What a wonderful surprise! I can't stop playing and trying to improve my score If any more characters are going to be added in a future update could the devs please add a cute squirrel. I have a soft spot in my heart for squirrels. Thanks!
This game and Checkpoint Champion are my 2 hit games for this year (arcade category) kudos to those 2 studios. My GOTY 2014 still Terra Battle.
I'm using Crazy Ol' Ben, he's nuts lol. I need more friends to compare runs with though, please add me on GameCenter, my name is Studepaber (current best is 160ish)
Tried to friend you on GC but couldn't find you on the leaderboard? Will try again later....have to go shovel some snow now
Now this is what iOS gaming is all about. I hope they change the icon from the chicken to one of their cooler characters. I think the FtP method they're using is perfect and a lot of other Devs could learn from this game how to do it right. Great game!
This is stunning, especially for free. I'd have gladly paid, too. The way the IAP is done is subtle and not pushy -- a great example to all those unscrupulous game devs out there! I've only just made it past 100 -- the first time I was 'timed-out' was hilarious -- and I love getting to three or four railway tracks in a row and having to navigate them with milliseconds to spare!
Hey thanks, I just checked GC and there's no invitation yet...maybe it takes a little while to show up, will accept as soon as it shows up# Cheers!
I purchased the Epoch character to support the devs. He's pretty cool Spoiler blows stuff up with his gun, sometimes completely removing it from in front of you which can help
Best so far is 231 - all devs need to take note of how to do a free-to-play game properly like this. Oozes production quality, all the animations, the lighting, the Uni-horse has a glow which even glows against trees and off passing vehicles, attention to detail on this game is unreal. This game is just so good that you'd be stupid not to cough up a few 69p IAP characters to support this developer. GOTW for me easily.
Spoiler It unlocked right after I had a "Great Run", so I assume you have to have between three to five great runs. (I had lost count of how many I had but at least three) A great run is a score of over 55. This is a guess of course.