First off, read the description, "launch sale, free for a limited time", by your comment, you are ok to pay for ads in your game. I am no English major, but should have said "download free then pay to unlock". It's the principal of Devs misleading consumers, that's it. I see you love the game, but making sarcastic comments for someone stating what the dev wrote on the app description is not kosher.
Hello everyone! First of all, thank You for the async multiplayer insight. Also I have to apologise for the missleading statement in the appstore description regarding the Launch Sale. App store description is fixed, but I think it will require some time until it will actually be visible. The reason of this mess is the fact that we are not sure if we are going to leave it as free app with Full Version IAP or make it paid, but in this case no IAP will be required to get the Full Version. In any case no double payment will be required! Also please note that even current free version doesn't have tons of ads or limitations created to frustrate a player. ***Announcement *** To thank you - Everyone who gets the full version IAP now - before the first update of the game will get a Limited Edition feature in the game. No one will get it ever after the first update.
Seems like a really fun game. Desperately needs online multiplayer though! Even if only trough GameCenter. Although A.I. Is tough enough to be entertained for a while. With online multiplayer this could become a hit. iOS board games like Carcasonne are just too expensive to buy for me and my SO to play together. But this really could be it.
Clearly. There is a good chance it might be confused for one, however (especially seeing as Illya/Lumarama make comparisons to Carcassonne and cite the game as a inspiration, both in the App Store description and on their blog, Owen of PT calling it a combination of Carcassonne and Survive!, etc). Hence my comparison. Probably. Having followed the development of the game and Pocket Tactic's coverage, third-party existential confusion is not the basis for my judgement or comparisons, though. My impressions and comparisons are intended for those who have not. Neither in the App Store description nor on Lumarama's blog can I find any statements as to the intended session length, nature of the game, etc, so I assume this is your interpretation of their design philosophy. Seems accurate, though, and synchronizes well with my conclusion. It also means the game is not for me, and players with the same taste in board games. Sadly, I found the AI extremely basic, and supremely easy to outmanuever. Perhaps I'm missing a difficulty setting somewhere
This game is NOT free, it is freemium. It has ads and game modes that you can't play if you don't pay. Just saying, because the advertising about being free is misleading.
Well, I really like to keep it secret until it is out (kind of surprise). But I can tell that you should not buy IAP only because of this Limited Edition feature. It will be small, gameplay-not-affecting, styling feature. But it will differentiate early adopters from others - this also will be visible during upcoming online multiplayer to your opponents. This is just to make you look a bit special in the game and feel our Thank You!
Well, I did buy the full game upgrade 1.99 last night because I liked the game (go figure!!). However, did you see my earlier comment where I had an ad pop up in the middle of the game after I bought the upgrade? Did anyone else report this? I was hoping it was a fluke and not a bug.
This is the first report of the issue like this. Did you see this banner again after that? My guess is that the banner was already during the loading cycle when you did your purchase. But for sure you should not see it anytime again. Please let me know if you will see it again!
Thanks for your quick responses. Based on your activity here, Im willing to give you the benefit of the doubt on the pricing mix up. The game is really nice, challenging, and worth the 1.99. I hope to get better at it!
I liked it! Rules were easy to grasp, and fun to play with others. Definitely reminiscent of the Pompeii game and of Carcassonne. Always a fan of board-games on iPad. Don't let the hullabaloo about paid/unpaid descriptions get you down. It's a basic but well made app (as far as I can tell) and board game. $2 seems quite appropriate.
Can I offer some "polishing" feedback 1) Inside the app it doesnt specify how much the IAP for the full game will costs. It says 50% off but not off what. It is only after you have asked to buy it does it say. This nearly dissuaded me from buying the full version. In the UK it is currently £1.49. 2) Once bought, it still has the 'full version' button on the front page, which worried me that the purchase had failed. Keep up the good work.
Did you see the "Full Version unlocked" popup? Because it should tell you that your purchase is completed and Full Version is unlocked. You can also try to buy it again (really!) - it won't charge you second time if it is already purchased. IAP isn't consumable - so you can't buy it twice. Apple will restore your previous purchase in this case. --------------------------------------------------- Also may I ask you a question as to native British English speaker - do you think that the game title sounds offensive/rude? I've got the following feedback: "The name is low class. I can see kids picking up the phone and repeating it or saying whats this? A little shocked Apple approved it with profanity in the title." - and that's not good. I didn't even think of it from this perspective before.
We "americans" can be quite a stick in the mud about what we may call "profanity". As for the title. No. I would not want my 9 year old daughter thinking it was okay to carry on a conversation with someone of the clergy talking about the digital board game her daddy and her were playing. That conversation image is extremely vivid. "Daddy and I played this great game yesterday on his iPad" "Really! What was it called?" "Damn little town! We had so much fun" *crickets chirping, Jaw of the clergyman is unhinged... Kinda like a snake swallowing an egg* Not a moment I want to live.
I think Damn Little Town is a great name akin to "All your bases are belong to us" ilk. Sure beats your 9 yo daughter playing Deep Space Pussy.
I can confirm that the prompt to buy the full version disappears once you've paid for it, so if somebody is still seeing that option even after paying, it's a bug. Don't worry about that, seriously. The name certainly isn't "low class" by any stretch of the imagination, and in most English-speaking regions around the world the word "damn" doesn't qualify as remotely offensive or even as "profanity", for that matter. However, for the sake of grammar and a slightly less awkward impact on the ears (and less offense to the puritanical), I'd propose Damned Little Town as a title instead. "Damned" has two meanings here, the first being slang for "very" (e.g. "damned lucky" meaning "very lucky"), and the second being cursed, condemned or doomed. Thus Damned Little Town would have the double meaning of a very small town that also happens to be doomed, which fits the game perfectly. On another note, you might want to look into saving the gamestate and adding a "resume" option if the player closes the app mid-game, rather than abandoning the match entirely as happens now.
Good point Damned vs Damn. also I will say it is possible to "attempt" to hug every cat, even if you don't succeed.
Didn't even know this came out today. I just downloaded it, played a few games and bought it. Its simple, but alot of fun. Can't wait to show this to my friends. What i would like, is a difficulty setting for the AI. So far, the only game i lost was my first one. And that was because i didn't bother to read the instructions. But now i win every game. It might sound silly, but i want to get my ass kicked by an AI, just for the challenge.