ipad 2's are quite cheap now(compared to what they costed) so that's the best bet =] i have an ipad 2 and this game looks and plays fantastic on it
well considering how the ipod4 seems to have trouble with everything these days.... its not worth getting for gaming... and since the iphones are still expensive without a contract, an ipad 2 is still more affordable and a better choice... as for portability well you gonna have to dig up a lot of money for a 2 year contract or get an used iphone 4 i still say the ipad is better
I use the same weapons as i used before in order to level up at a decent rate i was even playing new game+ and the money gain was really low, sure its based on my level but i still earn alot more from chests etc at any level from the previous update(before the last two), than of all chests combined in the new update in a single run. Only thing that is fine is xp gain. I just reloaded my old ipa and grinded as it was much easier and acquired enough money to get the 3 new powerful weapons. But its laggy on my ipod touch and crashes more often than b4 so it needs to be retired lol
true, but im not worrying because i game on my xbox or ps3 mostly so a new ipad, ipod or iphone can wait as im not too eager to get one.
iPod Touches don't even come close to "having trouble with everything"; that's a ridiculous statement. Again, not to somebody who wants the size and convenience of an iPhone or iPod Touch, it isn't. The 4th-gen iT is getting long in the tooth, but that's why it costs half the price of an iPad or iPhone at most; this also makes it the "more affordable" option by definition. If somebody specifically states that they're looking at getting the next generation of iPhone or iPod when it comes out (as Tg did), it's probably for a reason. Telling them "get an iPad" as if they're interchangeable isn't useful; if they wanted an iPad, they'd have bought one. If I'm looking for convenience in mobile gaming, I'm not wandering around with an iPad in my hands.
it's my opinion not a fact so no need to get all worked up... oh and being an ipod touch 4 owner for almost a year now, and having problems with almost everyhting i bought(spent over $500 on games, and all the countless freebies)... i think i do know what I'm saying... another thing is that i said that for portability the best bet is an iphone 4 or 4S..... that the ipod is not worth getting.... am i mistaken or isnt the iphone an ipod with phone capabilities and better ram?... the ipod's problem is always the damn ram... that is also why i said the iphone is a better choice but even then to get one cheap you need to get one used or from a 2 year phone contract.... thus my statement as to why the ipad is cheaper... ipod touch 4 cost in my local radioshack, around 340 with tax... in walmart its 315 with tax... a 32gb model... while im starting to see the ipad 2 at 300-3500 without tax, 32gb model... understand first what i said about portables and then what i said about their prices... then get worked up and just try to write something in which you assume that my opinion is a fact(i do utilize facts to form my opinion, but that doesn't mean i have to be right... so again, if it bothers you, don't read it)
I have a 4th-gen iPod Touch as well, and I'm not having these issues. If you're having that many problems with yours, there's probably something wrong with your device.
so u never had issues with any games b4 and had to wait fro patches for those games? i can give you a list of the game's I've had problems with...
Show me where I said that. What I said, if you'd read, was that I wasn't having the same issues that you apparently are, which have allegedly been with "almost everything you've bought". Yes, there have been a small handful of games (out of the vast number available) that developers haven't fully tested on all hardware and have had to update for stability, after which they've become completely playable without issue. I'm still not sure how that equates to the iPod Touch "having trouble with everything" in general. I can count on the fingers of one hand the number of (non-iPad) games that don't work at all on an iPod Touch.
Well the iPod has some issues with memory that make it less than stellar for some games but I think it still runs reasonably well almost every new game I've put in it and for the price it sells for is quite the bargain. Having said that I only put "small" games on the iPod, runners, platforms, retro shooters and that sort of things. All things with intense graphics (unreal mostly )are sent to the ipad or iphone but at the end of the day those small games are what I end up playing the most and I take the friggin ipod everywhere, my wife thought that when I got an iPhone I would stop being so attached to the ipod but now I carry 2 devices everywhere lol. Sorry for the rant, all in all iOS is a wonderful platform and is a nice moment for being a gamer!
Mayby i'm blind,but i cant see new locations and enemy in 1.1.I have Dark Meadow The Past(free version from app store).Could any of you give pictures like these locations/enemy looks?
Any chance to get informacion about new rooms and enemy(The Dark Meadow The Pact v1.1),from one of you?
Can anyone tell me how to delete games from the iTunes "My App Updates" window? I have no intention of updating this, and I'm getting tired of seeing the update prompt. Thanks! DBC
1) Move the .ipa file from your Mobile Applications directory and delete it from iTunes. (Don't do this if you sync all apps, as it'll remove it from your device!) or 2) Make a copy of the .ipa file, update the app in iTunes, then copy the file over the updated one manually (don't drag it into iTunes, copy it using file copy methods) There are other ways of faking out the version number, but these methods are much simpler.
Phosphor Games Studio CONTEST! PAINT Your helpful friend in the wheelchair... PAINT Your helpful friend in the wheelchair with your eyes closed! 1: Open Microsoft Paint... wait... Microsoft paint?? Yes, MICROSOFT PAINT 2: Select Pen tool 3: Close your eyes 4: Paint Your Friend in the wheelchair The Prize! 1. One (1) Dark Meadow T-Shirt Size (Any size Small XXL) 2. One (1) Dark Meadow Poster signed by the development team 3. Set of Dark Meadow Stickers (4) Rules: After you are done, Save your piece of art and log in the Phosphor Games Studio forums ( http://phosphorgames.com/forums/index.php?topic=399.0 ) to post your image on the Phosphor Games Studios thread! (2MB or lower. Formats: jpeg, png, bmp - 640 X 480 or lower) Only one (1) entry per user. Participate in this contest only if you want to accept the contest rules and guidelines here: http://phosphorgames.com/forums/index.php?topic=398.0 Last day to submit your work of art will be Sunday May 20th, 2012 at 11:59PM Central time. The winner will be announced on May 22, 2012 at 5:00pm Central Time and their image will be highlighted on all Phosphor Games Studio social media portals. Winner will receive the prize in 7-14 days!
The Dark Meadow 'Silas Montclair' Fan Art Contest!!" The Dark Meadow 'Silas Montclair' Fan Art Contest!!" If you gathered all the Dark Meadow documents, then you know about Silas Montclair. Seeking revenge, Silas Montclair traveled around the world in a long quest to gather all the 'Sun Weapons' which cost him his wealth and his life. Keeping his tragic story in mind... WE WANT YOU TO DRAW SILAS MONTCLAIR!! Please visit the Dark Meadow Library documents in your Dark Meadow game and read his story carefully. Think of his clothes, the time in history he began his quest to search for the Sun Weapons, and other small details that would give him personality. Remember, this is a man on a mission. Since Silas traveled around the world, this contest is OPEN TO EVERYONE AROUND THE WORLD!!! The Prize! 1. One (1) Dark Meadow T-Shirt Size (Any size Small XXL) 2. One (1) Dark Meadow Poster signed by the development team 3. Set of Dark Meadow Stickers (4) Rules: After you are done, Save your piece of art and log in the Phosphor Games Studio forums to post your image in this thread! http://phosphorgames.com/forums/index.php?topic=406.0 (2MB or lower. Formats: jpeg, png, bmp) Only one (1) entry per user. Participate in this contest only if you want to accept the contest rules and guidelines here: http://phosphorgames.com/forums/index.php?topic=398.0 Last day to submit your work of art will be Saturday June 16th, 2012 at 11:59PM US Central time. The winner will be announced on June 19th, 2012 at 5:00pm US Central Time and their image will be highlighted on all Phosphor Games Studio social media portals. Winner will receive the prize in 7-14 days!
The Dark Meadow 'Silas Montclair' Fan Art Contest!! Did you submit your Dark Meadow Fan Art Contest Entry? Because Commando24 Did!!! Isn't it awesome? You have a few days to submit your entry! All you have to do is draw Silas Montclair and post your piece of art work in our forums!! Last day to submit your entry will be June 16th 2012!! HURRY http://phosphorgames.com/forums/index.php?topic=406.0