A few of these are definitely in already, I just can't tell you which one's yet ; ) I will give you fine gentlemen uh, and ladies (are there ladies around here!?) a few days to help me sort this out. Speak now or STFU forever! haha
I vote for RTFM, second choice is Are you still there? Hmm..there must be more lines you can get from Portal....
i get the gist, but what exactly does 'CS.One' mean? RTFM is classic, but i prefer something a little more subtle and less antagonising, yet equally as insulting, especially to lazy gets - Google is your friend and http://tinyurl.com/b4uh59
CS.One is Circuit Strike.one. I voted for Epic Phail, but I think it should be changed to Tepic Phail. Add one: u g0t pwn3d by a l33t hax0r
Ahh ok i thought you were digging up insults from playing counter strike one back in the day. Lol Yeah i love the 'are you still there' suggestion. That made me laugh.