I must say, I never thought of a Frogger endless runner. Bravo to the devs for having something different
Really lovely game! It has the perfect blend of 'one more go', cute graphics and humour. The goat is my go-to character- I love his bleats! Just out of interest, is there a way to avoid the eagle?
As far as I can tell, Spoiler keep moving forward and don't hang around for too long . I'm enjoying this far more than I thought I would. It's worth playing with headphones too. The stereo effects as trucks and train fly by you are perfect. (Never thought I'd be praising a Frogger game for its sound design.)
Sorry was rather busy yesterday as you can imagine! The penguin is currently the only character that does a true world switch. We'll play around with this more in future updates. Frankenstein, Zombie, Wolf and Vampire mess around with the lighting a little. Gravedigger and Ghost (who are 'twins') change the lighting a lot! Now - for the secret unlock: Spoiler To unlock Hipster Whale, you must jump on the back of a Hipster Whale if you see one in the river.
I just got The Baller...twice! That wasn't fun. Do unlocked characters come back up randomly or is this a bug? Edit: I've got The Baller 3 times. It seems to happen after I open a gift.
That would be awesome...trade with friends. My high score is currently 90. I like seeing the friends leaderboard inside the game.
Frankenstein is pretty cool too, anyone know what up with Doge the dog??? Oh and 152 so far got Forget me not too
We've been chatting about this. We are tracking the number of duplicates you have collected and we'll try to figure out something we can do there
Here's a little (60FPS) video I put together of Forget-Me-Not in action. Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel
This game is too damn addictive! Top score of 269 so far! Must beat it. Must get more characters! (Lovin the gravedigger character! Turns the game to night mode!)
Every 4-5 duplicates, combine them genetically to achieve a special character only achievable this way just an idea...