Thank you as well, is it safe to assume that on the 2nd & 3rd floors goth girl and the various creatures will be a little bit stronger?
yes... enemies on the second and third floors are stronger... while we're going on with the questions... is there any way to quickly skip the opening cut-scene? or do you need to wait a certain amount of time before the skip arrow shows up?
The arrow will show up when the game is finished loading. The cut-scene is to give you something pretty to look at while the game loads
>>The arrow will show up when the game is finished loading. The cut-scene is to give you something pretty to look at while the game loads<< ha yeah- that is us "hiding the craft"! on Ipad 2 + 4s it is super quick, not so quick on other devices
Met a bug of the first floor boss battle, walking in the door, the light faded out, nothing happened, no battle, no boss, no way point. Stairs in front and door back, I was trapped in the middle... Then had to go back to main menu, start from the first room again, this time she appeared.
Encountered buggy melee combat!Well... it just happened once after several hours of playtime. Basically, I could still dodge but I couldn't attack or block with my sword. I think the transition from range to melee might need looking at?
Just finished the first round of the game, the story is great, but the battle system has much room to improve. No magic, no equipments levelup, crossbow feels tasteless, no counter back settings to make better sense of accomplishment or doing great damage( maybe I didnt find out). The armors or helmets cant be seen in a first person view, what about shields? Now we just see a crossbow or a sword in our hands, after hours of playing, it's a little monotonous.
Got two Game Center achievements problem, first, reach level 40, but dont get the achievement. Second, performed every combos in the game many times, still dont get the achievement, or not only six combos?
Sure there is always room to turn a game into a full fleshed RPG and I really want to see a classic dungeon crawler with this "engine". But for what the game is (and the time needed for a playthrough) I found this basic weapon system absolutely sufficient.
Game Impressions Presume I hve finished game. Cannot find last gem - any help anybody. More importantly have not found any way out? Have played both scenarios v Flynn but both dump me back in recovery to play another batch of random fights and back to final battle over again. Is that it?
The last gem of the 10 is always the hardest. All I can say is look EVERYWHERE. On the ceiling, on the floor, behind things, around things, in between things, and anywhere else you can think of. I don't know what color gem you are missing but it is probably the onyx gem (personally hate the color because it blends in with everything ). As for finding a way out, technically there is a way out. Spoiler After you defeat the old man's real form twice he tells you to kill the witch and shows you two choices, him and the witch and there is a third, the pool of darkness behind you. Turn around and you will see that you can jump in the pool to sacrifice yourself. Although what is said in the spoiler part is the actual ending, if you want to play again it will take you where you always start the story and every time you reawaken.
I'm curious as to why the iPad 1 is your gaming machine? Games released now, the next gen will look and perform very poorly on the iPad 1. Does the iPad 2 belong to a relative?