Add Sin Guild Guild: Sin Player ID: 2076082897 When you start the game and input the Player ID above, you will receive 3 Ally Invite Summons. Also, if you belong to the same Guild as the other player, it is possible to become Allies.
Need friends? Screw facebook add me and my bro on dark summoner SIN: 249 819 4265 lvl58 SIN: 195 287 4750 lvl48 NEEDS 13 MORE ALLIES NEED I SAY ANYMORE? ADD US BITCHES
Sin Guild - 2660430098 Guild: Sin Player ID: 2660430098 When you start the game and input the Player ID above, you will receive 3 Ally Invite Summons. Also, if you belong to the same Guild as the other player, it is possible to become Allies.