My second run (quit on the first) has proven a lot more enjoyable. I'm resolutely refusing to get a clerical job, and avoided exploring whatsisface's shop for a long time. I have mostly been producing art and dreaming of shizzle, which led to some surprises, tbh. Including that thing where the WHOLE CHUFFING TABLE suddenly vanished. Nowhere near starting a cult, but doing some good stuff, and god knows why but a policeman is interested in me?!
Quick tip: if your tablet is connected to a keyboard the space bar pause/unpauses. Haven’t found any other shortcuts but this one comes handy. Great game. Between this and Star Traders I’ve had to watch a lot of you tube Let’s plays to understand lol.
Awesome tip! I always have my wireless keyboard nearbyish so I can use my Apple Pencil in one hand and mash that space bar in another. It won’t eliminate my rsi issues but it’ll sure help!
The game HAS iCloud. It perfectly sync devices too. It was probably since Out There that a story based roguelike sucked me in so much as Cultist Simulator. Lot of similarities between the two titles. Awesome game, awesome setting, perfect length runs, tons of variability and replay value. Always different stories, all procedurally/your choices generated, all super cool and mysterious. I really highly recommend the game if you are into these sort of games. And if you already have it (any platform) do yourself a favor and play it some hours even when everything seems vague/incomprensibile. Loving it.
how to cloud save and sync? i’m on the iphone, it doesnt log me in Gamecenter or give me the option to upload my save to cloud. On the ipad, where would i find the download save?
The game actually shows me the GameCenter banner both on iPad Air and iPhone X (more or less when the poem appears on screen, after the logos splash screens), maybe check if you are connected to it. I don’t have to do anything special actually. When I press continue it just continues my last save on the other device (provided you manually saved it or the game automatically saved every X minutes, which you can set in the options). If for some reason it doesn’t work (like I forgot I was on airplane mode or without network) I just close and reload the game. Works like a charm actually. You only have ONE save slot as far as I know, which is understandable because previous runs have an impact on the actual one (so don’t purge the save).
thanks, i had gamecenter off on one of my devices my 3 day run ended with damning evidence and jail, but every little thing i discover is somehow exciting even without graphics. Shame i couldnt turn the hunters to my cult...
Yes sry, it has iCloud. I had to restart the game to get my save in the cloud. Now it works. Great game so far
Has anyone played this on both PC and iPad? PC Pro's appear to be a bunch of DLC, mouse control & large monitor. iPad Pro's most likely touch interface but unsure how small the game board looks on an iPad vs monitor. Would a large monitor make it much easier to see and organize cards? Opinions welcome.
I played on iPad, PC and even iPhone quite extensively. The iPad benefits a lot from the tactile feeling of moving cards around. The main advantage of playing on a computer is being able to press space bar to instantly pause. On iOS I use the same hand to scroll, tap on cards, zoom in and out and pause and it would be nice to be more efficient. But that’s hardly a criticism.
Just noticed this because of the TA article on the sale and dlc, I was never really interested when this released. Im just wondering from comments here so does time just keep passing while you play? You can’t take your time to read the cards and what they do and decide what to do next? It’s what it looked like in the trailer that it’s rushed and with people mentioning a space bar to pause.
You can pause the game. In fact it’s highly encouraged to pause frequently. That’s part of the mechanic. On a side note, though the game is function, there seems to be a rather annoying bug. I now see an annoying animation over the top of where the play/fast forward button used to be (below the pause button in the bottom right). This icon is a continuous animation and highly annoying. Thankfully the icon still functions as if it were the play/pause button, but it just gives no UI feed back. I think this is a bug.
I’m right there with you. Doesn’t matter how polished the game is, the necessity to figure out everything by myself just wasn’t for me. I’d prefer some guidance. The ever-present “I have no idea what’s going on” factor had no appeal to me. I tried to play the game a long time ago, maybe it’s different now?
I gave up on it shortly after my first victory (around 4th afternoon) The “discover by yourself” part is ok, you just have to read how to get your 3 basic resources to do this for sure, and then you can explore what does what. I normally don’t like this type, but there are so many options that everything you do can feel new and exciting, and as long as you keep you resources up it’s mostly going ok for a long while. What made me quit is the pause. You have to pause this game more often than Baldur’s Gate 1, 2, and Icewind Dale combined. You put cards in slots and they have timers that produce effects, each one different. So put 5 slots, pause after 10 secs when the fist finishes, 5 seconds later for the second to see what it dis etc etc and it takes away from the whole experience. Oh, miss some pauses and things can go REALLY out of control. The writing is great, the music fits, the options are terrific and the victory feels almost like a soulsborne. But the pausing and lack of autopause on timer end killed it for me.