven't had any problems with it thus far.

    Concede button does sound helpful. Probably one of the better (and quicker) options. I don't like the second option because my strategy currently relies on a one-minute pause between combat :p. Gotta build up that ether to be able to win against players 3x my level!
  3. Etherbottle

    Etherbottle Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2017
    We'll put it on our list of future improvements then.
  4. Etherbottle

    Etherbottle Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2017
    New competition starting now!

    Cash prizes to win. Look here for details.

    Good luck, everyone!
  5. Etherbottle

    Etherbottle Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2017
    If we put in a concede button, do any of you have any opinions on where on the screen it could go without being in the way? We'd want to avoid a scenario where it's easy to push it by accident, while in the thick of battle. All opinions are welcome.
  6. Etherbottle

    Etherbottle Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2017
    Real game with commentary

    I realized we have some videos of matches with commentary in your youtube channel. Is this format interesting for you guys? (Maybe we should make some new ones?). I figure videos like these could be good for learning and discussing strategies.
    Note that this one was recorded during our beta, so the graphical interface is very outdated. We had some placeholder graphics back then.

  7. Hydrawolf

    Hydrawolf Member

    Dec 28, 2017
    Blog writer and ad evaluator
    For the concede button, I'd probably just put it in the top right. It's probably a pretty normal place. Maybe even have to hold it for 1-2 seconds to concede? That way if you just accidentally graze it or touch it, there's no immediate pop-up to confirm conceding and you can continue the game unhindered.

    As for the video, I found nothing wrong with it. Well, other than it being a loss :p. I'd add maybe a few things like a look back after the match is over where you pinpoint mistakes that others commonly make as well, maybe highlight a unit that was particularly helpful to the enemies' strategy and discuss briefly why it worked so well. Other videos could include key map points (places where towers can get the most hits in), showing of tower ranges and effectiveness in various spots on the different maps, unit and wave strategies.

    One particularly deadly strategy is to send an air wave of fairies followed by lizards, and just a bit before they reach a kill-zone (lots of air towers), spam bumblebirds. As an added bonus, throw in either the Silence Towers, Lame Aim, or Quickening spells to keep those bumblebirds protecting your real force.
  8. Etherbottle

    Etherbottle Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2017
    Thanks, Hydrawolf.
    I kind of think that videos could be better than built-in tutorials for getting to know the game better. The problem is that we don't really have the time to make any :(
    Are there any youtubers or twitchers (is that a word) in the audience, who are interested in making a go of it? I might be able to get some funding. Perhaps not much, but something. Let me know.
  9. gon52

    gon52 Member

    Oct 22, 2014
    iPad Issue

    I fired up my old iPad 2 and the game crashes on the first screen with the game's company name. I tried restarting the iPad as well as reinstalling but no go. Any suggestions from here?
  10. Etherbottle

    Etherbottle Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2017
    I don't have a lot to offer, I'm afraid. :(
    We have seen problems with some iPad 2 units, though some seem to work. The iPad 2 only has a resolution of 1024x768 and doesn't have very strong graphics. That's were the problems occur. I know there were two different revisions of the A5 chip in the iPad 2 (45 nanometer and 32, I believe) and it's possible that there is a difference between them. They look the same on the outside, so it's hard to know which revision you have.
    Since we couldn't guarantee that DoD would work on all iPad 2 devices, we made it our recommendation to have iPad 3 or later (you can see this in the app description). AppStore doesn't give us an option to stop users from installing on earlier iPads though.

    If you don't have any other iOS device, I can let you know that an Android version will launch very soon (in a week or two).
  11. gon52

    gon52 Member

    Oct 22, 2014
    Awesome! I have Android devices so I'll just wait for that. Thanks for the quick reply!
  12. Etherbottle

    Etherbottle Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2017
    You're welcome!
  13. sh0r

    sh0r Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2014
    I posted this review as royschaffer:I have played a lot of tower defense games but this is the first one where you can play defending the castle and also attack it. It’s a funny game where you earn cards to improve your defenses (or your characters) and then play online against others.

  14. Etherbottle

    Etherbottle Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2017
    Thanks for posting your review!
  15. Hydrawolf

    Hydrawolf Member

    Dec 28, 2017
    Blog writer and ad evaluator
    #55 Hydrawolf, Jan 14, 2018
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2018
    No rewards glitch

    That no rewards glitch just happened again. I'm thinking it might have something to do with the other player quitting? Not 100% sure on that, just hazarding a guess.

    On a separate note, I got another little error today that I couldn't quite place. Could even be connected. The game ended just as I was winning and a pop up saying "Erver Connection! Possible" appeared. Didn't get my rewards of course and not sure what happened exactly. There's a little writing behind it as well. You'll probably know what it says better than me since it's cut off. Here's the picture. Forgot to take a picture of the first error. I'll get on that. Maybe it'll help.


    Added note: It always happens on one I would/should have won. Hence my speculation it may be tied to the other player quitting.
  16. Etherbottle

    Etherbottle Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2017
    I'll start with the new error: The message should really read "No Server Connection! Possible Loss." It's too long to fit in one line, and there was some overflow to the sides. We have corrected that bug now, but it will require a new version on the AppStore to get that change to you players. Thanks for finding and reporting it!
    The message occurs because the connection between your device and our server was disrupted for an extended time. When one player disconnects for more than 20 seconds, the other player wins, but only if he/she is still connected (otherwise it's a draw). Your connection was probably down. It's likely that you lost the game due to the disconnect, but it's not a certainty since the other player could also have been disconnected. Hence the less than certain nature of the message.
  17. Etherbottle

    Etherbottle Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2017
    We have still not found the cause of this one. If it happens again, It would help if we knew the time for when the issue occurs, plus the name of your opponent (if possible). Using that info, we could pull the data for the specific game from our server and see more exactly what happens. We record the games, but there are thousands and thousands of them, so without knowing the time it's like finding a needle in a haystack. Thanks!
  18. Hydrawolf

    Hydrawolf Member

    Dec 28, 2017
    Blog writer and ad evaluator
    Funnily enough I think I just played the guy it happened with last night -- BurkeDrummer. I can't be 100% sure that was the game last night but as for the time, it would've been just before I posted so right around 6:30 (since it took me a good 5-10 minutes to write the post). I'll keep a closer eye out from now on!
  19. Hydrawolf

    Hydrawolf Member

    Dec 28, 2017
    Blog writer and ad evaluator
    Finally figured out what's causing it. Or at least I can recreate it now (huzzah). So there's an error going on when you quit a match (shut down the app) and then immediately go back in, search, and get a match. If you've still got the first match going (as in, you haven't lost by the time you find a new match), the game doesn't recognize your second match whether it's a win or loss, hence no rating or chests. Tested it twice in a row and it happened without fail. If I wasn't clear enough in what's going on, I can answer any questions. In case you still need it, you can find the match end times and opponent names below.

    7:45 A.M. EST -- Clecockra

    7:48 A.M. EST --Insightfire

    Above were the matches I should've won but didn't count. Just before that, I'd purposefully quit a match that was just starting so I was sure it'd still be going by the time I found another match.
  20. Etherbottle

    Etherbottle Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2017
    Thanks, that's solid deduction. It seems like a very reasonable cause for the problem. We'll check it out, using the game data as well. Two thumbs up!

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