Universal Darkness Survival (by Zero Plus Plus Software)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by hyshin93, Nov 9, 2016.

  1. stubbieoz

    stubbieoz Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2015
    Grey haired gamer
    NSW Australia
    #21 stubbieoz, Nov 22, 2016
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2016
    Crashes, crashes, and more crashes!
    I find that either the server tends to be down or the game has a lot of bugs that causes the game to crash.

    A shame as the game is very good but not being able to play means it doesnt matter how good the game is if you can never play it.
  2. akirosai

    akirosai Member

    Nov 23, 2016
    Great game play... Stupid ftp connection requirement

    I've been enjoy the game so far. Have played for 2 days around 8 hours.

    The connection was good on iOS v1.0.7 but after I upgraded to v1.0.8 yesterday I've suffered some crashes with the "Connecting to server"

    The difficulty seems to be dropped a bit in v1.0.8
    Monsters seem easier to kill and higher damage is seen in the game.

    Here is my finding so far (made to B8F with Warrior)

    1. Enable the "fast animation" and use "Brightest" in the option.
    Art design clicks with me, but it is too dark that it hurts my eyes LOL

    2. Manage the hunger/tiredness wisely
    Use the ration ONLY when you are about to starve to death.

    Save the fire blossom and wood to use the fire pit because there are very few methods to restore the fatigue, rest at a camp fire is the most common one.

    When you see a camp fire/drinking well, save it to the very last if you are not dying.

    3. Don't drink the unknown potion recklessly
    The class and names are random.
    Identify it first.
    If you are desperate to do so, take a guess
    The most common potions: Regeneration, Healing, Flame
    Stand in water (to cure flame in case) and prepare some purification spell if you have.

    4. Don't eat the stink meat. It will poison you to death.

    5. Whenever the energy is greater than your hp, use the skills.
    Or you can save it for the boss, depends on the situation.
    Spider: 14hp
    Rat: 11-13 hp
    Slime ~15hp

    6. Save the dart or arrows for the boss.
    Use the flame/poison potion if you have some.
    Keep distant for as long as you can and attack them with your bow and arrow

    7. Equipment is the key to survival.
    If you can craft a better weapon/armour, don't hesitate
    Weigh stone can reduce the strength required by 2~3
    Lighter weapon use less AP, higher chance of critical/double hit
    Shield > 2nd Weapon > 2 handed weapon

    8. I'd like to read unknown spells from distant within enemy's range. Personal opinion.
  3. livingdeadgrrrl

    livingdeadgrrrl New Member

    Nov 26, 2016

    I've been playing this since it was launched to iPhone. It's had many connection issues but this new update is really bad. I am losing connection very often - every time I try and open a box, and am now unable to move through the level 5 door to the 6th floor. The connection just crashes every single time I try.

    It's a shame because I have been looking for a new game exactly like this. Back to wazhack and pixel dungeon I guess. :/
  4. cofunguy

    cofunguy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2012
    Same here..get crashes when opening box or memories. Wish there was a way to contact dev about issue but I don't do Facebook.
  5. Prandar

    Prandar Member

    Dec 1, 2016
    I can play this game perfectly on my samsung tablet. I'm just stuck on a level because I can't find a downstairs. I bet it's behind the barricade I can't remove? Anyone happen to know how to do that?
  6. akirosai

    akirosai Member

    Nov 23, 2016
    I guess it could happen due to the randomly generated map and hidden passage.
  7. akirosai

    akirosai Member

    Nov 23, 2016
    I've had crashes occasionally but I am actually rewarded correctly, ancient coins, recipes and runes. It's just annoying
  8. Anniqa

    Anniqa Member

    Jun 10, 2013
    Do you have grenades? Throw them in front of the barricade to burn it down. A flame potion might also work, though I haven't tried that yet.
  9. Prandar

    Prandar Member

    Dec 1, 2016
    I missed one square on the map with a door to a room with a stairs.:p
  10. Prandar

    Prandar Member

    Dec 1, 2016
    #30 Prandar, Dec 4, 2016
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2016
    Made it to level 16, got destroyed by poisonspells...

    Ow and something that annoyed me a bit, the weightrestriction on items. Most of the equipement was still too heavy at that time. Raising strength high enough is pretty hard.

    The reward of the bosses is crap. ;)

    But still really enjoying the game
  11. akirosai

    akirosai Member

    Nov 23, 2016
    I've completed lv 25 with warrior with one rune slot. The best before was lv 8.

    It was a bit of lucky but overall the gameplay is hardcore and requires strategies.

    Let me know if you guys are interested in some game experience and I am more than glad to share mine :)
  12. Prandar

    Prandar Member

    Dec 1, 2016
    FYI, you can destroy barricades with flame potions.
  13. akirosai

    akirosai Member

    Nov 23, 2016
    Quick tips:

    1. Destroy barricades with flame potion or grenades.
    2. Cook the meat or seed on fire trap
    3. Use levitation potion to float to reach unreachable places
    4. Rotten clouds is the best way to kill the fishes
    5. Shops on Lv3 Lv8 Lv13 Lv18 Lv23, 50% more expensive each time. Make sure you spend all you money as early as possible because it devalues so faaaaast
    6. Cursed items are inferior.
  14. stubbieoz

    stubbieoz Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2015
    Grey haired gamer
    NSW Australia
    Something extremely strange has just happened to my game.
    It has become a well constructed, dare I say it, complete game and no crashing.

    Before today I was very lucky to make it to level 2 in the dungeon. I was getting very few drops, I had no magic capabilities, I never got an armour drop and I had multiple crashes.

    But today all that changed.
    I am getting loads of drops including for the first time ever a couple of shields!
    I am getting armour and weapon drops and loads of scrolls.
    For the first time I even had the magic menu show up! I didnt even know it had one.
    I got zero crashes.
    It is like I am playing a completely different game.

    All I can put it down to is one of two things.
    Either the latest patch that I installed today included a ton of improvements or for whatever reason my game was somehow gimped and only after a complete reboot (which I just happened to do this morning) it has fixed the game.

    Whatever the reason I am now finding this game to be a joy to play and a great roguelike.
    Amazing! #
  15. Prandar

    Prandar Member

    Dec 1, 2016
    I'm at dungeonfloor 21 now with a promising char. Got some food and a lot of healing, so that's comforting.

    Weapon: longsword Noble Blade +5: 9-43 damage
    Shield: Haven't seen any yet...
    Armour: plate mail Defender's Armor +4: 0-38 defense
    Bow: Hunter of Wind 2-16 (don't really use it a lot)
    Accesory 1: Boots of Luck
    Accesory 2: ring 'Windy Hills'

    So at classlvl 17 I've 15str 14dex 14sta 9int 10+1luck
    Attack 30 Defense 19

    So, if I can stay focussed I can get far with this one :)
  16. stubbieoz

    stubbieoz Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2015
    Grey haired gamer
    NSW Australia
    Indeed, the random drops in this game seem way too "random" for my liking. #
  17. Prandar

    Prandar Member

    Dec 1, 2016
    Won the game. :) Almost the same gear as mentioned above. One difference, I made the bow +5 too. Never really used it except for shooting some fish.
  18. stubbieoz

    stubbieoz Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2015
    Grey haired gamer
    NSW Australia
    Wish there was some proper explanations about the crafting system.
    For example;
    One sign reads "You can make potions that have high expression rate under the normal condition".

    Any idea wtf that means? #
  19. hyshin93

    hyshin93 Active Member

    Jul 30, 2010
    South Korea
    v1.0.23 has been submitted :)

    New Features
    - Change the floor image of the garden room
    - Add confirmation step before opening box with 600 ancient coins
    - Added function to share adventure record
    - You can select equipment slots for accessories and weapons.
    - You can burn barricade, camp and dead body of zombie with using torch.
    - Show tier bonus in craft list

    Adjust Balance
    - "Rain of Life" : the place where the grass was previously restored to be able to grow grass again,
    - Change the item drop rate in the grass created by "Rain of Life" (decrease the drop rate of weapons, armors, accessories)
    - In the garden room : HP is recoved by 5% per turn. Energy is no more recovered.
    - After the crocodile skill is prepared, the skill is canceled if it can not be used until the 5th turn.
    - Decreased the probability that a sleeping enemy will wake up
    - Shield attack activation condition is changed.
    - When using the Rogue's job skill, you can hiding by transparency during 60AP.
    - Decreased maximum damage of fallen imps

    Bug Fixed
    - Fixed the use of items in freezing and sleeping state.
    - Fixed the problem of Item Option "Foresight"
    - Improved map generation
    - Crocodile skill attack range corrected
    - Prevent planting on dungeon objects
    - Fixed a problem that was not frozen even if throwing strange meat in freezing trap
  20. stubbieoz

    stubbieoz Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2015
    Grey haired gamer
    NSW Australia
    Gosh this is one hard, son of a ..... game.
    After about 20 hours of playing I have only managed to get to dungeon lvl 7 and open up the witch.

    The RNG is way over the top.
    I can hit two times for 0,2 damage and a tiny rat can hit five times 4,2,4,3,4. Result....instant death.

    Most dungeon runs I only manage to get to dungeon lvl 2 or 3.
    I have to say this is one of the harder rogue types I have ever played and I have played heaps since the days of ascii characters.
    The difficulty is now bordering on the frustrating side rather than the enjoyable side.

    I have absolutely no idea how you guys can get so far into the game not to mention finish it.

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