Ok! Understood! Also a small gameplay/rules tweak will appear in the upcoming update. I believe it should make it a bit more interesting. Guys, do you see any issues with IAP? I've got one message: no purchase confirmation popup appears after hit on "Get Full Version" button. UPDATE: I've got another message from this guy: after restart of the game IAP worked.
No issues with the IAP here. If I could make an additional request, it'd be for a native landscape mode, rather than having the game be portrait-only. Due to the nature of the game, you can play it in landscape on an iPad anyway without any real issue, but it'd be nice if the text was rotated appropriately. I've included a mockup below.
When I read THAT title. Yeah, you can find me hidden under that proverbial rock. Ahh... The age of innocence.
A friend suggested an interesting potential rule variant with the 4 temples placed randomly on the board, not just the 4 corners.
Nice idea! Indeed it was one of the work ideas during development. The reason I've decided to go with temples-in-the-corners approach is because I was thinking that everyone should actually build paths to the temples. So no quick lucky temple close to the original tile in the center. In case of random temples - the chance that someone will be lucky enough to have a temple close to the initial tile is quite big and the player who makes the first move will be able to connect to that temple in one move.
I don't think that "damn" is somehow offensive (unless you've got very strong religious bonds). I would be the happiest fasther of all time if my 4-years-old son would come home from Kindergarten with only the word "damn". "Damn" has so much different meanings today, I wouldn't put it in just one drawer. Sure, the basic meaning still exists, but it got a place everywhere in the daily language, like: an expression of dismay, an expression of awe, an expression of surprise; "Damn well" (a sort of sentence enhancer) most often used with the word "better", an adjective you can stick before phrases like "near" and "close to" to raise the sentence's severity or an adjective you can stick in front of absolutely any noun to add a feeling of stigma to your sentence.
There is feedback that Restore Purchases button is needed - i.e. if you purchased Full Version on iPhone and want to unlock it on iPad also. I'll add that explicit button. But you can also do this right now buy pressing "get it" button. If you have purchased this app already from the same Apple ID - you won't be charged second time, instead your previous purchase will be restored.
I'll preface this with "Perhaps I had a bowl of Cranky-O's before playing." and I haven't read anything in this thread yet. That said, I deleted this game as soon as I finished playing 1 game. Why? It is a "Lite" game version masquerading as a full game. Strike 1. No price listed for the IAP it wants to you buy at 50% off. Strike 2. Full screen ad launched after I finished playing 1 game. Strike 3. I didn't bother trying game 2 to see if this deserved more play time. Bad first impression already killed it for me. I will say that the dev does get credit for being up front once you have downloaded the game about it being a lite version. Having other sites pimp it as a full game when it isn't does not help. It still wasn't enough to off-set the bad first impression to keep me from deleting it.
Actually, it's not masquerading. Though you haven't been the first one to be confused. And i understand the complaining about the price not showing, i wanted that too. You download the game itself for free, you can play on the 7 on 7 board with one AI. If you want the full version, you buy it through IAP. Didn't wind up knight 2 have a similiar system, where you got to play the first few levels for free and then had to unlock the full game through IAP? Thats what i heard, haven't played it, so don't shoot me if i'm wrong.
So I'm loving the game, but I found that it doesn't seem to support the mute button. Any chance this will be fixed?
I guess this didn't turn out to be true as the game is now paid and there is still the IAP for full unlock.
Mess continues in the Damn Little Town.. Sorry for that again - turns out that price increase that we planned at the very beginning and discarded that idea later was put in the app pricing schedule and changed automatically. This is fixed now and it should return to free again soon.
The fact that you had planned to use the pricing model that you had said you wouldn't use is a little concerning to me and the fact that you didn't change the scheduled price change ahead of time is also a little concerning. For now your game has gone on the watch list, as actions speak louder than words and the actions so far have not gained my trust.
your concerns are fair enough - real actions (like online multiplayer update) should follow in the upcoming week or two, can't say more to change your mind - it just takes some time
I absolutely love it! There's just something about this game that makes me want to play more and more. It's a great strategy board game that keeps it simple yet is completely gratifying when gaining points or better yet making the opponent lose points so you gain the lead. Plus it's a game of chance that can play against you but your skillful and strategic moves can lead you to victory. Just love it. Only reason I gave it 4 stars is because of the art style. Not appealing to the eyes.
What about a Standalone Full Version, along with this Lite Version w/IAP to Full? I think you'll get more sales with a standalone version, also would be tracked by sales sites etc.
I don't see that this tactics is used anymore in the appstore (lite-free/paid-full) - it seems - and I also think so - that keeping one single app for one game is indeed good idea. Also it seems everyone likes universal apps, rather than separate apps for iphone and ipad.