Universal Dangerous (a.k.a Null Space)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by violentv, Dec 20, 2011.

  1. GoofyJmaster.

    GoofyJmaster. Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2011
    College Student
    Ohio, USA
    "Friends don't let friends play inverted" Haha...

    It's funny that they mentioned Golden Eye because we busted that out in college one night last year , and I was sooo bad. :eek:
  2. binaryhelix

    binaryhelix Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2011
    #62 binaryhelix, Dec 24, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2011
    AyreonMaiden, thanks for those photos. We definitely have some plans to improve how the maps are shown. We can also try to shrink the Contacts list (or perhaps even reduce what it shows). Please let us know if you have any ideas. The 3GS has the least resolution, so it is probably the hardest to optimize the layout and still show all the situational awareness possible on larger screens.

    This option is in and ready to go when Apple comes back from their vacation.

    Thanks! We tried to make a deep but accessible game. Let us know if you have any ideas on making it more accessible.
    It's in the game now, ready for Apple.

    We have our first review up: http://ifanzine.com/dangerous-in-depth-review

    There are some good criticisms in that review, and based on that, we're going to update the game with the following changes. Please let me know what you think. Some of these ideas were debated internally prior to launch, and the goal is to keep the challenge but up the fun. Let us know if you think this would make the game too easy or remove the challenge:

    - You'll be able to start a warp at any distance, so you won't have to transit to the "warp limit" of 10 km. The Warp Navigation skill will control how close you can get to your target (like it does now). The NPCs won't have this skill/ability.

    - The whole map will be viewable at start. You'll get experience still for actually visiting those locations, and you can only route your corporate pilots to places you've visited.

    - All ships will be available for purchase/sale from the start. Your skill and wallet will be what determines if you can get them.

    - The headquarters loyalty quests which used to give out a ship license will instead give out elite-level gear.

    What do people think about having a "pick a perk" section at the beginning? It would be a way to customize the game to your style of playing right away:

    Pick a perk:
    * Fighter Ace: start out with Warp Navigation maxed
    * Trade Genius: start out with Master Trader maxed
    * Space Explorer: start out with Scan Probe maxed
    * Mr. Independent: no starting bonuses

    Maybe it's too early, but I'm also wondering if anybody has completed the romance bit, or the game itself? Am curious to hear any feedback there.
  3. GoofyJmaster.

    GoofyJmaster. Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2011
    College Student
    Ohio, USA
    Thanks for the speedy responses!

    As I stated, I haven't played too much due to the inverted controls. Warping at any distance instead of having a limit is a plus for me.

    The exploration thing IDK about. I kind of like big RPGs where you don't know what's what until you actually explore it. Honestly, I could go either way. Whatever most people like, you should go with because it doesn't really effect gameplay (at least it doesn't effect mine).

    The pick a perk thing seems solid enough, especially for a first run through of the game to get you used to it.
  4. DahakaJR

    DahakaJR Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2010
    I drive trains, Locomotive Engineer.
    Pacific Northwest.
    Yeah, I'm holding out as well.
  5. GoofyJmaster.

    GoofyJmaster. Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2011
    College Student
    Ohio, USA
    Yeah, after the break is over and the fix is added I'm all in. I'm going to beat it once, delete it, wait for achievements, and then beat it again. If online is ever added, i'll put all the more time into it. I've been waiting for something like this for awhile on iOS (if there is something then i must've missed it).
  6. binaryhelix

    binaryhelix Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2011
    One other possibility is to show only the adjacent systems to yours in addition to already discovered ones on the map. The freelance quests might send you to a neighboring system, so players could see that at a glance.
  7. GoofyJmaster.

    GoofyJmaster. Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2011
    College Student
    Ohio, USA
    Hmm...I like it. It seems like a pretty good an pretty safe middle ground. I just wanted to make sure, there is a built in completion percentage?
  8. binaryhelix

    binaryhelix Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2011
    There isn't one for the galaxy map, there is a completion percentage for the storyline quests. Probably good candidates for accomplishments either way at least. :)
  9. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    Please put the inverted fix as an option though ! The rest of us who are used to flight sims or Elite love the way it is currently so please don't force us to go to 'basic arcade' controls

  10. binaryhelix

    binaryhelix Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2011
    It is definitely an option with the current inverted mode the default.
  11. Kbom

    Kbom Well-Known Member

    Aug 30, 2010
    This game is super awesome, but I think it to hard! I keep dieting all the time, I haven't completed a single mission yet because I keep dieing all the time!
    One single battle I can do, but if attacked on the way to a station, I WILL die, no matter if I fight or try to run. Is there a deficulty setting somewhere?
  12. binaryhelix

    binaryhelix Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2011
    Sorry, the game isn't supposed to be that hard. We're thinking about adding in an easy mode, maybe one that can be toggled on or off at any point. Make sure you turn on your shield recharge early when you start taking damage.

    Also, two modules I'd recommend you grab at the hub station are the sm afterburner and the sensor damp. The afterburner will make transits faster (until we remove the warp limit in the upcoming update). And the sensor damp will reduce an enemy's lock distance. You can also try buying and equipping some shield resistance modules. It does get easier when you acquire your first wingman since your combined damage is high.
  13. Kbom

    Kbom Well-Known Member

    Aug 30, 2010
    That makes sense! Maybe the game isn't that hard after all, I just don't have a wingman yet, I don't know, it too cool a game to give up :eek:) I'll just keep trying, maybe I'm doing it wrong!

    Oh yes, one more thing, the iPad version of the game is more white then any other color, you think you could turn the light intensity down a notch, or give it some transparency or something? It's a real shame that one can't se the space crafts or the stations.

    Other that I'm sold, extremely cool game, I'm looking forward to a future update, what can you have in store for us then? 3rd person planetside maybe? Or 3rd person space station walk?

    I wil try those modules, they may aid me, keep me alive long enough to either win the battle or escape, are there an emergency module? Or something that can get you out of the battle and to safty if things turn bad? They often do for me as I'm sure you have understood :eek:)
  14. dreamwave6

    dreamwave6 Member

    Nov 7, 2011
    A different ship control option please!

    Binary Helix, after playing through the tutorial to completion on my iPad 2, I'd like to offer you a couple more suggestions:

    1) Playing with the "Tilt" control option on an iPad is unwieldly given the size/mass of an iPad which leaves me with the "Touch" option. I find the "Touch" method of controls fairly annoying too because it is not natural, I constantly have to flick the screen in a dogfight to follow a ship and it is hard to made precise steering corrections. What I would like to see you do is add a third "Control Pad" steering option so that I can steer my ship more like in Galaxy on Fire 2. This would also allow me to attach my awesome "Fling" joystick controller to my iPad 2 for really good steering control. Please add a "Control Pad" option!!!

    2) The menu system could really use an overhaul. It is hard to tell oftentimes which "buttons" are options I can choose and which ones are simply display text that cannot be selected. I recommend the use of different font/styles/colors etc to differentiate and make the multitude of menus easier to read and navigate.

    3) Similarly, I find the huge amount of items that I can buy for my ship at the beginning of the game overwhelming. I highly recommend that you only make a small number of items available at the start and then, as the player progresses through the game (or makes it to more advanced/special systems), more/different items be made available. It also would help if you made the use of icons in the list of items. There is way too much text in these lists. Lastly, it would be helpful to have better descriptions about what these items do when pressing the "?" button.


  15. AyreonMaiden

    AyreonMaiden Member

    Dec 22, 2011
    Okay, I'll create a mockup image of how I'd rearrange some things to make it more accessible. I don't presume I'll make the greatest design, but I think it'll better illustrate some ideas on how to fix the clutter than me trying to spell them out in words, lol.

    I completely understand that a lot is needed on the screen because it's a strategically inclined battle system, but I'll do my best to come up with suggestions that won't require a complete and utter redesign, because I don't really think it needs to be completely rethought at all. Just rearranged and shrunk a bit in certain areas. I hope it can be fixed because seriously, short of the GUI, this could be my favorite game on iPhone, and I believe in it wholeheartedly.
  16. binaryhelix

    binaryhelix Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2011
    This seems to be a shader problem introduced with the latest stable Unity engine. If you have an iPad 2 and are running iOS 5.0.1, you can turn off "space lights" in the station/System/Options screen to mitigate the problem somewhat. We'll have a work-around if not a fix by the 30th.

    I personally would love to see ship boarding sooner than later, but our priority are bugs and usability right now.

    If you have a universal burst ECM module, it will break all locks (if your ECM skill is high enough) and could be considered an emergency module of sorts allowing you to dock or warp.

    We're considering this, and also making some improvements to the current touch/slide method.

    In general, the labels don't have a color and the buttons do. But it can definitely be improved. We're looking into a new GUI skin to improve the visuals and ease of use.

    We're thinking about adding a "smart list" option that can be toggled off once you get advanced. It would make the market only list items that are:
    1) the correct size for your ship (small, medium, large)
    2) only list specialized gear like ECM if you have at least one point of skill in it
    3) or if your ship has a bonus to that item

    We'd like to eventually add icons to the lists at least on more recent models with more memory. And yes, the item descriptions could and will be improved.

    Excellent. Looking forward to your suggestions!

    Thanks for all the feedback and suggestions, everybody. We will definitely have improvements for the next update.
  17. AyreonMaiden

    AyreonMaiden Member

    Dec 22, 2011
    #77 AyreonMaiden, Dec 24, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2011

    BinaryHelix -

    I've attached a better screencap of what the GUI currently looks like on the iPhone 3GS screen for comparison. I can't vouch for what it looks like on more advanced models, but I've also attached one of the screenshots on the App Store from the iPhone version, with some suggestions for how to make the current GUI look more like it, and even cleaner still.

    Extra Notes:

    - Every time you open a menu, the game should pause. When I open the "?" menu, the game keeps going, enemies fire, dynamic quests appear, and it's a mess to manage. Every time a menu opens, the game needs to pause completely.

    - Make the "M" menu more opaque. It confuses me to open the menu and see the GUI, log and everything in space still cluttering everything in the background. Make it a whole new opaque window.

    - The skybox's seams can easily be seen. Once I saw, I could not unsee them.

    I'll try to come up with more as I explore the game. If anyone else sees this stuff and has questions or suggestions, add 'em in as well. I'm no graphic designer and I'm also not amazing with words, but we can get the GUI and Menu fixed if we work together. Happy Holidays!

    Attached Files:

  18. Sanuku

    Sanuku Well-Known Member

    #79 Sanuku, Dec 24, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2011
    Game Impressions

    I guess one is enough :D
  19. Noluckkid

    Noluckkid Member

    Dec 22, 2011
    Hey I was wondering if you already have the ship licenses and you update for elite gear instead will you get it automatically? I already got quite a few licenses and have every place on the map explored lol. Except for the pirate and unknown place. I'm jus don't know if I should wait for update or keep playing if I have to do it all again. Thanks!

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