Cultist Simulator Playdigious SEIZE FORBIDDEN TREASURES. SUMMON ALIEN GODS. FEED ON YOUR DISCIPLES. BE WARNED. This game has no tutorial - part of th… TouchArcade Rating: $6.99 Buy Now Watch Media DetailsSEIZE FORBIDDEN TREASURES. SUMMON ALIEN GODS. FEED ON YOUR DISCIPLES. BE WARNED. This game has no tutorial - part of the challenge is figuring out how to play. It's hard, but keep trying, and you'll master it. Good luck! In this infamous roguelike narrative card game, play as a seeker after unholy mysteries in a 1920s-themed setting of hidden gods and secret histories. Become a scholar of the unseen arts. Craft tools and summon spirits. Indoctrinate innocents. Seize your place as the herald of a new age. Cultist Simulator was first released on PC and has more than 200,000 players all over the world. Now we’re bringing the cosmic mysteries of Cultist Simulator to mobile. • Challenging roguelike gameplay - There is never only one history. Cultist Simulator doesn’t hold your hand. Experiment, expire and transcend death with a story-driven legacy system. Over time you’ll learn enough to wrestle the game to its knees. • Intense, immersive narrative – Combine cards to tell your own story. A hefty novel’s worth of choice-based storytelling, from the creator of Fallen London and Sunless Sea. There are many paths through this game of ambition, appetite and abomination, and many ways your tale can end. • A rich Lovecraftian world – Corrupt your friends and consume your enemies. Search your dreams for sanity-twisting rituals. Translate grimoires and glean their lore. Penetrate the realm of the Hours and win a place in their service. Cultist Simulator brings the peripheral horror of Lovecraft’s tales to an entirely new setting. Expand your knowledge with the DLCs: New Legacies, New Ascensions, New Mechanics... • The Dancer - Join the Bacchanal • The Priest - Knock, and Ye Shall Be Opened • The Ghoul - Taste of the graveyard's fruit • The Exile - Some there are who will not yield If you encounter any issue with the game, please click on “Contact us” at the bottom of this page and give us as many details as possible regarding the issue and your device: Information Seller:Playdigious Genre:Card, Role Playing, Simulation Release:Apr 01, 2019 Updated:Jan 22, 2025 Version:3.6.1 Size:326.7 MB TouchArcade Rating: User Rating:Unrated Your Rating:unrated Compatibility:HD Universal Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel Echoseven Moderator Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze Jul 19, 2011 6,091 270 83 The red Skittle #2 Echoseven, Apr 1, 2019 Oh yes oh yes oh yes oh yes oh yes oh yes. This game is PHENOMENAL! Quoad Well-Known Member Apr 17, 2015 1,108 217 63 #3 Quoad, Apr 1, 2019 Omg out? Omg! Out. New iPad! Perfect timing! (But so much to do with it! And so little time!) Pitta Well-Known Member Oct 19, 2008 3,420 148 63 Male Italy #4 Pitta, Apr 1, 2019 Last edited: Apr 1, 2019 No clue about what I’m doing but liking it a lot. It’s like Fallen London: the card game. AWESOME music and great little touches here and there, like the cards subtle animations. EDIT: OK this is pretty awesome...just completed my first run. Managed to start a little cult, made some acolytes, managed to get them all arrested, escaped madness twice and in the end died of some unspoken illness. Everything started just eyeing weird books in the back of a shady bookshop... The game DRIPS of Lovecraftian love and the mechanics are actually quite brilliant. I’m moved from the ‘no clue about what I am doing’ to ‘I need this to do that (but still don’t know how to get this)’. Loving all the little touches from the music, sounds, animations, background images...what I thought were 5 minutes were actually an hour. Also, always appreciated, seamless iCloud sync and save. Great job. andsoitgoes likes this. Echoseven Moderator Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze Jul 19, 2011 6,091 270 83 The red Skittle #5 Echoseven, Apr 1, 2019 I’ve been playing this game for a few days now and good god I love it so much. It definitely takes a little time to get the hang of things but that discovery is very much part of the game. I am yet to make a successful cult! My previous playthrough accidentally ended when I settled for a dead-end job as a middle-of-the-pack clerk in a company, having dispatched the boss and taken over his position. Krzysztof the wannabe cult leader had one follower and a middling painting career. His story ended with the boss still held hostage in the cult headquarters... andsoitgoes and Gwarmaxx like this. Gwarmaxx Well-Known Member Feb 2, 2010 4,446 376 83 NCC 1701 #6 Gwarmaxx, Apr 1, 2019 i've got it, but still can't completely understand what is the philosophy/objective of the game and how events work, any tips? anyway, it's really well done and very intriguing Echoseven Moderator Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze Jul 19, 2011 6,091 270 83 The red Skittle #7 Echoseven, Apr 2, 2019 Like any well-designed board game, there are multiple endings and victory conditions. This is meant to be replayed many times and each play through will be different based on the things you find, the events you encounter, and so on. On the surface, the game simulates the life of our character. The large permanent pieces on the board are called verbs and combinations of cards can be added to verbs to activate them. One verb is the passing of time, it is endless and always requires money to support you. Every cycle of time also introduced a random event - from sickness, to love, to investigation by meddlesome law enforcement. The objective of the game is to win. But how you do that is up to you. You could, like Krzysztof (my previous character), settle into a comfortable life that’s relatively normal. Some might consider that a victory. Or you could reach ultimate enlightenment, perform a consumption ritual and become the pinnacle of faith that your cult represents. In gameplay, that comes down to establishing your cult, it’s philosophies and then doing whatever it takes to complete the rites, rituals and reach your goal. The best way to learn is to read the verbs and cards - each has an aspect (the coloured squares on each tooltip), but what helped me the most is context highlighting. Tap a verb, then a card slot and any eligible card on your table gets highlighted with a pink glow. Then you can hypothesise and experiment about what happens next. When you place a card into a slot (but don’t start the verb) the description also changes - these often give clues about what comes next. Dreaming about wealth, for example, gives you contentment which is fleeting but essential to counteract the feelings of dread. One important bit of advice - pay attention to the passing of time. The verb gets an aspect that hints at what’s about to come. Don’t do any murderising just as you’re about to get investigated! skoptic, andsoitgoes, bruab and 3 others like this. Gwarmaxx Well-Known Member Feb 2, 2010 4,446 376 83 NCC 1701 #8 Gwarmaxx, Apr 2, 2019 thanks Echo for your exhaustive explanation. Pitta Well-Known Member Oct 19, 2008 3,420 148 63 Male Italy #9 Pitta, Apr 2, 2019 Played too many hours last night and now I'm at work in a catatonic state...sorry not sorry. Wanted to sponsor the game to some friends of mine looking for description but I think I'll just link Echoseven post which explains the game incredibly well without spoiling anything...thanks Echo!!! Really really great game. briansanderson, skoptic and Echoseven like this. PBSNellie Well-Known Member Jul 7, 2013 1,381 168 63 Southern CA #10 PBSNellie, Apr 2, 2019 First impression: Reigns meets Card Crawl meets Doodle Gods....and has a baby somehow. Very cool game! andsoitgoes likes this. Repulsa Well-Known Member Jul 3, 2015 1,584 81 48 #11 Repulsa, Apr 2, 2019 Verrrry confusing, I am obsessed with the Lovecraft mythos so I had to have it but it’s pretty hard to get into. The events move too fast for me, before I finish checking out one thing two or three more have popped up :O andsoitgoes likes this. Gwarmaxx Well-Known Member Feb 2, 2010 4,446 376 83 NCC 1701 #12 Gwarmaxx, Apr 2, 2019 there's a pause option just for that! andsoitgoes likes this. ramzarules Well-Known Member Sep 13, 2014 2,112 128 63 Greece #13 ramzarules, Apr 2, 2019 wanna try it as i am all for atmospheric storytelling/ gaming, but does it go for pick up and play 15 mins -stop-continue 3 hours later sessions? Or do you have to sit and devote serious time in one sitting? Also is there an auto-pause function that you can set for certain parameters -ie you are about to lose, weapon ineffective (a la Baldur's Gate) etc? This timer running out and losing mentioned in the review isn't my style... Pitta Well-Known Member Oct 19, 2008 3,420 148 63 Male Italy #14 Pitta, Apr 2, 2019 You can play in short bursts, when you come back to the game the whole situation is in front of you. You can even check every past action you took in the single verbs. You have to remember what you were aiming for tough, especially with many cards...I solved this problem moving all relevant cards to a specific part of the board. As for the timers...have no fear. Personally I play ALWAYS on pause. I press play or fast forward just when I want specific events to happen. Then pause again, check everything, sort the board, activate new verbs, read the story...rinse and repeat. Anotherkellydown, PBSNellie and ramzarules like this. TheSilveryWolf Well-Known Member Dec 1, 2015 143 14 18 #15 TheSilveryWolf, Apr 2, 2019 I haven’t played, but from watching, I think the frantic management is reminiscent of Mini Metro. Is it like Mini Metro in that aspect? Reigns was interesting to me, but not immersive enough to be worth flipping through the same dialogue options to get to new ones. I’m hoping the management aspect of cultist sim will hook me like Mini Metro’s management did. Also wondering if the game pauses every time you’re reading text or if you have to manually pause. Regardless, I’m buying it. I’ve been looking forward to this game for a while now. Pitta Well-Known Member Oct 19, 2008 3,420 148 63 Male Italy #16 Pitta, Apr 2, 2019 Imho the game is not frantic AT ALL. I always play with time frozen. I move onward just about to reach next event. I can’t imagine anyone playing on fast forward (which you will be using a lot after you are a bit experienced). But the game moves ahead like a choose your own adventure/ turn based game, not like a frantic management game like FTL. andsoitgoes likes this. andsoitgoes Well-Known Member Jun 30, 2010 2,673 58 48 In a van, down by the river! #17 andsoitgoes, Apr 3, 2019 My only complaint is the partial integration with the X series. The navigation bar never fully goes away but i really hope the developers implement a fix. Same was for civ 6 and that got sorted. My bigger issue I think stems to my advancing age and decreasing eyesight. I think I am certainly ready for progressives at this point, as even with high contrast turned on reading the information is incredibly challenging. But in the end I love it. Deeply. I have no idea what’s going on and my first game just ended, but I also didn’t really put aside a great deal of time. Combine that with the difficulty reading and it amounted to it feeling incredibly frantic and me being incredibly confused as to what the hell I was doing. Died on my first run and was not sure how to get health or make money, but I knew going in that this was a discovery all in its own. Sort of has a scribblenauts feel going for it, too, if that makes any sense. It’s gorgeous. The actions are gorgeous. The layout is gorgeous but lord does it make me feel dumb! Lurchroboter Well-Known Member Sep 15, 2016 163 21 18 #18 Lurchroboter, Apr 3, 2019 Can anyone confirm wether the DLC they offer on steam is included? Game is great btw, still figuring out the core mechanics, but I am highly entertained. Quoad Well-Known Member Apr 17, 2015 1,108 217 63 #19 Quoad, Apr 3, 2019 I feel as if I spiked my first run by taking a Year Zero stance and refusing the clerical work of my bureaucratic overlords, opting instead for the lusty honest work of my bare bronzed hands. I’d sort of assumed that other work options might crop up, but some time later I’m still left with the option of blah blah manual labour or grovelling back to my old boss with grovel cards I don’t seem to be acquiring. Also - does anyone know why I can fill a box sometimes, but can’t press run? Are these things I’ve already done to the max? I find it a bit frustrating sometimes when trying to explore new areas / cards, only to repeatedly (and accidentally) come up with unclickable run boxes or demands for card sets im nowhere near having together. Maybe this’ll resolve with a bit more play! andsoitgoes Well-Known Member Jun 30, 2010 2,673 58 48 In a van, down by the river! #20 andsoitgoes, Apr 3, 2019 So emailed them regarding the issue on the iphone X/Xs Models, here's the reply: So... that's pretty awesome. Super fast reply and exactly what I was hoping to hear. Yeah, there's a LOT of exploration necessary to figure stuff out, but as you play through some minor things begin to make a slight bit more sense, and then you remember that if you work your "Passion" you might dabble in art, toss in some money and more passion and you could create something really interesting. I don't get 90% of it and I'm in the same boat that it's frustrating you can fill a box and not be able to start it, sometimes the flavor text in the "Verb" will explain why (eg: needs to be used with strength skill, which means you need to add that first) but other times my terrible memory will just blank on what I used previously and it's just an embarrassment. I've tried playing the same card so many times... you'd be amazed. There are some detailed wikis out there that go into options for the game, if you want to get a bit more info that might be an avenue to try? I'm seriously debating on it, not because I want to cheat but because I cannot remember a damn thing. (You must log in or sign up to post here.) Show Ignored Content Page 1 of 3 1 2 3 Next > Share This Page Tweet Your name or email address: Password: Forgot your password? Stay logged in
No clue about what I’m doing but liking it a lot. It’s like Fallen London: the card game. AWESOME music and great little touches here and there, like the cards subtle animations. EDIT: OK this is pretty awesome...just completed my first run. Managed to start a little cult, made some acolytes, managed to get them all arrested, escaped madness twice and in the end died of some unspoken illness. Everything started just eyeing weird books in the back of a shady bookshop... The game DRIPS of Lovecraftian love and the mechanics are actually quite brilliant. I’m moved from the ‘no clue about what I am doing’ to ‘I need this to do that (but still don’t know how to get this)’. Loving all the little touches from the music, sounds, animations, background images...what I thought were 5 minutes were actually an hour. Also, always appreciated, seamless iCloud sync and save. Great job.
I’ve been playing this game for a few days now and good god I love it so much. It definitely takes a little time to get the hang of things but that discovery is very much part of the game. I am yet to make a successful cult! My previous playthrough accidentally ended when I settled for a dead-end job as a middle-of-the-pack clerk in a company, having dispatched the boss and taken over his position. Krzysztof the wannabe cult leader had one follower and a middling painting career. His story ended with the boss still held hostage in the cult headquarters...
i've got it, but still can't completely understand what is the philosophy/objective of the game and how events work, any tips? anyway, it's really well done and very intriguing
Like any well-designed board game, there are multiple endings and victory conditions. This is meant to be replayed many times and each play through will be different based on the things you find, the events you encounter, and so on. On the surface, the game simulates the life of our character. The large permanent pieces on the board are called verbs and combinations of cards can be added to verbs to activate them. One verb is the passing of time, it is endless and always requires money to support you. Every cycle of time also introduced a random event - from sickness, to love, to investigation by meddlesome law enforcement. The objective of the game is to win. But how you do that is up to you. You could, like Krzysztof (my previous character), settle into a comfortable life that’s relatively normal. Some might consider that a victory. Or you could reach ultimate enlightenment, perform a consumption ritual and become the pinnacle of faith that your cult represents. In gameplay, that comes down to establishing your cult, it’s philosophies and then doing whatever it takes to complete the rites, rituals and reach your goal. The best way to learn is to read the verbs and cards - each has an aspect (the coloured squares on each tooltip), but what helped me the most is context highlighting. Tap a verb, then a card slot and any eligible card on your table gets highlighted with a pink glow. Then you can hypothesise and experiment about what happens next. When you place a card into a slot (but don’t start the verb) the description also changes - these often give clues about what comes next. Dreaming about wealth, for example, gives you contentment which is fleeting but essential to counteract the feelings of dread. One important bit of advice - pay attention to the passing of time. The verb gets an aspect that hints at what’s about to come. Don’t do any murderising just as you’re about to get investigated!
Played too many hours last night and now I'm at work in a catatonic state...sorry not sorry. Wanted to sponsor the game to some friends of mine looking for description but I think I'll just link Echoseven post which explains the game incredibly well without spoiling anything...thanks Echo!!! Really really great game.
First impression: Reigns meets Card Crawl meets Doodle Gods....and has a baby somehow. Very cool game!
Verrrry confusing, I am obsessed with the Lovecraft mythos so I had to have it but it’s pretty hard to get into. The events move too fast for me, before I finish checking out one thing two or three more have popped up :O
wanna try it as i am all for atmospheric storytelling/ gaming, but does it go for pick up and play 15 mins -stop-continue 3 hours later sessions? Or do you have to sit and devote serious time in one sitting? Also is there an auto-pause function that you can set for certain parameters -ie you are about to lose, weapon ineffective (a la Baldur's Gate) etc? This timer running out and losing mentioned in the review isn't my style...
You can play in short bursts, when you come back to the game the whole situation is in front of you. You can even check every past action you took in the single verbs. You have to remember what you were aiming for tough, especially with many cards...I solved this problem moving all relevant cards to a specific part of the board. As for the timers...have no fear. Personally I play ALWAYS on pause. I press play or fast forward just when I want specific events to happen. Then pause again, check everything, sort the board, activate new verbs, read the story...rinse and repeat.
I haven’t played, but from watching, I think the frantic management is reminiscent of Mini Metro. Is it like Mini Metro in that aspect? Reigns was interesting to me, but not immersive enough to be worth flipping through the same dialogue options to get to new ones. I’m hoping the management aspect of cultist sim will hook me like Mini Metro’s management did. Also wondering if the game pauses every time you’re reading text or if you have to manually pause. Regardless, I’m buying it. I’ve been looking forward to this game for a while now.
Imho the game is not frantic AT ALL. I always play with time frozen. I move onward just about to reach next event. I can’t imagine anyone playing on fast forward (which you will be using a lot after you are a bit experienced). But the game moves ahead like a choose your own adventure/ turn based game, not like a frantic management game like FTL.
My only complaint is the partial integration with the X series. The navigation bar never fully goes away but i really hope the developers implement a fix. Same was for civ 6 and that got sorted. My bigger issue I think stems to my advancing age and decreasing eyesight. I think I am certainly ready for progressives at this point, as even with high contrast turned on reading the information is incredibly challenging. But in the end I love it. Deeply. I have no idea what’s going on and my first game just ended, but I also didn’t really put aside a great deal of time. Combine that with the difficulty reading and it amounted to it feeling incredibly frantic and me being incredibly confused as to what the hell I was doing. Died on my first run and was not sure how to get health or make money, but I knew going in that this was a discovery all in its own. Sort of has a scribblenauts feel going for it, too, if that makes any sense. It’s gorgeous. The actions are gorgeous. The layout is gorgeous but lord does it make me feel dumb!
Can anyone confirm wether the DLC they offer on steam is included? Game is great btw, still figuring out the core mechanics, but I am highly entertained.
I feel as if I spiked my first run by taking a Year Zero stance and refusing the clerical work of my bureaucratic overlords, opting instead for the lusty honest work of my bare bronzed hands. I’d sort of assumed that other work options might crop up, but some time later I’m still left with the option of blah blah manual labour or grovelling back to my old boss with grovel cards I don’t seem to be acquiring. Also - does anyone know why I can fill a box sometimes, but can’t press run? Are these things I’ve already done to the max? I find it a bit frustrating sometimes when trying to explore new areas / cards, only to repeatedly (and accidentally) come up with unclickable run boxes or demands for card sets im nowhere near having together. Maybe this’ll resolve with a bit more play!
So emailed them regarding the issue on the iphone X/Xs Models, here's the reply: So... that's pretty awesome. Super fast reply and exactly what I was hoping to hear. Yeah, there's a LOT of exploration necessary to figure stuff out, but as you play through some minor things begin to make a slight bit more sense, and then you remember that if you work your "Passion" you might dabble in art, toss in some money and more passion and you could create something really interesting. I don't get 90% of it and I'm in the same boat that it's frustrating you can fill a box and not be able to start it, sometimes the flavor text in the "Verb" will explain why (eg: needs to be used with strength skill, which means you need to add that first) but other times my terrible memory will just blank on what I used previously and it's just an embarrassment. I've tried playing the same card so many times... you'd be amazed. There are some detailed wikis out there that go into options for the game, if you want to get a bit more info that might be an avenue to try? I'm seriously debating on it, not because I want to cheat but because I cannot remember a damn thing.