Wow the graphics on this game are great. In fact I might say it is the best that I've seen on the new ipad! A great game, a must buy at this price for sure! It really has a magical feel to it. So long from the Connector!
Gah! Hate the 'so long from the Connector' crap... Stick it n your sig if you really NEED to call yourself your member name... THE SYNTHETICVOID SAYS SO... GAG!
Love this game so far, but don't understand why it takes much longer than other games to connect to Gamecenter. Worth the wait I guess. Just odd. Also wish that you could battle whatever the monster is in a particular area and still explore it to get remaining trinkets and stuff. Don't know how many times I've hit the "fight" button and then end up with a poor score because I didn't collect everything prior to it. Not sure if it'll be a keeper after the first gameplay (curious though how much the "decisions" you make affect the game). But it's well worth the $.99 and probably the original price tag as well.
"THE SYNTHETICVOID SAYS SO... " By your command... But anyway this crow game is cool, I like how they paid attention to all the little details especially the graphics. I hope they make the Crow 2 someday.
Yeah, I just went to the reviews, and it's very mixed. It seems the positives that seen to be mentioned are the gorgeous graphics and details. The negatives seem to be the poor controls, kind of redundant play, short game, and high price at $5. Well, goes it says it's on sale til sunday, and at one buck, I still think it is a good deal. It is big though at 1/2 a gig. I was thinking this is a good game for the new ipad. I could see on an iphone that the controls would be bad and the graphics not that great. However on the new retina ipad, this game is gorgeous, one that I would show to my friends. So at one buck, I would say give it a try, I think it's worth it. Maybe one of these games I will try to put it on my iphone, but only epic games like donpachi, cut the rope, beat hazard, or infinity field get on there with only 8 gigs.
I've read my fair share of reviews, that was the reason for me to hold back on the game when it was first released. But now, with such a sale price! Well, what better way to see if the game is good! grabbed myself the game for 99cents!
Can anyone confirm whether the negative reviews are justified or it's people just being picky (or had expectations that were too high given all the positive reviews and comments from the major review websites). Cheers.
I think it's a fantastic game for $.99. Yes, it is kind of repetitve and the combat isn't very deep. I'm kind of glad I didn't pay the original $4.99 asking price, but I definately think it's a fun experience for a buck. The graphics and originality are worth it.
I have been trying to get into this, but I think I'm in the negative review category. The game is pretty boring, especially the parts where you fly around randomly and stumble across invisible things you tap to get some not interesting to me story. And really the combat parts are only marginally better. I'm glad I didn't pay the original price, but I also am not terribly thrilled for paying 99 cents for it. Oh well.
I'm also in the negative category - Bored me to tears to be honest, it looks great but there's no real gameplay to speak of. I feel a bit cheap suggesting that something isn't worth 69p (or a dollar) especially when its obviously had so much work put into it, but I honestly wouldn't recommend it
Finished the game today. I'll still stand by my statement that I think it's well worth the $.99. It was definately overhyped, short and too easy, but I enjoyed it - just not enough to play through it a second time even if it is a bit different with the choices you make. Didn't die a single time.
Okay, well when I first bought the game for $0.99 I thought that I made a mistake. I couldn't believe that they had been asking $2.99 for it. It just seemed really confusing, without clear instructions. However, after I played for about 15 minutes I really started to get into it. The longer you play the more complex the story and gameplay become. I've just gotten to the second quest, (The Giant) and I'm really enjoying it. The graphics also help make this game awesome. Definaltly worth $0.99 or $2.99!
When hard mode is enabled, the challenge jacks up immensely. Two hits in quick secession and you're dead.
Thank you for your input/thoughts on Crow. Despite the positive comments I've been reading throughout this thread I've decided to give it a miss due to the mixed reviews I've seen on the App Store in both the UK and USA, the apparent lack of replayability and the file size of the game regardless of the fact that it only costs 69p. Hopefully Crow 2 will iron out the flaws, offer free roam and be a bit longer.