While I have yet to even clear the game on Easy, I managed to accidentally unlock the new DLC (only on PC at this point) character's 3rd tier incarnation! A very twisted ability that essentially converts her pain into a nasty blast.
Blargh! Stop teasing us iPad mortals! (Although, at this point I might just need to double dip and pick it up on PC lol )
I started with Normal mode and that's all I have played. Try not to get frustrated at first and learn by playing. At first, I focused more on unlocking the tiers for the Hero and Mercs more than winning the game. Now, I rarely lose (by the Hero dying) but still have lots of fun after 80+ hours. Each play through can be quite different. Hope you have a great time!
Thanks for the tips! Like all roguelike games things can fall apart quickly. One minute you're in the best position ever the next minute your hanging on for dear life. I like your idea because the game really pressures you to move forward.
Yes, an original take on food, in a way. I think all great roguelikes need a good "pressure to keep moving" or you can just camp out in the first area until you're a god with no real challenge.
Great game, definitely a must-buy. I think the ending is... Interesting. To anyone that hasn't seen it, the outcome for your character is much better if you take more than 18 days. It's counterintuitive. I was really weirded out at first, but now I think I get it. The moral of the story is that kings are jerks, why would you want to help one ? Now I make it a point to take my time and sell those boots that speed things up if I get them. It makes the journey to the end much more enjoyable, it makes the game much easier, and now I feel happy when they kill the king. Screw that guy !
At this point very little. The PC/Mac/Linux versions do have an additional DLC that has yet to hit the iOS version that adds a new Druid mercenary, undead baddies, and quests for each of the mercenaries, but that should also drop here too in the near future (not sure if it is still weeks or months away).
I still wish they would add a HARD difficluty setting. Game has become easy after all characters and powers unlocked. Making enemies stronger or limiting the party should do the trick and make the game (even) more replayble. Amazing game, still. Love it!
I agree with you on this. Maybe if/when they add the new content there will be other changes as well.
I hope so. I've really never made it that far on either the PC or iOS versions, but have to say, if anything I fear the expansion may have made stuff easier...but maybe that was just to get one ready for a much tougher end battle which I had never got to yet.
Yeah one of the top titles! Pretty nice concept and technical battles. New content is greatly appreciated
This might have been mentioned here before. Bulwark Studio confirmed they're planning to release the Undead Undertakings content later this year. Hopefully there will be some more news on it soon.