Last night So last night after work I played for a decent while like a hour or so lol anyway I found myself lost alot, is the point getting to the ghost like chick and killing her? If so I got to her a few different times but I get rocked, thats not the end of the game if you beat her right? Is there like another section of the game you have left, I hope so because I love it so far.
there are some bugs, the yellow monster makes only one attack and that's all, so basically you just spam slashes and that's all. if you equip some weapon with special abilities then when you switch from crossbow and arm the weapon enemy gets some of the special damage like from the melee weapon. would be really cool to turn off all the animation when you open shelves and so on, gets really annoying same like with combat info screens. and it seems like there is a bug with gems. after i got all of them you can start again, so i found another nine but that's all, then several plays but no gems anymore.
.... I dont really think theres a bug with gems, it just took me a while to find my 10th one. I found 9 just fine but the 10th took a bit.
why i can't buy gold from appstore? connecting to appstore and thats it,nothing happend,yes wifi is on
Awesome find C.Hannum !!!!! Glad that solved the issue for some people! We still don't know why Gamecenter crashed for a couple people but not everyone else, but great that a workaround was discovered. Our tech guys are trying to figure out why this happened .. RE: 3GS- The game works on a 3GS (which I personally still use as my phone) but obviously it doesn't run good as a iPad2. RE: Enemy that doesn't attack- That "Golden fleece" enemy is a hidden character that lets you rack up extra XP- after you kill him you can go to town ...
My highest xp+ when defeating that character so far is +207. After the other more complicated battles it's fun bashing away at him! One thing I'd like changed Phosphor - the 'continue' and 'new game' buttons are so close together on the main menu that I've almost started a new game by mistake on several occasions. Would it be possible to move them a bit further apart?
maybe someone can tell the spoiler what are the possible options during the final battler? Spoiler so one is too stab the narrator, which brings you back to the start. another is to fight with that shining stuff. and when you win you see the corresponding movie. is that all or there are other possibilities?
So I'm not the only one who's finished the game, yay! One thing I was actually fully expecting was a New Game +, but was disappointed to be honest. Why on earth isn't there one!? Victory stats: Level 32 Hammerhead Bow of the Taborites Latvian Pendant Edit: at least there wasn't with the ending I've chosen... I'll have to go back and see where the others leave me!
They should add new game + in the upcoming patch! And, how many hours does it take to finish the game - average?
Ages. I got it on minute one in NZ and only finished it early this morning. Although I did explore everything every single time I restarted and skipped a day in between. I'd say about 45 days of average playing, so around... ~8-10 hours?
Whoops, I meant 4-5 days. xD Oh man, I now chose the second ending and damn, that was powerful. Such great storytelling.
Awesome to hear people are finishing it! Just curious, how did your player stats break down? Did you favor melee or ranged?
I favored reload and ranged at first, but for the last 7 levels (from when I reached the boss) I put almost everything into defense with about 10% into melee and ~10% into block. I didn't really feel like I could defeat the boss without the extra defensive stats. I put maybe 5 points total into health. Here's my final breakdown, but it's not exactly correct since this is AFTER beating the boss 3 times for all the endings and getting the extra points. Health: 230 + 1200 (1430) Defense: 78 + 25 (103) Block: 20 + 10 (30) Melee: 24 + 100 (124) Ranged: 16 + 52 (68) Reload: 7 + 30 (37) I didn't need any more points in block, as I found the most effective strategy was to Spoiler block the very first attack of the combo and dodge the rest. By this point my defense is high enough to get hit for 0 to 5 every block, and now that I upgraded to a weapon with Soul Steal, even getting hit doesn't matter THAT much. Edit: Speaking of which, now that I've experienced every ending, there's nothing else for me to do save wander the halls while I grind to 40 and grind for gold. This game desperately needs a New Game +, I would play it a second time all the way to the end without batting an eyelash. I'm really surprised there isn't one, because I'm nowhere near getting the cash for the best weapons. I saved for 7 levels to get the Gladius Ramicus which costs 550,000 gold and that's not even close to the most expensive item. On a similar topic, what are the combos? I cannot get the achievement because, for the life of me, I cannot pull off DDRLL. It just doesn't work... Or is there something else? Edit2: Nice podcast mention too, congrats! Edit3: I'm missing a few items from the library too, haven't found them yet, it's the only reason I'm still playing this game at this point. Collecting cash for the last few achievements is now pretty boring. 29, 31, 48 and 56.