Universal Dark Meadow (by Phosphor Games Studio)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by D3adly, Oct 5, 2011.

  1. Phosphor_chip

    Phosphor_chip Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2011
    >>I just it on my 4S and it looks very jaggy for me too<<

    yeah we see the issue here and hope to send Apple the update today
  2. Tg2708

    Tg2708 Active Member

    Aug 11, 2011
    does the money increase each time you die or complete the game like b4 because its considerably less than before even the weapons that are used to boost money and level gain
  3. Vigram

    Vigram Well-Known Member

    Jul 1, 2011
    Sri Lanka
    Thanks for the info :) You guys work fast.
  4. Phosphor_chip

    Phosphor_chip Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2011
    >>does the money increase each time you die or complete the game like b4<<

    You earn more money as you level up and fight harder creatures, same as before.
  5. Phosphor_chip

    Phosphor_chip Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2011
    Hey ghOti that is unfortunate you aren't enjoying the new content. We tried to diversify the new content for different types of players who would approach the game (previous players, new players, players who want to coast, players who want a challenge)

    For previous players we were looking a lot at the feedback we had before- people wanting a map to not get lost, people wanting to warp to areas they completed before, the option to continue a fight and not have to start over, the option to use health packs in combat to give you the edge, and just new content and VO in general.

    >>Beyond that, we are still stuck with this awful premium currency that locks us out of some of the cooler weapons and items in the game<<

    You can earn premium currency by racking up kill streaks- you don't need to pay anything. If you think you aren't earning enough, that is good feedback to have, that we can look into adjusting.

    What what is worth, our playtesters here never pay for IAP and complete the game.
  6. Delusionaltool

    Delusionaltool Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2009
    #566 Delusionaltool, Mar 29, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2012
    just got the game last night the paid one, anyone give some pointers? it seems like going up stairs is not wise just yet as i keep getting owned lol... should i farm the first floor for a few first?

    is there a recommended melee/ranged weapons path i should take?

    One thing i do recommend to the developer i get the iap thing and the sun coins. I think you should have a sun coin shop with just sun coin items/weapons only, and a standard shop with non sun coined items and weapons...that way for the people who bought the thing and want to play the game without the iap stuff have an option and not all the suncoin items are mixed in with everything it sucks for new players especially makes the game kinda confusing...even a toggle in the options to turn off the sun coin items in the shop so people who bought the game can play it as it was intended...

    You your self said those items were not required to beat the game, it just feels like your forcing the iaps down out throats a bit, i love the game and dont mind iaps i would of just done it a bit differently...
  7. Ayjona

    Ayjona Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2009
    Freelance journalist and writer, amateur musician
    Stockholm, Sweden
    Reading the TA front page piece on the Dark Meadow update is probably a good place to start, if you are looking to adjust the game in accordance with popular opinions.

    Have any of the old items (pre-update content) been locked away behind IAP currency now (even if that currency can be earned at what seems like an excruciatingly slow page through gameplay)?

    If so, you should probably reverse that decision in the next patch. An important principle to follow to avoid communal wrath is that those of us who bought the game at a premium price should have the same access to the same stuff after this update, even if new IAP stuff from the freemium app has been added into the premium version.

    Also, avoid the common developer pitfall of pretending that IAP has been added as an option only to appease those who wish for faster progression :) There are so very many other ways to achieve this. The freemium model exists solely as a way to increase profits for developers (even if it does have the pleasant side-effect that it puts a few qualitative games in the hands of gamers unwilling or unable to pay for their fun).
  8. VaroFN

    VaroFN Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2011
    I think that the problem wasn't the game itself. It is a well done horror game, with some RPG features, which has a nice story and awesome graphics. The game only needed some new chapters/environments, enemies, some tweaks here and there, and maybe faster battles, IMHO.

    I'm sure a lot of people who bought the game before this update had completed the game. The game had a huge size, so they maybe deleted it. And now, the update adds more story and VO (yes, I think that the voice of the Liar is awesome too), BUT now we have two types of currency (we all know what this means), plus some things that kill the atmosphere, like the kill streaks, which we need to buy some premium items, and the bombs, insta-kill item bought with some premium currency. Then, the in-game shop was updated as well, with the "Free Premium Cash" thing, which is always in freemium games.

    I know that you only want some new customers, like any other company, without betraying the old ones, but I, at least, don't like this update.
  9. orangecan

    orangecan Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2011
    I got the free version today, always quite fancied it and figured I'd buy if I liked it. Would probably be a very good game but it crashes constantly...... On a brand new iPod touch latest os. Shame really
  10. syntheticvoid

    syntheticvoid Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2010
    Musician & factory worker.
    like I said earlier in this thread... guess it got overlooked...

    I got 3 sun coins for a 24 kill streak... I know people will have higher streaks... but I ended it just so I could quit playing for a while...

    It just seems that 3 sun coins for that much gameplay is pretty cheap, especially with items in the store costing upwards of 300 or more coins... there's no way I'm going to grind over 100 hours in the game just to get one item.
  11. Delusionaltool

    Delusionaltool Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2009
    ya man, i agree i got 3 for 27? once i hit 28 i was getting owned too lol...
  12. Phosphor_Travis

    Phosphor_Travis New Member

    Mar 28, 2012
    #572 Phosphor_Travis, Mar 29, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2012
    Sun Coins and Kill Streaks

    Edit: Chip posted this below, so we'll use that instead. Sorry for the double post, the forum has been kind of spotty for me!
  13. Phosphor_chip

    Phosphor_chip Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2011
    Hey all- thanks for all this feedback- it is helping us dial it in. None of this unfortunately came up in any of our extensive playtesting, so we are trying to figure out how to make it work best. One of our designers tried to post this but his stuff isn't showing, so I'll post for him:


    People have been wondering how the Sun Coin/ Kill Streak relationship works, so I figured I would jump on here and give a quick explanation.

    Kill Streaks provide a boost to the rewards that a player earns, while making enemies grow increasingly stronger. As enemies get tougher, the player earns more exp and gold per kill, assuming that they can stay alive.

    Sun Coins are currently awarded after every 10 kills in a kill streak. The award system grows based on enemy difficulty, and in the case of Sun Coins the growth is multiplicative. So, after 10 kills, the player earns a Sun Coin. After 20, 2 Sun Coins are awarded. 3 Sun Coins for 30, 4 Sun Coins for 40, and 5 for 50 kills. After 50 Kills, the award is locked at 5.

    The idea here is that it is easy to get first aid kits and bombs, but saving up for the best swords in the game would be a real investment of time.

    We understand a lot of people are frustrated by how hard it is to acquire all of these items. Our thinking was “these items are in no way required to complete the game- they are extras players can ignore”, and wanted to set them up as challenge and accomplishment. BUT we are evaluating what we can do to modify our currencies so the challenge is better balanced. The killstreak mechanic itself was added so all players have a fair chance of acquiring everything, so we aren't trying to shut anyone out of getting stuff.
  14. Johnny101

    Johnny101 Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2011
    To the Dark Meadow devs,

    Ghoti, does bring up some valid points. I also have been a very loyal customer and advocate of the Dark Meadow franchise ! but really.... People like myself who have paid the original price ( 5.99 when it originally released) should not have to endlessly play the game

    I could be wrong and Please correct me if I am....but what does 150 sun coins buy you?? I heard from a review, not that much.

    So essentially the loyal and original users, aren't getting that much in comparison to free users. If that is the case, then it really sucks bigtime !!

    I was under the impression that there would be a considerable difference with IAP purchases from the Premium and Freemium version. Whereupon the freemium users would have to considerably work harder to advance in the game. Whereas the Premium user wouldn't have to work endlessly to advance in the game, thus forcing the user to buy IAP's....

    That's just not right.
  15. Delusionaltool

    Delusionaltool Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2009
    #575 Delusionaltool, Mar 29, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2012
    in case it was missed...Phospher guys!

    One thing i do recommend to the developer I think you should have a sun coin shop with just sun coin items/weapons only, and a standard shop with non sun coined items and weapons...that way for the people who bought the game for 5.99 (like me last night)and want to play the game without the iap stuff have an option.

    all the suncoin items are mixed in with everything it sucks for new players especially makes the game kinda confusing...

    even a toggle in the options to turn off the sun coin items in the shop so people who bought the game can play it as it was intended...

    You your self said those items were not required to beat the game, it just feels like your forcing the iaps down our throats a bit, i love the game and dont mind iaps i would of just done it a bit differently... and as johnny and ghosti said 5 sun coins at 50killstreak at 120 hours for a good item is a little ridiculous , i could understand it for the freemium version of the game but not one we paid 5.99 for...feels kinda cheap too me for such a great game to be brought down so low cause of the way your doing the iaps.

    At least make the sun coin items cheaper for the people who bought the game...alot cheaper...and why cant i buy health kits for gold? make it more expensive like 2500 a pop or something not a sun coin.... It feels like you combined the freemium game with the 5.99 premium game but what am i playing here? I want to play the game i purchased without all the freemium iaps thrown in it.

    wait a min, the freemium game is 540mb and the premium is also 540mb...there the same game the premium just has a no adds toggle + all the freemium iap stuff thrown in it, thats like a slap to the face for the people who bought your game, im kinda pissed off right now that i saw this...you couldn't just make 2 separate games and not have the iap/sun coins thrown in the premium game? Why not have the same items you buy with sun coins but make them more expensive with gold and no sun coins in the premium 5.99 game....

    the freemium is just the same game but with adds and a different title.

    I say get rid of all the iaps out of the premium game...as Trent Reznor says dont bite the hand that feeds you!!!
  16. Johnny101

    Johnny101 Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2011
    I have to also add in that this kind of practice, ends up biting the developer in the a@# ! because the original user feels cheated and not rewarded for their loyalty.

    150 free sun coins, c'mon :rolleyes: !!

    Gamers remember these tactics and when it comes to future games of the developer, I will not buy them, along with many other gamers. Not good PR work:mad:
  17. awp69

    awp69 Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2009
    Greenville, SC
    Ok, reading all this is giving me a headache. Sounds like, in general, those that paid for the game don't feel like they've gotten much in the new update in return for their investment.

    So, here I am thinking about getting this, but kind of am torn between the paid and freemium versions. Sounds to me like the only "real" difference is ads and 300 sun coins. Am I correct?
  18. Drexiel

    Drexiel Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2011
    Commercial Diver
    Ponce, PR
    and like 10 potions and 10 bombs that will help you kill monsters faster
  19. Johnny101

    Johnny101 Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2011
    You get only 150 sun coins
    13 bombs
    5 health kits
    15 000 gold.

    So essentially, beacoup de "Diddly-Squat "

    I would be surprised if the Devs actually responded . Now that we have called them on all this ??
  20. C.Hannum

    C.Hannum Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2011
    New York State
    My 2 cents: there's a lot of angst here over the new system, HOWEVER, how many of you actually ground to get all the original weapons and gear considering that it was also a ridiculous amount of time to do even that? I probably need to put about another 3 hours into the game to finish the original content. I've probably got less than 15% of the equipment because... I don't need it to beat the game or, for that matter, to experience 100% of the content. Weapons and gear are NOT content, and the fact people are acting like they are isn't helping anyone here. They aren't charging sun coins to read the last few newspaper clippings or to unlock a special sun door, they're using sun coins for new gear that doesn't markedly change the way game plays.

    I'm not approving of them slapping the same pay $10 and get an uber weapon or grind for two weeks to earn that weapon for "free" onto the premium version as they put on the free one, but let's at least be honest here. The reality is that in any game with gear you have a spectrum of choices as a developer. At one end, you can have a small amount of gear where everyone winds up progressing through all the available choices and by the end of the game the character(s) are (near) max level with (near) max gear. Many games take that approach and it's easy to achieve good balance and sense of progression if not much excitement. At the opposite end is something like the Diablo games where there is practically an infinite amount of gear from pure vendor trash to a dizzying array of ultra rare specific drops. Many games take this approach, but unless you're a million monkeys pounding on a million keyboards with a million mice (or touchscreens as the case may be), you are never going to possess but a limited amount of the possible gear.

    All that really changes for a game like Dark Meadow is the developers take a gear system that lies closer to the Diablo extreme and they add in an option: Instead of filling a warehouse with monkeys and iPads to get all the gear, you could just buy all of it outright. Sure, it's expensive to do that, but the overwhelming majority of people are never going to part with $100 bucks for consumable IAP any more than they are going to fill a warehouse full of monkeys and iPads.

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