Game Impressions I've heard mixed reactions from so many people on this game it's not even funny. But I took the plunge and delved in anyways. Verdict? This game is freaking awesome. Sure it's not as deep as a silent hill game, or as complex of a combat system like Infinity Blade, but who the f*ck cares? It's neither of those games so take it for what it's worth: A fun, touch-centric iOS title that is BEAUTIFUL to look at, has great controls, and is fun to explore. I had fun learning about the lore of the place piece by piece, the voice acting was loads of fun (I seriously almost always looked forward to whatever he had to say) and like I mentioned before, the graphics are so beautiful. The creatures were interesting, the weapons and equipment upgrading was simple, the leveling up problem had to many stats that I didn't care to upgrade, but whatever still the options I guess. And the story was fun and entertaining enough to keep me interested and wanting to find out more (despite pretty much knowing the ending before I got 1/4th into the game lol) I don't know. I liked it. I had a lot of fun with, and from the time I booted it up, till when I finished it, It was the only iOS title I played. And that rarely happens.
There are no checkpoints where the game is safed? Or did I misunderstood something? When I get killed or close the game, the game starts from the beginning? WTF
It's like Infinity Blade where you start from the beginning but retain all your stats and equipment. It freaked me out at first, too.
It seems that the game will go now in Android device, and it is a new version called "Dark Meadow : Deluxe Edition". In the video, there are new maps (I have finished the game, and I didn't recognize some place). Do we have also the update on iOS ?
There was this post a few months back. Is this still coming? Maybe this is the addition on the Android version? Has anyone played through NG+? Is it worth giving a try or just more of the same? Overall I enjoyed the game a lot. I'm not a big fan of the "punch out" style combat of the Unreal Engine, but it is what it is. The story is really immersive and well done. Extremely well written. The gameplay did get a little tedious after a while, and while the lack of continue was a bummer, in the long run, the extra grinding was necessary to be good enough for the boss. For anyone on the fence, it's definitely worth buying, especially if you can snag it on sale.
Anyone have any tips for finding the 2nd floor? After defeating the witch on the first floor, i'm having trouble finding the stairs to the 2nd floor. Any help is appreciated( thanks)
There are maps in the help link that brings you to the Phosphor website. Otherwise as a general note, the map is basically a double-ring. The stairs are in the inner ring. As others said, follow the light, it really does help.
Devs, Do you have any plans for future updates, more content ?? I love this game. One of the best in 2011 !!
From various reports elsewhere online, it appears that this game is going the free(mium) route later this week? I'm not too happy with what I see as an all-too-common ploy these days (swap a paid, complete game out for a free-but-has-IAP/ads), but this quote from a Pocket Gamer article is interesting: “For the people who paid earlier, [The Dark Meadow] will get rid of the one in-game ad we have,” Sineni says. “We’ll also give them [approximately] $10 worth of in-game stuff.” It will be interesting to see how this plays out. What if you don't have the game currently installed on your device, but did buy it earlier? What happens when you delete and reinstall later? Questions, questions, soon answers too, I hope!
You know, as long as they do right by the folks who paid for the game, I'm cool with that. These other douche bags that make their games free and then make changes that negatively affect folks who paid for the games, that needs to be dealt with promptly by Apple.