I had never heard of this until today. Based on the strong comments I bought..and LOVE. Who would have thought you could successfully mix disco and dungeons?
Own this on steam and ps4.. It's freaking excellent! Everyone should buy this, seriously.. It's that good.. Guess I'll have this on 3 platforms now #####
THIS GAME IS SO AMAZING! It's music alone is reason enough to buy it. Great game own it on Steam and now on iOS. Get this game people.
No way, what's going on here!? Must cop now!!! I had this on my wishlist for iOS and wasn't expecting this. Finally!!!!!!! Thanks a lot for the release guys!!!##
Is this endless or is there a goal that your reaching for? I'm much more a fan of roguelikes where there is a specific level your trying to get to or treasure to find.
Fantastic game,the only problem is that I usually play without sound outside, now I'll have to turn it on And a quick tip, there are things you have shortcuts for, for example throwing a knife or using a spell, you don't have to press them. While swipe is in my opinion the most comfortable control option, I recommend the Dpad to use the shortcuts.
Whoa! I just realized you CAN just hit those little icons to cast spells/performs special actions! I was so programmed from the PC version where you only could use the special shortcuts which my feeble 48byear old brain can't pull off (hit both left and right simultaeously, worse yet, do it to the beat).
Perfect port of an incredible game. I'm actually better at the game on mobile than I am on PC. I'd like to see a transparency slider for the d-pad controls, though. Anyone know how to delete saved replays?
How does this play on the iPhone 6? Is it too small for the eyes? I was intrigued by this on steam but I'm not a huge PC gamer ( console ) so I ended up never picking it up. I'd love to support these devs but I feel like it might be a bit small for these eyes considering the amount of required rhythm work.
According to a dude earlier in the thread he says it plays beautifully and easy on a iPhone SE and that's smaller then the 6 so I think you two are good to go.
osom! surprised was they released it (didn't hear anything about it until now - for mobile). can't wait to try it. had it on steam, now it's time to lose time again with it
I had no idea this was even being ported to iOS. I have it on PS4 and it's freaking amazing. This game is an INSTA-DontEvenThinkAboutItJustFreakingGetItRightNowWhatAreYouWaitingFor-BUY!
My apologies for the noob question, do you need sound to play? I know it says "to the beat", but sometimes play at work during lunch and don't want to make too much noise lol
You absolutely do...unless you play as Bard. Still, it's the combination of the game itself plus the incredible soundtrack that make the experience, so always try to play with sound on. Go get it. Nao.