Game Impressions The Dark Meadow was a nice surprise, it isnt a clone of IB, what i mostly feared, its much more. It seems to have more content that IB and IB2 combined, the spooky story is nice and atmosphere are great. But i encountered a problem: If i close the app, my saved game dissapear, it goes away, this happened to anyone else?
Great game Ok this game is awesome so far. I've been playing for over an hour on my iPod touch 4g and it looks, runs, and plays great. It's a very engrossing game with awesome graphics and good gameplay as well. Like someone else said, this is what I wished Dreamscape would have been. It's only $5 for this game and man it's worth every bit of it. So if u r on the fence about a purchase, Ill just knock u off to the right side. It really is a good game IMO from what I've played so far in my hour + play time.
A little help please! I can't hit anything with the crossbow , I've tried moving to the left & right but it doesn't more. I've tried going to the options menu to adjust the controls but no luck.what I'm I doing wrong? I'd appreciate any help please! Thank you.
I think you were using the dodge buttons! You have to drag the crossbow with your finger to move it .
I meant to post the following in this thread, but posted it in the Shadowgun thread by mistake. Oops. I've read most of this thread and I like the look and sound of TDM. I'll probably be picking it up shortly. Regarding the discussion about TA's reviews, with reference in particular to Shadowgun: guys, don't get so hung up on the opinion of a reviewer. Good or bad, right or wrong, a game review is the opinion of one person and is by its very nature subjective. Of course, you are free to agree or disagree with the reviewer, but there's no point getting frustrated with it all. The fact that TA thinks Shadowgun is a poor game is their opinion. I'm sure there are many, many owners of the game who would completely disagree with that sentiment. It doesn't mean TA are wrong and you all are right. Not at all. Everyone is right because it's your own opinion of a game that counts. If you like it, it's a good game to you. If you don't, then it's a bad game, to you. Simple as that. When I purchase an iOS game that is on the high side of the pricing spectrum, this is the process I usually go through: - I check out several websites for reviews. TA, Pocket Gamer, TouchGen and App Spy are my usual haunts. - I ALWAYS visit the TA forum and try to read up on opinions from people who have purchased and played the game. Just to get a better idea of the general feeling people have about it. Websites like this provide a way for people to read up on games before they part with any cash. I don't always agree with game reviews, but I always enjoy reading them and find them useful. So don't take reviews so seriously; take them for what they are, and that is the opinion of one person. There is not a single game in existence now or in the past, that everyone agrees is good. Or bad. No matter what the game, there will always be people who like it and people who don't. A review is just another opinion. I have never based my decision to purchase a game on the strength of a single review and I never will do. Personally, I enjoy reading TA's reviews and whether I agree with them or not is neither here nor there; I find them useful and will continue to read them, as I will reviews from other sites.
well, because this game shares the same gameplay mechanics as ib i am going to compare it with ib too. the visuals are really great and i would say it looks better than ib because of not so much blur an other fancy stuff. but the game is quite boring. i know that ib is not the funniest game and it is repetitive too, but battles are just better in ib. at first fights are really slow in this game, everything is like in slow motion or something like that. the monsters take really a lot of time to prepare attacks, so even easy fights are just too boring. the controls for crossbows are off too, the point which you should touch in order to arm the crossbow is quite tiny, also the trajectory of bolts is strange too. the gold and items, at first it's ok but then it becomes pretty annoying to view the same animation again and again when you take the gold from shelves and other places, because there are too many of them and you always find something. in ib sacks were placed in the way that you have too look for them, in this game it is too simple and boring. and because this game is bigger than ib to have the map would be really nice.
Without wishing to take the thread too off-topic, I'd be interested to hear some brief comments as to how The Dark Meadow compares to Dream:scape. Cheers, all.
Great game, I really like the atmosphere, storyline, the narrator is the coolest. Definately worth every penny of the 5.99. Best buy for me since mc2 !!!
Without wanting to knock Dreamscape's dev, this game is everything Dreamscape wanted to be and more. I am seriously impressed with Dark Meadow so far (several hours into the game). Gorgeous graphics, wonderful dilapidated environments and enjoyable combat and rpg system. And the story, and backstory (found mainly in letters/journals etc that you find) is supeb. And best of all the voice acting. The character who talks you through your adventure in the safe rooms is so well written and voiced - puts many console games to shame. All in all I think this is one of the best iOS games I've played - a wonderful surprise...
For some reason this game crashes on my 4th gen iPod every. single. time. I tried everything: Restarting, re-installing, re-downloading, wi-fi on/off, freeing up memory but I still can't get past the intro video... Anybody else having that problem?
how does the save work? i closed the app once and when i reopened it again i found myself in the first room with first aid kit anyone help
>>For some reason this game crashes on my 4th gen iPod every. << that is really strange- we haven't seen that and we played it on quite a few touch4s. It sounds like you are doing everything right. Our tech guys are helping troubleshoot issues here if you are interested:
It doesn't seem that strange. There is at least one other person already on your forum with the exact same problem, so maybe there are some crashing/memory issues...
You always spawn there (when you die, when you open the game). Don't worry, you still have all your stuff. It's just that they don't want you to start the game and suddenly be in the middle of a battle or in some corridor with out a clue as to where you are. And here's my gameplay video: sorry for it being "late": Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel
Fantastic game. My one gripe, and it's a MASSIVE one for a gamer like myself.... is the after battle screen. Here you have the single most atmospheric iOS game of all time, and you CONSTANTLY tear me out of that immersion to see the battle stats. Ugh, it's almost enough to force me to stop playing, it breaks the pacing of the game, it KILLS the immersion and everytime I see one I'm reminded I'm playing a game that I could quit out of at any moment. It's really hard to lose myself in the game world, and this game screams for that level of playing. The smaller gripe is when you pick up a note to read it the audio stops. Again, I'm in this horrible place, the sounds are covering me with thoughts of "who is behind me, whats that noise" and yet the second I pick up something to read the game becomes silent. Ugh.... again an immersion killer. Fantastic game, probably one of the best on the system if you are looking at non-casual games.
also dark meadow with bugs? then it is not so beautiful the unrial engine not worth spending money on games (like shadowgun) that crash each game. Better i wait the halloween discounts from appstore next week...
You do realize it's not the engine itself, but how the game is coded that causes the crashing right? Notice how IB had no issues? Also the more complex the game, the less experience the dev's have with the UDK and the time of development all play into how buggy a game is.