Android Damn Little Town (Tactical Board Game)

Discussion in 'Android Games' started by lumarama, Jul 2, 2014.

  1. lumarama

    lumarama Well-Known Member

    #1 lumarama, Jul 2, 2014
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2020
    Surprise! Damn Little Town is out on Google Play!

    Damn Little Town is a tactical board game for 1-4 players. The game is divided into two phases:

    - during the first phase, you build your little town and place your settlers;
    - during the second, you try to escape the town, which has been corrupted.

    Evil is rising and destroying everything in its path. You have to escape this Damn Little Town before it’s too late...

    Multiplayer mode:

    - pass-and-play (2-4 players);

    Single player mode:

    - play with 1-3 computer opponents.


    "A sparse quick-fire boardgame with plenty of interesting ideas, Damn Little Town is just a little too punishing for its own good."

    "Damn Little Town builds Carcassonne over the Hellmouth. Combining Carcassonne with Survive! is an awfully clever idea and I’m looking forward to this."

    "DARN GOOD LITTLE GAME. Deceptively simple gameplay and relatively minimal visuals hide a smart game of skill in Damn Little Town."


    Attached Files:

  2. Bewi

    Bewi Well-Known Member

    Nice I was waiting for it since its ios release.
  3. lumarama

    lumarama Well-Known Member

    BTW, did you know that Android version already has a new gameplay tweak (unfinished contructions in the escape phase) - missing in iOS version yet. Apple approval takes some time - this gives Android users early access to the new feature.
  4. lumarama

    lumarama Well-Known Member

  5. lumarama

    lumarama Well-Known Member

    #6 lumarama, Feb 16, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2020
  6. lumarama

    lumarama Well-Known Member

    Some time ago Damn Little Town stopped working on some of the new Android devices. Finally this issue is fixed! While we had to re-release the app as a new Google Play app, because 1024 bit certificates the old app was using are no longer supported, thus we were not able to update it.

    Since the app isn't free those who purchased the old app will not be able to download the update for free.

    To solve this problem we are going to start SALE soon. So everyone interested will be able to get the game for FREE. You can subscribe to our Facebook: or Instagram page: to be notified when the SALE starts.

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