Universal Cubiques 2 - A sequel of a featured iOS and MAC Game coming back to the App Store

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by dilmer, Aug 27, 2017.

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  1. dilmer

    dilmer Active Member

    Jun 1, 2017
    CEO / Lead Game Developer
    Salt Lake City, UT USA
    Hi everyone!

    I wanted to let everyone know that Cubiques 2 is coming to the App Store for iOS (iPhone / iPADs) and MAC September 28th, 2017.

    As you may know, Cubiques got featured worldwide and I received a lot positive comments and many mobile gamers wanted to see a new version.

    Today, I am happy to announce that Cubiques 2 is complete and that it took me exactly 35 days to be completed. As I mentioned previously in the previous version, I did all the programming, graphic design, animations, and marketing. I also have been pushing my own boundaries and try to deliver a much beautiful minimalistic indie game and I hope everyone enjoy playing it as much as I do.

    Here I leave you with few in game screenshots which can also be found under http://www.cubiquesgame.com/2 and an App Preview (or trailer).

    Anyhow thanks again and I would love your feedback :)



    IMG_0909.jpg IMG_0910.jpg IMG_0911.jpg
    IMG_0913.jpg IMG_0915.jpg Screenshot.png

    Dilmer Games Studio History

    Thank you very much for your support !
  2. dilmer

    dilmer Active Member

    Jun 1, 2017
    CEO / Lead Game Developer
    Salt Lake City, UT USA
  3. dilmer

    dilmer Active Member

    Jun 1, 2017
    CEO / Lead Game Developer
    Salt Lake City, UT USA

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