Personally really disappointed to see this on the AppStore below 300 in the daily ranks (according to AppAnnie). Such an original and well reviewed game deserves better. It also doesn't help the cause to release premium games on mobile. The future, alas, is reserved for F2P.
To be fair, you're not doing it any favours by only rating 4 stars when it's clearly a 5 star game! # #
True although (1) 4-stars is pretty darn good! and (2) I dropped a star because I feel there is something a little off with the d-pad controls, my preferred type. I think the buttons are s little unresponsive at times which could be for their size. It can sometimes be very frustrating if it ruins a good run. A page back in this thread I suggested I would have liked to be able to position and resize them manually. Still, I might take your suggestion and amend it to 5!
I'm really glad you've mentioned that - I thought the dpad thing was just me. I've definitely experienced the non/delayed response at times. I sometimes wonder if it's my device doing something else in the background but would be surprised if that was the case, it's an iPhone 6S so should have enough grunt for multi tasking. Sometimes I wonder if it's misplacement of my thumb presses but at other times, I'm confident I've struck the direction it's the game at fault. Only lasts for a couple of presses and then seems to sort itself out again. Iirc, the PC version had a mini calibration process at the beginning just to make sure it was compensating for differences between the beat and the key press - I wonder if the game is doing something like that on the fly, could be an attempt by the game to resync the music stream with the on screen heart beats, thereby throwing the timing out?
Timing is a bit off for me as well using the dpad.. Rarely am I able to use items without skipping a beat, which could really mess up a run.. The swipe controls never work though and I haven't tried the other control scheme yet... Whatever, I'm just happy being able to play this anywhere I go
Bought on steam to play with dance pads (used to play Stepmania/DDR): lots of fun! Other night I went from playing on dance pads to playing in bed on phone
Yes I also sometimes think I've pressed the d-pad and get no action. I usually blame the button size but maybe it's something else, maybe it's just not responsive for some coding problem. I'm using an iPhone 6S and an iPad Pro 9.7 both with the latest iOS so it's definitely not due to old devices. The thing is, the game is so good, I'm still having a jolly good time although I'm sure it could be even jollier!
I see everyone talking about the coin multiplier but have some questions: 1) how do I know when it has activated for me? I see no notification, only a notification when it is lost. 2) how do I know how much it is multiplying by? If i knew it was like 0.5 then I wouldn't stress over it and risk jumping into stupid vulnerable places just for the beat. Thanks in advance.
1. You activate it by killing a monster. The floor starts flashing disco-like, with many colors. If it stops and goes back to brown, you've lost the combo. This happens when you either skip a beat or hit a wall you can't destroy. EDIT: Or if you kill the mini-boss and the song ends - you then move on to the next floor with no combo. You can tell a song is about to end as the beat lines, the ones moving towards the heart, start turning red. 2. In the bottom center of the screen you can see that it says coin multiplier and its value. Hope this helps!
...not really into music games, however intrigued by this one. Still enjoyable to someone like myself?
Ok, you've never steered me wrong. I'll come back and post impressions from a non-musical gamers perspective...
Just play as the Bard (no rhythm required) initially so you can get the hang of things without worrying about the beat as well.
I'm just playing with the default character, so far, and what I'm not "getting" is how timing my movements to the beat has any effect. I understand that being on the right square of ground at the right time is relevant in anticipation of enemy movement, but it seems I can just move anywhere at any time without I missing something? Maybe it delays movement when you miss a beat, but I'm not noticing it.
Keeping the beat keeps your coin multiplier going. This can be beneficial as you get further into the levels as there's some nice, but expensive, equipment to get. It also is how the enemies move. So no, you don't have to be on the beat or move on it. Enemies will, and you'll get more money if you work at it on rhythm. Also there are weapons which are powered by the multiplier. Imagine having a bow and arrow that can approach 4x power per shot. Same goes for shovels, things often work on that. Plus with the bard, it's more standard roguelike where enemies move when you do, not along the time of the beat.
Excellent explanation! Thank you. I noticed the "coin multiplier lost" tag many times, I just didn't make the connection. I really like the game...$5 very well spent.
In a room with an infinite number of monkeys and an infinite number of typewriters....? The 1 in a billion chance, a procedurally generated dungeon will be created where you're screwed from the start? I'm guessing that unless it's written in to the code that a scenraio like that should be redrawn on the off chance it's created randomly, then the game is still going to plonk you in the middle of it, unaware you can't proceed......simple problem to fix, the Devs just need to give CotND sentience.....2 minute job in GameMaker! #
You must've had the Crown of Teleportation, right? When you have the Crown, if you take damage you are teleported to the shop and the damage is prevented. Unfortunately you didn't have a bomb or a better shovel so you got stuck because of this strange layout. For MOST characters, this would be ok because when the song ends you'll still advance to the next level. But for Bard if the song ends, it just loops. So yes, when playing Bard, there are some very rare occurrences that can get you stuck, requiring you to use the menu to restart the run. Sorry about that!
I'm blown away by how good this game is. Seriously this needs to be in every IOS gamer's collection. Everything here screams quality and there's lots of fun upgrades and plenty of options for different gaming styles. Question - I am not used to using icloud. In fact, I'm only using it now due to this game; I want to sync my tablet savegame with my phone. How does it work? I enabled icloud in the options but I don't know how to actually upload the save file (or download it). Thanks!