We have some really cool content we are doing for people who have seen everything and want more, but it won't be in the first patch. we already have a 'new game +' in internal build, just couldnt get it in ship. Asking- what do people prefer: want that to be more of a challenge (like start over with geared up and harder monsters) or start over geared and original (easier) monsters?
Challenge, easily. Like an NG+ should be! Hell, I wouldn't even mind if you completely reused the story, the dialogue is just so good I will happily experience it twice. Just as long as the amount of gold you find stays consistent and doesn't go down to new-game levels, so we have the means to afford the better items. I know it's kinda early to be asking, but is there an ETA on the NG+ or the next batch of content? I feel like there's nothing else to do for me in the game, and the fun is dwindling, but I want to stay in the world because nothing else compares to it. Everything's just so good that playing other games now feels so shallow.
I'm stuck! On second floor, I got to the bright light just before what looks like a lift. I moved towards it, the light brightened and then dispersed and I was left not being able to move forwards or backwards. I can still look around but can't seem to do anything else? Any ideas why that is?
the game is actually very easy if you put a lot of points in block. because normal monsters are really easy to fight vs them and the only problem is boss fights, which are ridiculously easy if you have good block stats. there is definitely a bug with the gems because i have not seen a single one like in maybe ten plays.
I found the gems appear a lot more if you die a lot - it's like they're thrown your way to help you if you're struggling.
Played through again and went ok this time - apart from having my arse handed to me on a plate by the witch! I think the glitch the first time around happened because a 'low-battery' message came up just before the witch fight and I plugged my iPod in to recharge. Only thing I can think caused the problem.
i expected much more from this game but i am dissapointed coz game is boring if you play long than i hour....
Sorry to hear that. I've been playing it for hours and I'm still loving it. In fact I've found that I'm getting into it more now - I've found I'm settling into the 'pace' of the game, which works best when playing it in 10-20 minutes bursts - then when I die I leave the game for a while before going back to it. I then find I appreciate the game even more when I go back to it. And the way enemies appear and the combat - it's almost turn based and works well on iOS whilst the reactions needed in battles keep them exciting and fresh... In my opinion...
What I think would be good is if on a second playthrough you could introduce 3 new amulets - one could increase the frequency that enemies appeared, one could reduce the frequency of enemies appearing, and one could stop enemies appearing at all. Then players would be able to choose how they want to play - with lots of battling, only a bit or no battling and just exploring - by choosing which amulet to equip. And if you want a name for the amulet that stops enemies appearing, you have my permission to call it the 'Prhaber Amulet of Cowardice'. Lol
I love storyline/mystery driven games, so I'm practically drooling all over myself! With the added HO for me takes the average fighting game to a whole different level. And the graphics are WOW! Please tell me you will be making more games like this! O.O
In the options under your "player vitals" section there is an icon of a first aid kit. Click it to use it.
I have upgraded since I made that post, yes. There's no longer a reason for me to upgrade further though. As expensive as the rest of the weapons are, my gold gain has pretty much stayed the same. Now I turn on the game, run through all the rooms, find all gold, kill the boss and start over. Actually, after we reach level 40, why not convert any additional XP we get into gold? I don't even go for overkills any more.