Huh, don't know if this was supposed to be an answer to my question, if so, can't find the information anywhere on that post.
sorry that answer was to: >>I can't seem to find what the difference is between the paid version and the free version.<<
Well, then there's clearly a problem here... anything I could do to fix it? I've played the first 10 minutes and this game definitely deserves to be bought, but with all the jaggies I'm not so sure about it. =( PS.: and I'm not nitpicking, the game looks like an upscaled game made for the iPhone running on an iPad screen. Pretty weird.
>> the game looks like an upscaled game made for the iPhone running on an iPad screen.<< that sounds bad... is there anyway you could post a full res screenshot someplace? it should be 1x1 pixels on a 4s screen of 640×960
Working on it... while I'm uploading the pic, maybe I'm just used to anti-aliasing and I'm mixing things up... is the game AA enabled? EDIT: here's the screenshot, in PNG for less artifacting:
>>EDIT: here's the screenshot, in PNG for less artifacting:<< You are correct that looks very jaggy! No the game should look better than that. It looks like it is bumping all your settings down (low res textures, lower res screen dimensions) - we haven't seen that before. Getting our guys on that right away ...
Sorry about my last post, didn't mean to come off as disrespectful or anything. I just restarted my iPad, and I can definitely see the difference now...thank you again.
>> I just restarted my iPad, and I can definitely see the difference now...thank you again.<< Yeah when we switched from iPad2 to iPad3, and we didn't notice it as much until we went back, then it is like you realize how much your eyes get used to the new clarity and expect it, and the old hotness looks blurry!
downloading new update and will install on my ipad 2 :O all those sword effects things should make things more interesting for me
Same thing here. . . Same thing here, on my iPhone 4. It looked brilliantly since i've updated this morning. The same thing is with all the text, and the menus (the videos seem to have hq textures but no AA). I feel like on 64MB videocard with minimum screen res. I was beginning to think that there's a problem with my device. Here's my screenshot:
reported about this issue last night looks very blurry and im glad to see that its not me alone experiencing it.
Really? Because one of the devs laid it earlier the same evening you posted :
This thread is enticing me to reinstall the game and give it another go. Loved it on the first playthrough. One post mentioned additional voice over. Did you use the same actor again? He was perfect.
iPod 4: no Retina. Also, I don't like the bombs feature, neither those sun coins, neither the kill streaks. Now the game is a F2P action game, not a well done horror game.
I think I need to go in, finish up the last bit of the original game and only then update so if I find myself feeling like some of you, I can just uninstall without feeling like I'm missing out on anything. Seems like the lack of retina on the 4G touch would kill the visuals anyhow which, for better or worse, is a lot of this game's appeal (along with the excellent voice overs).
I've the played through the entire original game twice and this game is one of my favourite iOS games. The voice acting is among the best that I've heard on any platform. Atmosphere and graphics are amazing. I welcome the new update, I think the devs have put a lot of heart and effort into this game. To add another 1/3 to the game is awesome. Great job Devs. Look forward to playing this new update !!!
I haven't played Dark Meadow in a while, but from what I can recall of the atmosphere, the setting and the narrative, auto-kill bombs and kill chains sound about as appropriate as adding a fanserving, panty-revealing anime schoolgirl to Infinity Blade. And like it would have a similar effect on immersion. Other than that, the update sounds like a good example of developer attention and effort, both in terms of content, and the handling of the freemium version. Nice with devs who do listen. EDIT: Perhaps my simile was premature. The more I think about it, the more natural a setting for above-mentioned japanesque phenomenon Infinity Blade becomes...
Was just reading over what you've got there, and I must say, hat's off. This, to me, is good business. Unless I missed something, it looks like the free version gives something to both you and the customer, and the paid version rewards customers, rather than punish them for their loyalty as early adopters. Kudos, and thanks.