Also they have to switch to a city to bring it to consoles. The tropical island from the original had an insane polygon count (over 2 million polygons outdoors) while consoles are limited to ~500,000 at 30 FPS. To make it multiplatform they had to make the environment less hardware intensive. However it still looks fantastic.
I prefer this environment so it's win-win for me Although Far Cry Instincts looked utterly amazing, took place in a jungle and was released on the original Xbox.
That doesn't matter, it looked epic. Still does, for an Xbox game, as does Predator. Many considered the gameplay to be better than the original Far Cry. It had definitely been through a lot of refinement.
I was gonna say the same thing. Practically every CoD game can be finished in 6 hours or under, 8+ hours is almost considered lengthy for an FPS... 13 is easily above average.
I'm not comparing it to CoD. Think about it from my angle. I get 12 hours of play-that's it. I'm not interested in multiplayer, because I have BFBC2. I'm not comparing campaign to campaign-I'm comparing the amount of time I invest in the game. I have put 50 hours into BFBC2. It only has a 5 hour campaign, but that's irrelevant because of the multiplayer. Crysis 2 has no such attraction-and thus paying 5 bucks an hour seems a bit steep Do you see what I'm saying?
Can't wait. I was really worried with the bad reports of the console versions during previews, but all the reviews are saying it still runs well. I'm going to pick it up tomorrow. To those who are complaining about the SP only being 12 hours... Wow. That is a long campaign for a FPS, plus it has a very deep multiplayer mode. I hope this does well against call of duty. CoD needs to step up their game. My one concern- Mixed reports on the subject of MP balancing. Some are saying that snipers are too powerful, while others are saying snipers are weak and shotguns are too powerful. The thing I really love about the idea for this game is the choice of path and upgrades. I LOVED Rachet and Clank because of upgrading, so I'm sure I'll love this. Have a PS3 and wanna play Crysis 2? Add me- Huss101
Yeah I understand, but I still see it differently to you I'm not sure I'll play multiplayer either, but it's a day-one sell for me. Even if I end up paying £37 for 13 hours that's a far better deal than spending £15 for a mere 90 minutes at a cinema. Anything else is a bonus. I'll probably go through on a harder difficulty, grab some trophies... then come back and play it again a year later.
If you've ever played Crysis you would know that the campaign is not like other campaigns. It's insanely replayable. They give you wide areas for planning out your attack and tons of different options. You can go Stealth with Cloak Engagded and slowly snipe them or melee them or walk right in with armor mode engaged. And if you use the visors you are given, they give you at least 5 different ways to do every part of every mission, unlike games like CoD and Battlefield, in which your only option is to shoot that the AI in a pre definied path in a pre defined way. So many different single player suit unlocks like air stomp and on the fly weapon customization. They could literally give you one mission and you could play it 10 different times over each time in a completely new and enjoyable way. Yes I primarily have Battlefield for multiplayer too, but I've logged over 40 hours into the Crysis 1 campaign which takes ~8 hours for a single playthrough.
Admittedly, I have not played Crysis. If what you're saying is true, and based on the excellent reviews, the game probably is worth its price tag. It looks like a damn fun game, and I didn't realize it had re playability value
Haha, you guys have really convinced me into wanting to get this game. As have the video reviews showing off the insane graphics I think this might be the best looking video game in history
After playing it for a good hour or two, I can confidently say this is my favorite shooter for the 360.
Does anyone find the spawn in mp a little annoying? I was playing some instant action and 16 players is no fun on a small map when you die 5-10 seconds later Also some people like to hide with cloak on in corners, kind of lame but just turn on nano vision and BAM!
Nanovision in multiplayer? Ce n'est pas possible, n'est-ce pas? D: The spawns were pissing my friend off, that's for sure. It was actually really frustrating. He was glowing about the game and talking on and on about how cool it is, how robust the unlockables are, how strategic the game can get... and then for half an hour straight he was drinking more haterade than I drink Diet Coke, and that's an eff-ton. He was getting so pissed off, and eventually threw his controller (I heard it on the mic). Then he left... I personally don't get frustrated with games much. I used to, but I no longer let them get the best of me. If they start to, I just turn it off and move to something more relaxing, or just stop playing games altogether for the time being. That being said, I have been having trouble with the spawns. Maybe it is due some of the maps' small size, but I also find myself dying mere seconds after spawning, sometimes it seems very unfairly. I have been turning into a bit of a sad llama when I have armor on and they kill me in three shots, yet when I fire at them and they don't have armor I shoot them ten times and they still don't die. Maybe it's lag, though... but after Halo: Reach's awesome solution to "lag" that pretty much alleviates the need for connection host and whatnot, I'm shocked Crysis 2 didn't adopt a similar system. Man that was a giant post for what is essentially an "I agree " response... I'm sorry for getting carried away aha As for Crysis 2, I wasn't interested in it until yesterday when I was riding the Impulse train hot and heavy to Purchaseville. My friend told me about how it's quite open-ended, and there are several different solutions to each situation, plus you can play as a stealthy banana or a Rambo-esque llama. That kind of non-linearity, mixed with the Armor/Stealth system, as well as the upgrade system, sounded like just the kind of innovation the stale FPS genre needed right about now, so I gave it a chance, and boy am I glad I did `
The spawn thing does sound like it could use some work. I don't know how good Crytek are with user-feedback and making adjustments post-release. Anyone?
Well with the oringal game they were very good with patching the multiplayer portions based on user complaints...hopefulyl they will act similarly now.
Ahh.. Just picked up my limited edition copy but I need to get up early tomorrow so I need to go to bed... Tomorrow though! if you wanna play my PSN id is Huss101